Posts Tagged ‘laments’

“Israel” Laments Its Weakness: We’re Witnessing Hezbollah, But Not Acting

October 4, 2023 By Mordechai Kahana | Makor Rishon Hezbollah’s tents are springing up along “Israel’s” border amid deceptive silence. This should be setting off all of “Israel’s” alarm bells. It’s part of a dangerous blow to the “Israeli” deterrence. Hezbollah is taking advantage of the historically weaknesses along the ‘northern borderline.’ Hezbollah has deliberately […]

Joe Biden Laments Decline of Establishment Media: ‘There Are No Editors Anymore’

President Joe Biden lamented the decline of mainstream newspapers having the ability to control the political narrative around the world. “The ability of newspapers to have much impact is de minimis,” he said, using a Latin phrase that means “lacking significance or importance.” “They’ve been overtaken by the internet,” he continued. Biden spoke about the […]

Reports – U.S. Laments Iran Response to Latest Nuclear Deal Offer: ‘Not at All Encouraging’

The government of Iran issued a formal response to a draft text for a renewed nuclear agreement between Tehran and the United States, among other parties, on Friday that anonymous U.S. officials dismissed as “not constructive,” “not all all encouraging,” and “backwards.”

Trump laments ‘bad news’ of Abe assassination

Former President Donald Trump on Friday mourned the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the first foreign leader to meet Trump following his election in 2016. In a post on his Truth Social social media platform, Trump said Abe’s death — which came hours after he was shot while giving a speech in […]

Mark Hamill Laments That Luke Skywalker Was Adopted By His Aunt And Uncle Instead Of Aborted

MALIBU, CA — After Roe v. Wade was overturned, actor Mark Hamill took to Twitter to angrily condemn the decision — as well as people who adopt children like the Star Wars characters Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Source

Genocidal China Laments No One Believes That It Respects Human Rights

China’s state-run Global Times on Thursday complained that the free world does not understand the genocidal, oppressive, slave-taking Chinese Communist Party’s unique “concept” of human rights – a failure of understanding that might be corrected with more propaganda to “promote mutual learning between China and the West.”

A ‘small minority of U.S. Jews accept libels of Israel,’ its president laments (but he never mentions Palestine)

The new president of Israel, Isaac Herzog, lamented to a leading pro-Israel organization yesterday that many young American Jews are indifferent to “the Jewish collective,” and some are hostile to Israel. “Some of them, a very small minority, are too willing to accept distorted labels and libels against the Jewish state,” Herzog said in an […]

U.S. Jews failed to give their kids the ‘Israeli smell’ — Israeli minister laments

Last week Israel’s minister of Diaspora Affairs, Nachman Shai, made headlines when he said that young American Jews supporting Black Lives Matter are a threat to Israel. I just listened to Shai’s full comments to the American Jewish Committee on August 5, and he said some other remarkable things about how the Israel lobby works: […]

“France has Lost all her Freedom” Reader Laments as France Rolls Out Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccine Policies

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News A distraught Health Impact News subscriber from France emailed me today regarding new COVID-19 mandatory vaccine policies that were just announced by the President of France, Emmanuel Macon. The President has spoken and the vax is compulsory for people working in hospitals, medical center, with old people event at […]

‘Civil war’: Israeli mayor laments ‘Kristallnacht’ as Netanyahu sends troops to Lod, gripped by rioting & clashes

As IDF jets bomb Gaza and Palestinian militants fire rockets into Israel, the city of Lod has erupted in violence its mayor compared to a Nazi pogrom. PM Benjamin Netanyahu is pulling troops from the West Bank to restore order. “This is Kristallnacht in Lod,” Yair Revivo told the Times of Israel on Tuesday evening, […]

Mandelblit laments ‘incitement’ against lead prosecutor in Netanyahu trial

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Wednesday denounced “incitement” against law enforcement officials and particularly against Liat Ben-Ari, the lead prosecutor in the corruption trial of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, lamenting the fact that she requires protection by bodyguards after receiving repeated threats. Speaking at a conference organized by the right-wing Besheva newspaper, Mandelblit appeared to […]

Brenden Dilley Laments That Trump Was Not ‘As Authoritarian As We Hoped’

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Facebook Threatens to Censor Conservative Hodgetwins on Same Day NYT Laments Their Success

Facebook has threatened to blacklist the page of conservative comedy duo Kevin Hodge and Keith Hodge, better known as the Hodgetwins, on the same day that The New York Times identified them among the most successful conservative content creators on the platform. The duo rose to fame on YouTube, where they amassed 1.4 million subscribers with viral […]

Syrian Opposition Leader laments that ‘Trump Ruined the Element of Surprise on any US Attack’

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NYT op-ed laments lack of refuge for Africans in Israel, completely forgets Palestinians

     In her New York Times oped “How Did Israel Become A Place of No Refuge?” Susan Silverman asks a rhetorical question. But it has a ready answer, one she steadfastly ignores in her piece though it’s staring her in the face. Silverman, a rabbi and co-founder of Miklat Israel, or Sanctuary Israel, is rightly […]

WashPo Laments Trump’s Immigration Plan ‘Could Keep Whites in U.S. Majority For Up to 5 More Years’

Renegade Editor’s Note: Don’t let the Bagelian dialectic convince you that Trump is actually on our side. Isn’t it amazing how the (((CIA))) and their (((Washington Post))) are just so eager to get rid of White people? By Chris Menahan Ren Ed: Michael Clemens, our greatest ally The Washington Post is warning its readers that […]

‘Where did we go wrong in our homes and schools?’ David Harris laments young Jews’ hostility to Israel

David Harris, the CEO of the American Jewish Committee, is pained by the fact that young Jews are expressing “apathy” or outright “hostility” to Israel. He wonders what his generation did wrong in schools and homes not to convey “a sense of unbridled joy and pride and thrill” in Israel. Harris expressed this anxiety in […]

NYT Laments ‘Forever Wars’ Its Editorials Helped Create

Above Photo: From In considering why “the public is quiet” about the United States’ unending wars, the New York Times (10/23/17) fails to examine the failure of leading media outlets to actually oppose these wars. Corporate media have a long history of lamenting wars they themselves helped sell the American public, but it’s rare so […]

Paris At War, Media Blackout

This photo could turn out to be one of the most important images of our time. Taken during the Euro 2016 final outside the Stade de France in Paris, it shows a nationalist spectacle on a giant screen blinding people to what is happening on the streets. Police, gendarmes, and paramilitary – operating as servants […]

Video: New app tackles traffic at checkpoints in the West Bank

In an age where hyper-connectivity and technological advancements mean that fast transportation and instant gratification are expected, traffic jams are the plague of modern development. There is nowhere where the cumbersome experience of sitting in a long tailback is more pronounced however, than the West Bank. Hundreds of military checkpoints scattered around the occupied Palestinian territory […]

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