Posts Tagged ‘file’

#StandWithMilo … Natural News issues ‘Most Dangerous Faggot of the Year Award’ to Milo Yiannopoulos

(NaturalNews) On behalf of all Natural News editors, writers and researchers, we hereby issue Milo Yiannopoulos the prestigious Dangerous Faggot of the Year Award, respectfully titled in honor of his self-named speaking tour (the “Dangerous Faggot Tour”). #StandWithMilo. For those who don’t know Milo, he’s an openly gay editor who combines sharp […]

The Nice Terror Attack, France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls: “We Must Learn to Live with the Terror, Like Israel”

Putin’s WW3 Warning: World Being Pulled in ‘Irreversible Direction’

The recent Putin WW3 warning dished out by the Russian President to journalists at the end of the International Economic Forum at St. Petersburg was very telling – and urgent. For years, Vladimir Putin has been frustrated by journalists, especially Western journalists, who are not reporting what is really going on in the world, or […]

CITI: Italian Referendum Bigger Risk to Europe Than Brexit

Analysts at Citi have called a probable Italian referendum on constitutional reform next fall “the single biggest risk on the European political landscape this year,” bigger even than Brexit. In the midst of much hand-wringing over the possible consequences of the recent UK decision to detach itself from the European Union, Citi […]

CIA Finally Come Clean About Chemtrails On Their Website

The CIA have released an astonishing report on their website that confirms the existence of a U.S. weather modification program that produces chemtrails in the skies.  A speech given by CIA director Director John O. Brennan to the Council on Foreign Relations was transcribed and uploaded to the CIA’s official website on 29th June, 2016. In […]

Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI?

Introduction by WhoWhatWhy Omar Mateen had been on the FBI’s radar for some time before he opened fire at a nightclub in Florida, killing 49 and wounding 53 people. Now the public is asking why the FBI didn’t do something to prevent the tragedy. Glenn Greenwald responded with an article in […]

Mark Zuckerberg says we’ll be plugged into ‘The Matrix’ within 50 YEARS

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Hillary crime probe: The FBI email leaks begin!

     The ongoing criminal probe surrounding Hillary’s email server has been marked by opacity and lack of virtually any disclosure, not to mention a major turf war between the FBI and the DOJ, which is why many were surprised when overnight the WSJ revealed that at the center of the probe over Hillary’s handling of […]

Putin: Poland & Romania In The ‘Crosshairs’ Over US Defense Shield

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Romania and Poland could be caught in the ‘crosshairs’ of Russian rockets for hosting the U.S. missile shield that Moscow considers a threat. Putin said that his country has “no choice” but to target Romania, which had recently opened a NATO missile defense base, and Poland, which plans […]

Palestinian rights groups try to stop Gaza executions

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 26 May 2016 Palestinian human rights defenders are urging Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to halt planned executions in the Gaza Strip. Ashraf Amra APA images Palestinian and international human rights defenders are urging Hamas authorities not to proceed with planned executions in the Gaza Strip. Earlier this month, Ismail Jaber, […]

Germans Teach Refugees About Sex And Proper Flirting Techniques

Refugees and asylum seekers are being taught German tactics on how to approach and get acquainted with Fräuleins in Europe. Classes explaining “No means no,” with lessons in the best flirting techniques are being offered by a German education center with emphasis on hygiene and maintaining a cool approach. RT reports: “How do we speak to German women?” is […]

Between Zakir Naik and Malaysia’s own P. Ramlee: Letting Radical Islamism colonize the nation?

Azly Rahman (nsnbc) : Controversial Indian-born Islamic preacher, banned in the UK is now in Malaysia on a lecture tour or what he called global “dakwa”. The people are uneasy over his presence. Some want him to speak. Some want him to pack his backs and go back to India. Here are my thoughts on […]

The End of Fossil Fuels is Here — The New Life

In case you’ve missed it, we’ve transitioned into a new era. People keep talking about an oil rebound — When is it going to come? How big is it going to be? by Jason Simpkins Well, let me save you some time: It doesn’t matter. Oil is over. I’m calling it, just like I did […]

Mind Prisoners of Masonic Jews

  March 26, 2016 At one meeting, at MCA-Universal (the studio which produced “Schindler’s List”), the discussion was interrupted when a latecomer entered the studio head’s office and took a seat next to Marchetti. He was a little, nondescript person who seemed out of place in the production meeting. The studio head halted the discussion […]

FOX News Issues BLISTERING Statement on TRUMP Presidency That Has MILLIONS Ticked

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Mitt Romney came out of the woodwork the other day to blast Donald Trump in an attempt to get other Republicans to do whatever it takes to stop Trump from winning. What a foolish thing to do. Where was Romney when we NEEDED him? He choked against Obama. He […]

Occupation destroys house in Silwan, injures 5 residents

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday Palestinian home in Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan and wounded five Palestinians. Silwan Information Centre said that the Israeli forces stormed Wadi Yasoul area of the neighbourhood at dawn, surrounded a Palestinian house and demolished it. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Yousif Simrin, the […]

Occupation destroys house in Silwan, injures 5 residents

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday Palestinian home in Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan and wounded five Palestinians. Silwan Information Centre said that the Israeli forces stormed Wadi Yasoul area of the neighbourhood at dawn, surrounded a Palestinian house and demolished it. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Yousif Simrin, the […]

Occupation destroys house in Silwan, injures 5 residents

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday Palestinian home in Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan and wounded five Palestinians. Silwan Information Centre said that the Israeli forces stormed Wadi Yasoul area of the neighbourhood at dawn, surrounded a Palestinian house and demolished it. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Yousif Simrin, the […]

Occupation destroys house in Silwan, injures 5 residents

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday Palestinian home in Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan and wounded five Palestinians. Silwan Information Centre said that the Israeli forces stormed Wadi Yasoul area of the neighbourhood at dawn, surrounded a Palestinian house and demolished it. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Yousif Simrin, the […]

Occupation destroys house in Silwan, injures 5 residents

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday Palestinian home in Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan and wounded five Palestinians. Silwan Information Centre said that the Israeli forces stormed Wadi Yasoul area of the neighbourhood at dawn, surrounded a Palestinian house and demolished it. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Yousif Simrin, the […]

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