Posts Tagged ‘ignorance’

Massive Ignorance With a Heaping helping of 30 Shekel Whores Wanting to “TEXIT”

A civil war is one in which a war is fought between two or more factions for control of the same government or seat of power. This is not the case when talking of the US’s illegal invasion of a foreign to the US sovereign Nation called the Confederacy. Secession was always legal under the […]

Ignorance, Stupidity, or Malice?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL A major topic of conversation at the recent Brownstone retreat was whether the people who locked us down and then mandated an experimental gene therapy, along with their supporters and enablers, were motivated primarily by stupidity or malice. I’d like to propose a third option: ignorance. In my view, all […]

The Protocols and Golitsyn: Cliff Kincaid’s ignorance of the true nature of Communism

Author Cliff Kincaid at a lecture. By Timothy Fitzpatrick March 14, 2024 Anno Domini “Marxism-Leninism prepared us for Kabbalah” —Rabbi Michael Laitman The mainstream anti-Communist movement continues to flounder despite the overwhelming amount of information that spells out exactly what Communism is and where it wants to go. In anti-Communist author Cliff Kincaid’s recent article, […]

Biden’s ‘day after’ plan for Gaza reflects ignorance and incompetence

In its haste to divert attention away from its complicity in what is now a legal charge against Israel of genocide in Gaza, the United States administration under Joe Biden is working hard to promote its plan for the so-called “day after.” That is the day when Israel’s work in Gaza is finally done, either […]

Politicians Worldwide Can No Longer Claim Ignorance of the WHO Power Grab

ByWorld Council for Health November 22, 2023 As December 1st Deadline Looms, Politicians Can Still Choose To Serve  Politicians worldwide can no longer claim ignorance of the attempted power grab by the supranational entities vested in the World Health Organization (WHO) but it is not too late to choose to serve those whom they are privileged […]

The Price of Ignorance

Commentary “Man, surrounded by facts, permitting himself no surmise, intuitive flash, no great hypothesis, no risk is in a locked cell. Ignorance cannot seal the mind and imagination more surely.”—Lillian Smith Today, about two hours outside Berlin, residents of a small town in Germany are foraging for wood in a nearby forest. In Poland, people […]

Manufacturing Ignorance: Keeping The Public Away From Power

In their classic book on the news media, ‘Manufacturing Consent’, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky presented a ‘propaganda model’ of how the major broadcasters and newspapers operate. Whereas the ‘mainstream’ media declare that their aim is to educate, inform and entertain the public, their actual societal purpose ‘on matters that are of significance for established power’ is […]

In Poland’s borderlands, ignorance and hatred echo Europe’s darkest era

Every year for the last two decades, Elżbieta has made the two-hour drive from her home in Warsaw to close to the Polish-Belarussian border to go mushroom picking. In 2021, she arrived at her rented holiday home near the town of Włodawa to find it very different from the quiet rural idyl she knows so […]

John Oliver Berates White People for 25 Minutes Over Ignorance of Black Hair

I guess this is what is considered comedy these days in jewish media. From Deadline, “‘Last Week Tonight’: John Oliver Slams White People Over Ignorance Of Black Hairstyles”: Last Week Tonight’s John Oliver offered no breaks for his white viewers at home tonight – a recurrent theme for the nation’s political late-night television host. […] […]

Willful Ignorance? Eric Metaxas Clings to Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theories That Have Been Repeatedly Debunked

The Atlanta Journal Constitution debunked it: Election workers had put uncounted absentee ballots in ballot containers when they thought they were going home for the night around 10 p.m. on Nov. 3, said Gabriel Sterling, the state’s voting system manager. Then a Fulton County elections official told poll watchers and media that ballot counting was […]

Washington’s ignorance is why the Empire will be kicked out of West Asia

January 02, 2021 By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog A year has passed since US President Donald Trump, like the coward he is, ordered the murder of General Qassem Soleimani and PMU second in command Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The Islamic Republic and the US were on the brink of all-out war as a result […]

‘Jewish agents,’ Iran and India: The fears, fantasies and ignorance blocking Pakistan-Israel peace

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Medical Doctor Apologizes For Vaccine Ignorance

A brave physician has spoken out factually about vaccines. Dr.Daniel Neides was neither anti-vaccine nor 100% pro-vaccine, but simply wanted an honest discussion about vaccines. He was fired after writing an article which questioned vaccine safety. It all started in 2016 when the former healthcare physician at the Cleveland Clinic was working for a medical […]

Willful Ignorance: Why We Stay Oblivious to Facts that Threaten Our Health and the Planet

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times How many times have you read or heard that refined sugar and processed meats are bad for you? Or how many pictures have you seen that show plastic pollution pervading the oceans? But yet, many of us remain willfully blind to these fundamental facts. We make very little […]

The State Weaponizes Education to Create Ignorance

The State weaponizes education to create ignorance Independent Education: the crisis and the crossroad by Jon Rappoport A hundred fifty years ago, at least some Americans recognized that all serious discourse depended on the use of the faculty called Reason. Formal debate, science, and law all flowed from that source. A common bond […]

Incompetently prepared US Treasury’s ‘Kremlin List’ proves ignorance is bliss for Washington

     Events of the past few years have raised suspicions that the US government has access to little or no actual expertise on Russia. Tuesday’s long-awaited list of key Russian political and business figures served to prove the point. Because, within minutes of the US Treasury Department publishing its compendium it was clear how its […]

Nikki Haley shows her ignorance on international affairs after being served by Russian pranksters

     The US ambassador to the United Nations has fallen victim to a phone prank perpetrated by a famous Russian duo, with whom she discussed the affairs of a fictional South China Sea island nation and the alleged harassment of the Ukrainian president by Kevin Spacey. Notorious Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Alexey Stolyarov […]

From Barak to Trump: Arrogance, ignorance and phony “peace” plans

By Uri Avnery Ehud Barak has “broken the silence”. He has published an article in The New York Times attacking Binyamin Netanyahu, our prime minister, in the most abrasive terms. In other words, he has done exactly the same as the group of ex-soldiers who call themselves Breaking the Silence, who are accused of washing […]

Watching The Hawks – Election Bias, Bayonets & Eco-Ignorance

Watching The Hawks – Election Bias, Bayonets & Eco-Ignorance Watching The On this episode of Watching The Hawks, Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace go over a recent ruling on the DNCs election-rigging, as well as the White Houses decision to once again militarize the countrys police forces. Kenya implements a draconian crackdown on plastic […]

Obamacare "Repeal" Fail: Crushing Ignorance Wins All Round

July 29, 2017 0 Source Article from

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