Moscow hit by record snowfall – Such extreme drifts have not been seen for more than a century, Russia’s top meteorologist has said-Must Be Al Gore’s & Greta Rothschild’s Man Made Global Warming

As Al (Lurch) Gore caterwauls of coastal cities being submerged because of man made global warming and Greta Rothschild screams of humanity ceasing to exist because of man made global warming if they do not stop using fossil fuels so there is more jet fuel for her and Gore to globe trot with their man made global warming duet in their private jets, record snow falls in Moscow which have not been seen or at least one hundred years are ongoing.

Gore wants folks to send him money to buy carbon credits to stop global warming so he can turn the heat up in his mansions.

Great Rothschild wants some more money transferred from her Rothschild kin’s organizations so she can buy some snazzy winter snow suits and skis.

The Ole Dog!


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