Archive for the ‘barack obama’ Category

Ending Scene | ‘Leave The World Behind’ (2023)

Not to mention that Barack and Michelle Obama were the executive producers of this film… Source

Biden became ‘Genocide Joe’ thanks to the Israel lobby

At Thanksgiving, a friend took me aside and said, “How does Israel get away with this? They are wiping these people out, you can see it before your eyes. But people here are losing their jobs if they say anything against it on social media. Health care workers have lost their jobs at hospitals.” My […]

Barack Obama Backs Joe Biden as Other Democrats Sour

Former President Barack Obama came out swinging in favor of Joe Biden this weekend despite the fact that Democrats have begun to sour on his 2024 candidacy. Source

Obama Backtracks on Support for Israel Against Hamas, Thanks Activists: ‘You Pushed Me’

Former President Barack Obama backtracked Friday on his early support for Israel against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, telling an audience at the Obama Foundation Democracy Forum in Chicago that they had pushed him to modify his position. Source

Republican Jewish Coalition to Obama: You Are ‘Complicit in the Death and Suffering … in Israel and in Gaza’

It is Barack Obama who is complicit in the death and suffering over the last month in Israel and in Gaza. His policies and those of President Joe Biden put billions of dollars into Iranian coffers. Source

Obama: ‘All of Us Are Complicit to Some Degree’ in ‘Occupation,’ Hamas Terror

Obama told his former staffers on the Pod Save America Saturday that “all of us are complicit to some degree” in the violence in Gaza, as he appeared to describe a moral equivalence between Hamas murdering Israelis and the Israeli “occupation” of Gaza. Source

Professor William Jacobson Explains How the Left Took Over Education: ‘We’re in a Collapse Phase’

Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson explained to Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater how the far-left took over academia to the point where the U.S. has “a very radicalized faculty at almost every college” in the country, adding, “We’re in a collapse phase.” Source

Barack Obama Supports Israel As it ‘Dismantles’ Hamas

Former President Barack Obama has backed Israel’s effort to destroy the Palestinian terror group Hamas, saying Monday that the U.S. must “stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel, as it dismantles Hamas.” Source

Sen. Ted Cruz: Democrats Will ‘Parachute’ Michelle Obama in to Replace Joe Biden for 2024 Election

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) believes the Democrat Party will “parachute” former First Lady Michelle Obama in to replace President Joe Biden. Source

Brazile: Like Reagan, Obama — Trump Is a Movement ‘We Have to Respect’

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that she believes former President Donald Trump was the leader of a political “movement” like former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Source

Body of Obama’s Personal Chef Found Drowned Near Family Estate on Martha’s Vineyard

The body of former President Barack Obama’s personal chef was reportedly found to have drowned near the family’s estate on Martha’s Vineyard. Source

Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

Former President Barack Obama wrote a letter defending LGBTQ+ books in children’s schools and public libraries as Republican-led states move to restrict them amid growing concern from parents.  Source

Clinton and Obama saw the White House at risk if they lifted a finger for Palestine — Alterman

The last three Democratic presidents took a “cautionary tale” from Jimmy Carter and decided not to push the issue of Palestinian justice because it might cost them a second term, says Eric Alterman. Source

Report: Black Voter Turnout Shrinks to Lowest Level Since 2006

Midterm election turnout among black voters appears to be 25 percent lower than white turnout, marking the lowest share of the black electorate since 2006, a New York Times analysis revealed Wednesday. Source

Poll: Arizona’s Kari Lake Holds Double-Digit Lead over Democrat Katie Hobbs in Governor’s Race

Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake holds a double-digit lead over Democrat Katie Hobbs, according to a poll. Source

How powerful is the Israel lobby?

The Israel lobby just led an attack on Rashida Tlaib to stop any criticism of Israeli colonization of Palestinian land. What else can it do? It has helped stop the Iran deal and promoted Abraham Accords, bribery of Arab monarchies to normalize Israel and overlook Palestinian human rights. But surely the biggest sign of the […]

Exclusive — Larry Elder: ‘Uncle Tom II’ ‘Has the Potential to Change Race Relations’ in America

Larry Elder told Breitbart News on Thursday that his latest film, Uncle Tom II, could potentially “change race relations” in America. “I think it has the potential to change race relations in this country if enough people saw it, including our friend Barack Obama,” Elder said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. […]

Judge Who Ordered FBI Raid Exposed as Obama Donor Who Vowed to ‘Destroy Trump’

The judge who signed the warrant authorizing the raid on President Trump’s Florida home Mar-a-Lago was an Obama donor who made anti-Trump social media posts where he vowed to prevent Trump from becoming President. On Tuesday, it was revealed that Judge Bruce Reinhart had previously represented employees of convicted child sex trafficker and elite pedophile […]

Former White House Physician Demands Dementia riddled Biden to Resign before it destroys USA

Former White House physician Ronny Jackson says that Joe Biden “won’t finish his term” because “his mind is too far gone.” Jackson, who served on the White House medical team in the mid-2000s and served as personal physician to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, made the remarks on Twitter. “Biden won’t finish his term. […]

Pinkerton: Is Biden Carter 2.0 or Obama 2.0?  

Joe Biden is often compared to Jimmy Carter, but maybe it’s Barack Obama who is hidden-handing—and not helping—the Biden administration. Source

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