Posts Tagged ‘Kids’

CIA Agents Arrested In Turkey For Erdogan Assassination Attempt

President Putin has been notified of the arrest of two CIA agents who Turkey say shot down a Russian plane last November, and attempted to assassinate President Erdogan.  According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) for the Republic of Turkey, the two captured CIA pilots were not only responsible for shooting down the Russian Sukhoi […]

Why Starting Work Before 10am Is Hurting Your Health

Do you work before 10am? You’re likely laughing at the question, as your alarm forces you out of sweet dreams and you play mind games each and every morning to pull yourself from the covers, douse yourself in water, drink a cup of coffee, and head to the office. If you consistently dread getting out […]

Indian state imposes ‘fat tax’ on burgers, pizza, other fast food

The Minister of Finance in Kerala’s newly-elected leftist government, T.M. Thomas Issac, proposed that the tax of 14.5 percent be levied on burgers, pizzas, sandwiches, tacos, donuts and other junk food. The need for the so-called ‘fat tax’ is explained by the fact the state currently has the second-highest obesity rate for children in India. […]

‘Joint decision’: US to deploy missile defense to S. Korea in face of growing N. Korea threat

“South Korea and the US have made the joint decision to deploy the THAAD system with US Forces Korea as part of a defensive action to guarantee the security of the Republic of Korea and our people from North Korea’s nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile threats,” the Ministry of National Defense […]

Russian Troops Protect Secret Biblical Dig In Syria

A top-secret excavation is taking place in the city of Palmyra, Syria, aimed at finding biblical Jewish antiquities under the protection of Russian military troops.  Three unnamed Israeli archeologists, backed by Russian troops, are taking part in the mysterious excavations which are believed to have already unveiled Hebrew engravings and antiquities. reports: They could use […]

Brazilian Senate finds suspended President Dilma Rousseff innocent

     An investigation by the Brazilian Senate into allegations against suspended President Dilma Rousseff has found her innocent of fiscal wrongdoing. A team of independent auditors, comprised of career Senate budget technicians, released a 224-page report on Monday, which concluded there is no evidence that Rousseff participated in budget manipulation, one of the allegations that […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Sharing These Fake ‘Chemtrail’ Photos Online

Are these photos really from inside ‘chemtrail’ planes? Not according to several books published in the 60’s and 90’s, these are ballast barrels that were used to simulate passengers during test flights. But would this mean chemtrails and geoengineering isn’t real? No, but unforutnately debates over pictures like these pull credibility away from the subject. […]

The Woman Behind Hitler’s Flying Saucers

Maria Orschitsch, a member of the Vril-Gesellschaft would obtained telepathically messages from extraterrestrials in a code language of the Knights Templar, a language that was unknown to her. by Lionsground The messages allegedly contain technical information about the construction of a UFO. Hitler gave at the end of World War II mission to build flying […]

The Woman Behind Hitler’s Flying Saucers

Maria Orschitsch, a member of the Vril-Gesellschaft would obtained telepathically messages from extraterrestrials in a code language of the Knights Templar, a language that was unknown to her. by Lionsground The messages allegedly contain technical information about the construction of a UFO. Hitler gave at the end of World War II mission to build flying […]

The Woman Behind Hitler’s Flying Saucers

Maria Orschitsch, a member of the Vril-Gesellschaft would obtained telepathically messages from extraterrestrials in a code language of the Knights Templar, a language that was unknown to her. by Lionsground The messages allegedly contain technical information about the construction of a UFO. Hitler gave at the end of World War II mission to build flying […]

The Woman Behind Hitler’s Flying Saucers

Maria Orschitsch, a member of the Vril-Gesellschaft would obtained telepathically messages from extraterrestrials in a code language of the Knights Templar, a language that was unknown to her. by Lionsground The messages allegedly contain technical information about the construction of a UFO. Hitler gave at the end of World War II mission to build flying […]

False Arrest and Assault at Menards After Refusing Search

The following post and video was shared with the CopBlock Network by Charles M. Waters, via the Cop Block Submissions Page. Along with the video description, Charles states: I would love if everyone could spread, embed, and post my video. I am also trying to get a crowd funding campaign going to pay for my […]

Omar Mateen’s brother-in-law sold gunman his $165k home for only $100

The brother-in-law of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen has refused to deny that he knew about the shooter’s plans to commit a massacre at Pulse nightclub. When asked directly by whether he knew of Mateen’s intentions Mustafa Abasin, 43, refused to comment, saying he could not talk. Standing at the front door of the Port […]

Head of Las Vegas School Police Internal Affairs Under Investigation for Misconduct, Suppressing Evidence

Yet another Las Vegas area school cop is under investigation and this time it’s the detective in charge of conducting investigations on other cops. Detective Christopher Klemp, who was in charge of the Clark County School District Police Department Internal Affairs Division, has been accused of threatening other officers and suppressing evidence in order to […]

Christchurch man films mysterious flashing lights

     “I thought, am I losing my mind?” That was the reaction of Oisin Lavelle as he spent two hours watching a mysterious, brightly coloured sphere moving in the sky south-west of Christchurch on Monday night. Lavelle took footage of the object before it moved away at high speed. On Tuesday night it reappeared and […]

Dalai Lama: “Stop Praying For Orlando”

The Dalai Lama has urged the world to stop “praying for Orlando” and instead actually do something practical to stop such a tragedy from occurring in the future.  In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, entitled “Why I’m Hopeful About the World’s Future,” the Tibetan leader writes: “It is not enough simply to pray. There are […]

Mechanism through which sleep improves memory uncovered

     Sleep researchers agree that sleep plays an important role in moving information from short- to long-term memory; however, attempts to uncover the underlying processes have yielded conflicting results. Now, for the first time, new research reveals that autonomic nervous system activity during rapid eye movement sleep appears to play a key role in memory […]

EgyptAir jet makes emergency landing in Uzbekistan over bomb scare

The plane made an emergency landing after the authorities received an anonymous tip-off about explosives on board, according to Kazakh media outlet Tengrinews. The flight belongs to EgyptAir and was en route from Cairo to Beijing, according to RIA Novosti news agency and local media. The Uzbekistan Airways press service confirmed the information, but did not […]

New Mein Kampf to Test German Law

A new German edition of Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, consisting only of the original text without “commentary”—has provoked a hysterical reaction in Germany and the publisher has already had their PayPal account cancelled. According to the publisher, a company called “The Rogue” (Der Schelm) in Leipzig, the new edition will call on Germans […]

‘Specter of break-up haunting Europe’: EU chief Tusk blasts ‘illusions’ of bloc’s unity

“The specter of a break-up is haunting Europe. A vision of a federation doesn’t seem to me like the best answer to it,” Tusk said at a meeting of the European People’s Party, the biggest bloc in the European Parliament, Reuter reported. EU ‘shouldn’t try to be a superstate’ says Polish FM Addressing fellow EU […]

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