SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL A major topic of conversation at the recent Brownstone retreat was whether the people who locked us down and then mandated an experimental gene therapy, along with their supporters and enablers, were motivated primarily by stupidity or malice. I’d like to propose a third option: ignorance. In my view, all […]
Posts Tagged ‘malice’
ACH (2119) Alfred Schaefer & Monika Schaefer – A Town Called Malice

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 12 2023, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “A Town Called Malice.” We discussed: why no amount of censorship can hold the truth back indefinitely; how you are increasingly being threatened from revealing information you discover by the anti free speech […]
The best sting against election fraud malice: Fund Ruby Freeman’s justly historic defamation suit!

As with the Mafia and NRA, let’s make unspeakable Trumpist election overthrow ploys way too expensive Want to join a direct, immediate, non-violent protest against the worst, unremitting election fraud cataclysm in our history? Donate as I did yesterday to the legal defence team backing the abused, yet courageous mother and daughter — both temp GA election workers — badly mugged by the notorious Gateway Pundit magazine. Contact Protect Democracy – a non-profit and non-partisan […]
Soros hit with federal suit for $10B, ‘Political meddling motivated by malice’

Billionaire globalist and altogether controversial figure, George Soros, is now the subject of a $10 billion lawsuit accusing him of being a “racketeer billionaire” for meddling in the affairs of a sovereign African nation — purely for personal reasons — in what critics say typifies his modus operandi. For those who skimmed that first […]
Iran produces supercapacitors with high energy storage

The growing popularity in the new technologies and the industrialization of lives have highlighted the need for utilization of energy storage systems with higher capacity, lower weight and price, so that the use of electronic equipment would be available at any place and time. Hence, supercapacitors are designed with the features of high importance. Today, […]