Posts Tagged ‘cliff’

The Protocols and Golitsyn: Cliff Kincaid’s ignorance of the true nature of Communism

Author Cliff Kincaid at a lecture. By Timothy Fitzpatrick March 14, 2024 Anno Domini “Marxism-Leninism prepared us for Kabbalah” —Rabbi Michael Laitman The mainstream anti-Communist movement continues to flounder despite the overwhelming amount of information that spells out exactly what Communism is and where it wants to go. In anti-Communist author Cliff Kincaid’s recent article, […]

Control freak “controligarchs,” many of them billionaires, are leading the world off a cliff

Control freak “controligarchs,” many of them billionaires, are leading the world off a cliff You have heard about oligarchs, but what about controligarchs? Seamus Bruner, author of the new book “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life,” says controligarchs are worse than oligarchs in that they […]

Biden is following Netanyahu off a cliff

In refusing to pressure Israel into a ceasefire while continuing to launch strikes on Yemen, Biden has shown utter contempt for all Arabs and Muslims, including his own Arab and Muslim American citizens who say they won’t vote for him over Gaza. Source

Video: RFK Jr. Backflips Off A Cliff

2024 Presidenital candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posted a video over the weekend thanking donors to his campaign, and celebrating them by backflipping off a cliff into a lake. Yes, really. Thank you so much to all who donated for taking our support base to the next level! #Kennedy24 — Robert F. Kennedy Jr […]

15 Incredible Cliff Constructions from the Ancient World

Humans have created monumental constructions on cliff faces throughout the world. These striking architectural wonders have often times been inspired by the desire to come closer to the heavens or to defend communities from adversaries and watch over the surrounding landscape. Entire villages, mammoth statues, tombs and places of worship are just some of the […]

2000 Mules – Full Movie and Cliff Notes, True Number of “Mules” as Many as 54,000

Above image: NY Post report on “Zuckerbucks” campaign financing to 501c3 organizations 2020 election documentary “2000 Mules” trailer (watch at Rumble) Researchers identified over 2000 people (“mules”) with unique cellphone numbers in key Democrat-leaning areas of key swing states, who went to at least ten, and as many as 100, ballot drop boxes night after night, […]

Pinkerton: The Last Time Nancy Pelosi Persuaded House Democrats to Jump Off a Cliff

By a narrow margin, the Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives voted on complicated and controversial legislation.   Inside-the-Beltway observers, always attuned to political technique, were duly impressed by the muscle used to get the bill through the House. In the words of Politico, “Despite the tough path to passage, the legislation is a […]

Montezuma Castle: Arizona’s Strange Monumental Cliff Dwelling

Montezuma Castle is a national monument located in the western US state of Arizona. Although the name of the monument suggests a connection with the Aztecs, Montezuma Castle was in fact built by the Sinagua, a pre-Columbian culture that lived in the area. Moreover, the monument is not a castle, but a cliff dwelling consisting […]

Italian Graveyard Crumbles Off Cliff, Sending 200 Coffins Into Sea

A cemetery in the seaside resort town of Camogli, in northern Italy, collapsed due to a landslide on Monday afternoon, sending an estimated 200 coffins into the sea. The cemetery, built more than a century ago, was located along a rocky cliff. Francesco Olivari, the mayor of Camogli, told CNN that the disaster was an “unimaginable […]

Bodies and coffins left floating at sea after huge landslide hits cliff-top Italian cemetery

The families of an Italian coastal town were left heartbroken after coffins of their loved ones tumbled into the ocean from a century-old cemetery hit by a landslide. About 200 coffins were dragged into the Mediterranean Sea after the cliff-top cemetery in Camogli village, near the north-west city of Genoa, collapsed when a landslide struck […]

Latvia’s Enigmatic Virtaka Cliff and Mysterious Gauja River Petroglyphs

Petroglyphs, cave paintings , and different  rock carvings  are some of the earliest forms of expression of early man. In the Baltic, Pomeranian, and Scandinavian regions of Europe, petroglyphs have been utilized for various purposes for thousands of years in the lives of its inhabitants. Popular in the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and well into the Bronze and […]

Joy Behar: Trump’s Followers Are ‘Like Lemmings Going Over a Cliff’

Joy Behar, co-host on ABC’s ‘The View’ said on Wednesday that President Trump’s supporters continue to follow him “like lemmings going over a cliff.” Behar’s comments were in response to Trump saying that the coronavirus would “disappear” with or without a vaccine because Americans would develop a “herd mentality” during an ABC News town hall […]

Deadly SUV cliff crash may have been intentional, California officials say

SAN FRANCISCO — California Highway Patrol officials say preliminary evidence shows the cliff crash that killed a Washington state family may have been intentional. Capt. Greg Baarts with the CHP Northern Division says information pulled from the SUV’s software shows the vehicle was stopped at the highway pullout before it accelerated straight off the cliff. […]

Extraordinary Escape – Huge Boulder Nearly Crushes Car On Cliff-Side Highway

Not many people have narrowly escaped death by as thin a margin as this Taiwanese motorist who was almost crushed to death by a massive boulder crashing down onto the road just a few yards away from him. This extraordinary video, recorded by chance on a camera mounted on the dashboard of a second car […]

Trump just ‘pushed the two-state solution over the cliff’

Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and getting architects busy on designing the new U.S. embassy is new challenge for supporters of the two-state solution. While Trump gave lip service to such an outcome, even mainstream U.S. analysts said on the cable news networks today that his move is such a […]

169 dead sheep who threw themselves over a cliff perfectly demonstrate how government uses FEAR to control the masses

(Natural News) Earlier this month in the Pyrenees, an investigation confirmed that 169 sheep threw themselves over the edge of a cliff in a desperate attempt to escape the wrath of a pursuant brown bear. Authorities said that they were able to confirm that it was a bear that chased them over the edge because […]

Herd of cows leaps to its death off a 50-meter cliff… is humanity any different?

(Natural News) The quiet Swiss canton of Valais became shrouded in mystery as a herd of cows inexplicably jumped off a cliff which left farming experts baffled. The 50-meter jump killed 12 of the 13 cows. The sole survivor was believed to have landed on top of the others and only suffered a broken jaw. […]

US HSBC Money Laundering Probe ‘Hampered’ By George Osborne

A US report claims that the UK’s Financial Services Authority “hampered” an official investigation into money laundering allegations against banking giant HSBC and that George Osborne sought to influence the inquiry. The British chancellor intervened to influence a US investigation into HSBC, after the bank admitted laundering money for drug cartels and terrorists, by warning […]

$40 billion aid to israel is ‘largest ever’ to any country, says Susan Rice

$40 billion aid to Israel is ‘largest ever’ to any country, says Susan Rice ed note–keep in mind a few things– All of this–the pillaging of the American taxpayers of $40 BILLION, that’s BILLION with a ‘B’, is taking place within an administration which both right-wing Jewish groups and their less-clever counterparts in certain ‘White Nationalist’ […]

Killer Confesses To Murder After Seeing The Devil At Tarot Reading

A man visiting a Tarot card reader in Brighton broke down and confessed to murder after getting dealt his first three Tarot cards, one of which contained the devil. Last week Star Randel-Hanson was convicted of murdering his flatmate Derick Marney after a two-week trial at Croydon Crown Court in England. Psychic Jayne Braiden The Independent reports: Jayne […]

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