Posts Tagged ‘mandates’

A Court Victory over Vaccine Mandates

Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), California Educators for Medical Freedom, and individual plaintiffs have won their appeal in the Ninth Circuit on LAUSD’s Employee Covid Vaccination Mandate. Health Freedom Defense Fund et. al, led by the exceptional legal team of John Howard and Scott Street at JW Howard Attorneys, has won a significant victory in […]

‘Experts’ Fail to Argue That Mandates Worked

We’re in the middle of 2024, and the “experts” still won’t give up their ridiculous defense of Covid mandates. By now, the evidence against the effectiveness of Covid policies and so-called “interventions” is overwhelming. Mask mandates were a spectacular failure, with the most heavily masked populations often seeing worse results than cities, counties, or countries with little […]

The Harm of College Vaccine Mandates

Who would have believed we’d still be talking about Covid vaccine mandates in 2024, but given how resistant authority figures are to accepting reality, or defeat or acknowledging mistakes, it seems likely we’ll unfortunately be subjected to talking about them forever. Dozens of colleges are continuing to enforce vaccine and booster mandates on students, refusing to accept, in the […]

Queensland Supreme Court rules COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cops and paramedics were unlawful

Queensland Supreme Court rules COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cops and paramedics were unlawful Four years after the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) began – when public health mandates such as lockdowns, social distancing and vaccines were rolled out – Australia has finally realized that its pandemic response was not in accordance with the law based on human […]

Mandates Ruled ‘Unlawful’ by Supreme Court, Australia

Covid vaccine mandates enforced on Queensland police and ambulance workers have been declared ‘unlawful’ in a landmark Supreme Court ruling. Justice Glenn Martin found the Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid vaccination, issued in December 2021, to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act. A similar Covid vaccination order issued by the Director-General […]


The Supreme Court of Queensland has ruled that COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by the Queensland state government on emergency workers during the pandemic were unlawful under the state’s own human rights laws. On Feb. 27, the Supreme Court issued rulings on multiple lawsuits against the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) over […]

More and more U.S. hospitals are bringing back mask mandates

(NaturalNews) Despite several studies proving that they are ineffective, more and more hospitals across the U.S. are bringing back mask mandates, claiming that the… Source

Grand jury finds that COVID-19 mask mandates and lockdowns were not effective after all

Grand jury finds that COVID-19 mask mandates and lockdowns were not effective after all A Florida grand jury has found that official government Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) policies were seriously flawed and may have unjustly caused psychological and physical harm to people. The findings were part of a grand jury investigation conducted at the request of […]

Brazil’s Ministry Of Health Mandates Covid Jabs For Children As Young As 6 Months

Brazil has added the Covid-19 vaccine to the country’s National Immunization Program (PNI) for children aged 6 months to 5 years old. The country’s ministry of health is also considering establishing school vaccination centers with strict reporting requirements. The new policy will take effect in 2024 accoding to a report by Agência Brasil It comes […]

College Vaccine Mandates: Here to Stay?

It is January 2024, and Covid vaccine mandates persist at 70 of the top 800 colleges in the US, and who knows if they will ever let them go. If you are a healthcare major, nearly every clinical partner site still mandates that healthcare students take the most updated Covid vaccine (often no exemptions accepted) even […]

US Healthcare Facilities Reinstate Mask Mandates

Health officials will use any excuse to bring back the oppressive and ineffective Covid mandates. Hospitals are reinstating face mask mandates in California, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, and other states, citing the mild JN.1 covid […] The post US Healthcare Facilities Reinstate Mask Mandates appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

New CDC director refuses to admit COVID-19 vaccine mandates and school closures were a mistake

(NaturalNews) In her first appearance before Congress, the new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Mandy Cohen, defended COVID-19… Source

Australia Officially BANS Cash and Mandates Bill Gates ‘Digital Passport’ To Participate In Society

The WEF-infiltrated government of Australia is moving to ban physical cash nationwide and will soon force all members of the public to carry a “digital passport” to participate in society. Make no mistake, Australia is laying the groundwork for the establishment of New World Order “cashless society” as part of a broader scheme to completely […]

But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience

Listen to a Palestine Festival of Literature event held on November 1 featuring Michelle Alexander, Rashid Khalidi, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Natalie Diaz, Noura Erakat and Mohammed El-Kurd speaking out against the Israeli assault on Gaza. Source

Vaccine Mandates and Employee Termination: Arbitrary and Capricious

I was recently engaged to develop documentation that could be used in support of unjust termination prosecution of US employers who had required COVID-19 vaccination of their employee(s) under threat of termination for non-compliance. On October 25, 2022 (one year ago), the NY State Supreme Court acted to reinstate all employees terminated for non-compliance with […]

Another Tacit Admission That COVID Mandates Were a Disastrous Mistake

Pandemic restrictions were an unmitigated failure, and the evidence base against the politicians and “experts” who imposed them and demanded compliance continues to grow. And it raises some substantial questions about holding those responsible accountable for their actions. Especially as mask mandates return in certain parts of the country, with hints of more on the way. Recently […]

“This Will Make Your Blood Boil” – Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

“This Will Make Your Blood Boil” – Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened Authored by Bobbie Anne Flower Cox via The Brownstone Institute, If you have not yet read the book 1984 by George Orwell, you absolutely must.  I loathed that novel when I read it as a teen, because I hated the […]

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask mandates provide no clear benefits, cause harm and violate the right to informed consent

CAVEAT: There is no such virus as “SARS-COV-02” lyingly claimed to cause “COVID-19”. 218 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an “Imaginary” and “Theoretical Virus”. “They Never Isolated the Virus” If there really was […]

Trump in Opposition to Biden’s Job-Killing Electric Vehicle Mandates

  Trump Vows to Save Auto Workers from Biden’s Job-Killing Electric Vehicle Mandates By Susan Kokinda September 03, 2023 Website Twitter Facebook Login to follow LaRouchePAC teams have been distributing “Donald Trump’s Message to Auto Workers” at Detroit area auto plants during shift change, and receiving an overwhelmingly positive response. LaRouchePAC photo. ShareFacebookTwitterPrintFriendly Donald Trump, in […]

Americans Divided As Mask Mandates Make Comeback Amid COVID-19 Surge

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