Posts Tagged ‘911’

The Pokemon Zombie Apocalypse: Hoards of Mindless Sheeple Stampede Anywhere the Masters Summon Them

Hoards of mindless sheeple stampede anywhere the puppet masters plant fictitious monsters by Mike Adams By now, you’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the new “hybrid reality” mobile app game that overlays real world geographic locations with virtual monsters that are collected for points. What you may not yet know is that the game was […]

‘We Can Stand Together’: Protesters Prep For Cleveland As RNC Nears

Print Friendly Above Photo: The RNC will take place from July 18-21 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo: Erik Drost/flickr/cc) About 50,000 people are expected to take part in protests and rallies for the four days of the convention Cleveland, Ohio is preparing for what many expect to be a volatile Republican National Convention (RNC) on Monday, as protesters […]

Crimes of Genocide against the Serbian People. Croatia’s Fascist World War II Janesovac Camp. Criminal Complaint against Film Director of Jasenovac Documentary

Scientists Hold Emergency Jet Stream Meeting, “No Summer For UK”

Climate scientists have called for an emergency meeting after “unprecedented” data showed the Jet Stream crossing the equator.  The scientists have expressed alarm, saying that the passing of the the Northern Hemisphere Jet Stream over the Equator “should not happen in a normal world”. The climate behaviour does explain why the UK is very unlikely to […]


by Jonathan Azaziah Here we go again. Zionist media rolls out a narrative and like clockwork, the lemmings sickeningly and predictably start their French-flag-waving and “Pray For Nice” social media campaigns. Well. I’m not going to do that nor am I going to declare one scintilla of solidarity with France. In fact… FUCK FRANCE. To […]

Baton Rouge, Minneapolis And Dallas Through A Father’s Eyes

Print Friendly Above Photo: People attend a vigil in Harlem, July 8, 2016. (Photo by Volkan Furuncu/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) “The first rule we teach our children as a matter of survival is, ‘Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police.’ We know that it may not save them anymore than it saved Philando Castile, but […]

Iranian Speaker felicitates Turkey on victory of people’s will over coup plotters

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in a message to his Turkish counterpart Ismail Kahraman congratulated him and the nation on their victory over those who sought to topple the government through a coup in the last 24 hours. “With great pleasure, I am willing to felicitate you, the respectful MPs and the Turkish […]

United Nations To Impose Martial Law In US

The United Nations have been authorized to deploy foreign troops to American soil under the banner of the U.N. flag to install martial law in the United States.  The U.N. are here to take away citizen’s guns and send user dissidents into FEMA camps. reports: The following is from the Associated Press  It validates […]

Staged American Witnesses, Fake Blood, and Fake Wounded in Nice Truck Attack Hoax

Staged American Witnesses, Fake Blood, and Fake Wounded in Nice Truck Attack Hoax What is a Washington, D.C., so-called think-tank agent, Mark Krikorian doing being a star witness for the obviously arch-staged purported Nice civilian truck attack? It fully demonstrates that there was no such attack and that, rather, it is all merely fabricated, a […]

Erdogan Blames Gulenist Network, Calls on Public to Fight in Public Squares

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a brief statement via CNN Turk calling on the country’s people to fight back against what he called a Gulenist network effort to undermine the country’s democracy. In the statement, Erdogan urged citizens to wage conflict and take to the streets in protest. Turkey remains in a state of martial law under the total control of a self-appointed military […]


Facebook recently began tracking and serving ads to web users who don’t even have an account on the social media site. In doing so, Facebook also quietly changed the ad settings of its users without their consent. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Facebook will target both users and non-users across the web to […]

Turkey PM says coup attempt underway, elected government still in charge

A group within Turkey’s military has attempted to overthrow the government and security forces have been called in to “do what is necessary”, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Friday. “Some people illegally undertook an illegal action outside of the chain of command,” Yildirim said in comments broadcast by private channel NTV. “The government elected […]

Hollande to Hold “Emergency Meeting of Security Council” on Nice Attack

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Lavrov: UN, ISSG Decisions on Syria Should Be Implemented

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that decisions made by the UN Security Council and ISSG (International Syria Support Group) on Syria should be fulfilled. During a press conference in Azerbaijan, Lavrov said he believes differences between Moscow and Ankara on the Syrian conflict could ease thanks to a thaw in relations following a letter […]

Leaked EU document reveals plans for superstate after Brexit

     Well, that didn’t take long. The graphite was hardly dry on the Brexit ballots when TVP Info, a Polish broadcaster, leaked a 9-page document drawn up by the German and French foreign ministers calling for an EU superstate, complete with an EU army, integrated border controls and common taxation. The German foreign minister discussed […]

Orange, Gray Tattoo Ink Loaded With Harmful Heavy Metals Including Lead and Mercury

One of the most bold, artistic ways to make a statement about your life is to get a permanent tattoo inked on your skin. Tattoos give us the freedom to express who we are, whether it’s by defining a belief, commemorating a loved one, or for some other personal reason. It’s estimated that 25 percent […]

Is the Coup Against Corbyn a Plot to Spare Tony Blair from War Crimes Probe?

Leaked German police report CONFIRMS surge in child rapes by migrants in swimming pools and admits: ‘We have grave cause for concern’

A leaked report into a surge in sex crimes by immigrants at German public swimming pools is a ‘grave concern’, according to officials.  The secret report’s authenticity has been confirmed by the authorities in Dusseldorf which outlines the particular worry over rapes and sexual abuse of children. It comes just months after […]

CITI: Italian Referendum Bigger Risk to Europe Than Brexit

Analysts at Citi have called a probable Italian referendum on constitutional reform next fall “the single biggest risk on the European political landscape this year,” bigger even than Brexit. In the midst of much hand-wringing over the possible consequences of the recent UK decision to detach itself from the European Union, Citi […]

CIA Finally Come Clean About Chemtrails On Their Website

The CIA have released an astonishing report on their website that confirms the existence of a U.S. weather modification program that produces chemtrails in the skies.  A speech given by CIA director Director John O. Brennan to the Council on Foreign Relations was transcribed and uploaded to the CIA’s official website on 29th June, 2016. In […]

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