Posts Tagged ‘uncle’

Corporations that pay their executives more than Uncle Sam

Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they’re paying Uncle Sam.  Tesla is perhaps the most dramatic example. Over the period 2018-2022, the electric car maker raked in $4.4 billion in profits but […]

Mother And Uncle Of U.S. Serviceman Rescued From Gaza In Secret Operation

The U.S. coordinated with Israel, Egypt and others in rescuing the mother of a U.S. serviceman and her American brother-in-law. Source

Uncle Satan Has No Conscience & Israel Is Run By Terrorists & Always Has Been; They ONLY LIKE TO MASS MURDER!


Uncle Satan Snafued Japan into WW2 and Wants to Do It Again For WW3! Seems Uncle Satan Wants to Wipe Japan & Japanese Off the Face of the Earth.

JAPAN / POLITICS Okinawa governor tells U.N. that U.S. military base threatens peace Comment:  Military bases on Japan means Japan is an OCCUPIED Country.  Occupied Countries are not Free Countries.  Military Slap-A-Jap is typical of U.S. HATE PROPAGANDA against Japanese who In Reality Were VICTIMS of U.S. Foreign Policy.  But the Baby Rapers Politicians are no respectors […]

Iran detains Mahsa Amini’s uncle as anniversary of her death, protests loom

Iran’s security forces have detained a relative of a Kurdish-Iranian woman days before the anniversary of her death in the custody of the morality police that sparked months of nationwide protests, a source close to the family said on Wednesday, Reuters reports. Fearing a revival of the unrest that rocked the Islamic Republic, Iran’s clerical […]

RFK Wants All Americans To Know He Is Sucking Di#k Of Those Who Murdered His Father And Uncle JFK


Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Successful Coup,’ America ‘Has Never Recovered’

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has accused the CIA of murdering President John F. Kennedy, and described the assassination as a “successful coup d’état” that the United States of America “has never recovered” from. Kennedy Jr. […] The post Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Successful Coup,’ America ‘Has Never Recovered’ […]

Handsy Uncle Joe Publicly Feels up ANOTHER Child: Anatomy of a Dementia-Riddled Predator

The alleged president (who’s not actually in charge of anything, even his own schedule) continues his career-long tradition of molesting children in front of cameras. Recorded incidents occur at an increasing, and alarming, clip. Source

Exclusive — Larry Elder: ‘Uncle Tom II’ Exposes How BLM Is ‘Destroying What Made America Great and Using Blacks as a Means to Do So’

The Black Lives Matter campaign and enterprise is “destroying what made America great and using blacks as a means to do so,” Larry Elder, writer and executive producer of Uncle Tom II, remarked on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. Elder said his latest film details the political weaponization of race-based […]

Exclusive — Larry Elder: ‘Uncle Tom II’ ‘Has the Potential to Change Race Relations’ in America

Larry Elder told Breitbart News on Thursday that his latest film, Uncle Tom II, could potentially “change race relations” in America. “I think it has the potential to change race relations in this country if enough people saw it, including our friend Barack Obama,” Elder said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. […]

Uncle Joe Stalin – er, Biden – Declares War on America

Creepy red lighting for creepy Joe!  Gaslighting  patriotic Americans!! [embedded content] Hail to the (fake) Chief! [embedded content] The End is Near!  Get ready! Share this: Source

America’s Media Prostitutes Have No Shame; Spread Their Legs For Uncle Sam Every Time

CONSPIRACY FACT: Teenage Kuwaiti Girl Lied to Congress About Iraqi Atrocities to Manipulate Public Support for a Gulf War November 15, 2021 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, Hidden History, International News, Media, Politics, US News, Winter Watch Articles 6 IMAGE:  She will make a great Hollywood Prostitute.  All Hollywood Actors have to PROSTITUTE THEIRSELVES FOR ROLEs & she has gotten an early […]

Mark Hamill Laments That Luke Skywalker Was Adopted By His Aunt And Uncle Instead Of Aborted

MALIBU, CA — After Roe v. Wade was overturned, actor Mark Hamill took to Twitter to angrily condemn the decision — as well as people who adopt children like the Star Wars characters Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Source

‘Uncle Clarence’: Twitter Allows Racial Slurs, Death Threats Against SCOTUS to Fly Hot and Heavy

The racial slur “Uncle Clarence” was trending on Twitter today as leftists on the platform lashed out against the U.S. Supreme Court after it overturned Roe v. Wade, along with death threats against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in particular. Source

Uncle Satan’s In Your Face Terrorism Support Thank to the CIA

11 Jun, 2022 14:09 HomeWorld News How Russian troops confronted NATO forces in Yugoslavia, in a significant post-Soviet first RT remembers a key moment of the 1999 conflict that ultimately helped to change Russia’s view of the West © RT The events of the 1990s in Yugoslavia are often overlooked in discussions about today’s relations […]

Uncle Sam Does This to Children (You MUST Kill Children to Be President of the United States) Where is the Outcry??? (Don’t Forget Many Politicians, Especially Presidents, Rape Children Too Brought In By the CIA’s Child Sex Rings)

Monsanto Exposed as Source for White Phosphorus Used in Gaza Massacre We’ve had enough. The 1% own and operate the corporate media. They are doing everything they can to defend the status quo, squash dissent and protect the wealthy and the powerful. The Common Dreams media model is different. We cover the news […]

Afghan Lesson For Uncle Sam’s Running Dogs

August 15, 2021 Finian Cunningham Afghanistan is the most glaring proof of the American treachery. It’s a cautionary tale for others who incredibly still seem trusting in hitching their wagon to a U.S. alliance. U.S. President Joe Biden said this week that he has “no regrets” about pulling American forces out of Afghanistan as the […]

How Uncle Sam can encourage corporations to be more patriotic

Image Credit: Glen Lowry Since the struggle for American independence, times of national crisis have called for shared sacrifice. In World War II, for example, a number of top business executives became “dollar-a-year men” who donated their know-how to the war effort for a token sum. To those on the front lines, that sort of […]

What It’s Like to Be a Palestinian & Uncle Sam Supports These Sadistic Crimes Against Humanity

The story is simple; in fact, it could not be more simple. A father, Yusef, played convincingly by Saleh Bakri, wakes up in the morning and takes his daughter Yasmin, played beautifully by Mariam Kanj, to buy a gift for his wife on the day of their anniversary. The gift is a surprise and the […]

Mary Trump has her next act — and believes her uncle’s guilty of sedition

Trump, who worked with LPAC before the election, was asked to join the group as it works to recruit candidates for office and raise funds ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. In this political moment, she said, she hopes to use her name and platform to “move away from what has been one of the […]

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