Posts Tagged ‘suing’

Suing the State of Victoria in the Supreme Court

Avraham Yemeni v STATE OF VICTORIA “I’ve taken the Australian state of Victoria to the Supreme Court — the highest court in the state. Just over a week ago, I was reporting the news from a peaceful protest in Melbourne, the most locked-down city in the world.  I had all of my permits and papers […]

Suing the Tyrants – #SolutionsWatch

If going against gubment/some agency, you need to know some (many) things: – always be aware of the jurisdiction in which you are finding yourself and know which jurisdiction you need to be in.– even winning can be a major loss in the courts. See Tim vs (shameful) Mann– many courts are kangaroo courts. See […]

Nintendo suing developers of a Switch emulator for ‘facilitating piracy at a colossal scale’

Nintendo Inc. is accusing the developer of a Switch emulator of copyright violations and pirating its video game software in a new lawsuit filed this week. The lawsuit was filed in the District of Rhode Island federal court on Monday by Nintendo Inc., which is accusing Tropic Haze LLC of being aware that the use… […]

Starbucks And Its Worker Union Are Suing Each Other In Legal Showdown

Starbucks and the union organizing the company’s baristas filed lawsuits against each other on Wednesday after the union rejected the company’s demand to stop using its name and logo. Starbucks is suing the union for trademark infringement, while the union is suing Starbucks for defamation. Starbucks sent a cease-and-desist letter to the union’s president on […]

Israel lobby group B’nai Brith is now suing rabbis for standing up for Palestinian rights 

B’nai Brith is suing a rabbi for defamation.  In “B’nai Brith Launches Legal Action Against anti-Israel Activist David Mivasair” the group claimed it was suing because he described their organization as “racist”, “anti-Palestinian hate group”, “agent of a foreign power” and “small band of extremists enabled by wealthy racists.” In the lawsuit filed in Ontario […]

June 27 – Canadian Soldiers Suing Gov’t Over “Vaccine” Mandates

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates “The actions of the CAF and CDS [Chief of the Defence Staff] has resulted in injury to the Plaintiffs, who have consistently worked to prevent this abuse of power from occurring and to protect […]

Christian Mother is Suing School For Forcing Her 4-Year-Old Son to Take Part in Gay Pride Parade

A born-again Christian mother is suing a primary school in the UK after her 4-year-old son was forced to take part in a gay pride parade. The lawsuit, brought by 38-year-old Izzy Montague, is the first of its kind in the country and underscores how deep LGBT indoctrination has penetrated the educational system. Heavers Farm […]

Virgin Islands AG Fired Three Days After Suing JPMorgan Over Jeffrey Epstein

As we noted last week, US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan for allegedly reaping financial benefits from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation – less than a month after George secured a $105 million settlement with Epstein’s estate, which agreed to liquidate Epstein’s islands and cease all business operations in the region. Three days […]

Virgin Islands Attorney General Loses Her Job Days After Suing JPMorgan Chase in Connection with the Mossad Child Rape Honey Trap Operator Jeffrey Epstein Probe

One set of rules for the sheep slave class Another set for the kiddy Raping “elites”. The Ole Dog! The Virgin Islands top prosecutor who reached a more than $105 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s estate has lost her job days after suing JPMorgan Chase in connection with her probe. The federal lawsuit, filed in […]

Activist Group Suing DeSantis Received Nearly $1.4 Million From Soros Network

In the name of promoting “diversity,” ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs so they can be given to migrants. Yes, really. “A green mayor makes the difference!” wrote Turkish-born Filiz Polat, managing director of the Greens parliamentary group. Polat […]

Activist Group Suing DeSantis Received Nearly $1.4 Million From Soros Network

In the name of promoting “diversity,” ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs so they can be given to migrants. Yes, really. “A green mayor makes the difference!” wrote Turkish-born Filiz Polat, managing director of the Greens parliamentary group. Polat […]

First Lady of France Suing Media After 3 Year Investigation Concludes ‘She Was Born Male’

The first lady of France has said that she will take legal action after a three-year investigation by a French news outlet concluded that she was born as a man with the name Jean-Michel Trogneux, […] The post First Lady of France Suing Media After 3 Year Investigation Concludes ‘She Was Born Male’ appeared first […]

Official Documents confirm real reason Moderna is suing Pfizer: Moderna created & patented COVID Virus in 2013 following Gain of Function Research which allowed Moderna to develop COVID Vaccine before World knew COVID-19 existed

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 • ( 16 COMMENTS ) Your Government has given companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if you are injured by their Covid-19 vaccines. With this law, they cannot be taken to court for damages. So if you are one of the many who have been injured, or lost a loved one due to […]



Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments

Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Dr. Paul Marik said patients are dying “unnecessarily and unlawfully” because the hospital where he is director of the ICU prioritizes expensive drugs like Remdesivir while banning more effective and less costly treatments.By   Megan Redshaw   […]

Kyle Rittenhouse On Suing Media: ‘I Have Really Good Lawyers Who Are Taking Care Of That Right Now

Kyle Rittenhouse On Suing Media: ‘I Have Really Good Lawyers Who Are Taking Care Of That Right Now Date: November 23, 2021Author: Nwo Report    Source: Chris Menahan InformationLiberationKyle Rittenhouse told Tucker Carlson on Monday that he does plan to hold the media “accountable” for smearing him and he has “really good lawyers” working on […]

Rittenhouse Bombshell: ‘I’m Suing Joe Biden for Every Cent He’s Got’

Kyle Rittenhouse has vowed to sue President Joe Biden into oblivion after Biden falsely accused him of being a white supremacist and murderer. During an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Monday, Rittenhouse warned POTUS to watch his trial “and understand the facts before you make a statement.” Rittenhouse also said Biden calling him a […]

Vaccine Injury Attorney Suing the FDA: FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Vaccine Injury Attorney Suing the FDA: FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsAttorney Aaron Siri is a Vaccine Injury attorney, one of just a handful of such attorneys in the U.S.Since the passage of the 1986 National Vaccine […]

Family Suing After Son is Vaccinated at School WITHOUT Their Consent

Kenner, LA — In a rare admission, a massive health care company, Ochsner Health, has admitted fault after a child was administered Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at school — without his parents permission. According to Lafayette-based attorney Shelly Maturin, the family is now suing both the school district and Ochsner Health for the gross violation of […]

EpochTV Film Review: ‘Suing the Devil’

A Very Timely Film About Keeping One’s Faith in the Face of Massive Adversities “The world is a lost place.” So says has-been salesman—turned aspiring attorney, Luke O’Brien (played by Bart Bronson). He’s waxing melancholic about the state of affairs surrounding the modern world of 2011 (if he thought that was bad, glad he didn’t […]

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