Posts Tagged ‘gaffe’

The “gaffe machine” strikes again: Biden forgets what century it is

(NaturalNews) In a recent joint press conference in the White House Rose Garden alongside Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, President Joe Biden committed yet… Source

Gaffe as George W Bush slams Russia’s ‘wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq’

Freudian slip?

Biden’s Taiwan gaffe meant no harm

China-Russia naval exercise Joint Sea-2021 kicked off in Russia’s Peter the Great Bay on October 14 focusing on mine countermeasures, air defence, live-fire shooting, maneuvering & anti-submarine mission The probability is that the US President Joe Biden committed yet another diplomatic gaffe at a CNN town hall last Thursday that Washington had a commitment to […]

Michel and von der Leyen to face MEPs after ‘Sofagate’ gaffe in Turkey

EU leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel will face MEPs on Tuesday over a major gaffe during a visit to Turkey. Footage of their meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan showed Michel and Turkey’s president take the two top seats. Von der Leyen, who is Michel’s equal, looked awkwardly for a seat before retiring […]

Blinken’s Holocaust Gaffe

Was Breckinridge Long our 32nd president, rather than Franklin Roosevelt? From Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent remarks, one could erroneously conclude that it was actually Assistant Secretary of State Long, not President Roosevelt, who decided American immigration policy in the 1930s and 1940s, and Long, not Roosevelt, who decided that the U.S. should refrain […]

EU top official regrets ‘mistakes’ over vaccine export gaffe

The European Union’s top official expressed regret for creating a row with Britain last month when the bloc briefly considered applying an emergency restriction on exports of COVID-19 vaccines also to the U.K.’s Northern Ireland Amid a dispute with Anglo-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca, the EU introduced tighter rules on exports of COVID-19 vaccines that could hit […]

UK COLUMN: Palestine, UAE, Syria and the Boris Johnson ‘Gaffe’ – with Vanessa Beeley

21st Century Wire says… Vanessa Beeley joins Mike Robinson and Brian Gerrish for a discussion on the developments in Palestine, the reconstruction of Syria and Boris Johnson’s extraordianary and tasteless statements on the corporate elite plunder of Libya’s failed state – courtesy of NATO state illegitimate, military meddling. WATCH:  *** SUPPORT 21WIRE – SUBSCRIBE & BECOME […]

Sisi, Kuwaiti Justice Minister discuss counter-terrorism

TCP : President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi met with Kuwaiti Justice Minister Yacoub Al Sanea to discuss counter-terrorism efforts that will be on the agenda of the Justice Arab Ministers meeting facilitated by the Arab League Wednesday, the Presidential office said in a statement. President Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi – YOUM7 “President Sisi stressed the necessity of […]

Nazi flag sparks anger in Sweden on Hitler’s birthday

From: Residents were shocked to see the flag, understood to have been a Nazi swastika banner, flying from one of the official flagpoles next to Vetlanda town hall in southern Sweden in the morning. The local authority reported that a security guard had contacted council janitorial staff after discovering it […]

Britain: Bulk Personal Datasets

Britain: Bulk Personal Datasets April 22nd, 2016 Via: Ars Technica: The UK’s intelligence agencies (MI5, MI6, and GCHQ) are spying on everything you do, and with only the flimsiest of safeguards in place to prevent abuse, according to more than a thousand pages of […]

Firms that Paid for Clinton Speeches Have U.S. Government Interests

Firms that Paid for Clinton Speeches Have U.S. Government Interests April 22nd, 2016 Well holy shit. Thanks, Captain! Via: AP: It’s not just Wall Street banks. Most companies and groups that paid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have […]

Today Dr. Duke explains the delegate selection process and how it is corrupt

Today Dr. Duke explains that delegate selection process and how it is corrupt Today Dr. Duke focused on the nuts and bolts of the delegate selection process. He played a clip of a Sean Hannity interview with Ted Cruz in which Cruz first insisted that voters don’t care about the integrity of the voting […]

Killings of Palestinians in West Bank hit 10-year high

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 8 January 2016 Palestinians carry the body of Ahmad Kawazba during his funeral in the West Bank village of Sair near Hebron on 6 January. The teenager was shot dead the day before by Israeli forces who say he attempted to stab a soldier. Wisam Hashlamoun APA images The first […]

Australia’s Rudd refers to himself as PM in gaffe

(AFP) – 2 hours ago  SYDNEY — Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd did little to hose down speculation that he wanted his old job back when he referred to himself as prime minister in a radio interview. Rudd was dumped as leader in a shock Labor Party coup led by his then-deputy Julia Gillard in June […]

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