Posts Tagged ‘argue’

‘Experts’ Fail to Argue That Mandates Worked

We’re in the middle of 2024, and the “experts” still won’t give up their ridiculous defense of Covid mandates. By now, the evidence against the effectiveness of Covid policies and so-called “interventions” is overwhelming. Mask mandates were a spectacular failure, with the most heavily masked populations often seeing worse results than cities, counties, or countries with little […]

Distractions Needed, Argue About Southern Secession While Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic

First, I was a Confederate soldier.I will NEVER forget the evil the self righteous criminally insane homicidal maniac ‘puritan” yankees did to Southern children, women and old folks.But that war was fought and is done. For all you bible thumpers rolling your eyes I will tell you like cousin General George Patton told a bible […]

Non Semitic Khazarian Jew Cult Members and Semitic Indigenous Palestinians argue ‘What would Jesus do?’

Quote from RT article: “Both Israel and the Palestinians have invoked Jesus Christ to support their cause as the brutal conflict in Gaza hits the five-month mark. Palestinian diplomat Riham Barghouti first invoked the memory of Jesus of Nazareth at a session of the UN Human Rights Council earlier this week, when condemning the Israeli […]

Government Uses Propaganda to Argue Against Guns For Marijuana Users

On Wednesday, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a briefing in a case challenging the prohibition of marijuana users owning firearms out of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The case, United States v. Erik Matthew Harris, is one of many court cases challenging the federal prohibition on marijuana users possessing guns. Erik […]

Professors Argue Sex-Segregated Sports Stem From ‘White Supremacist,’ ‘Hetero-Patriarchal’ Ideologies

Professors recently penned an op-ed calling for the end of sex segregation in sports, arguing that it ‘reproduces gender inequality’ and is a ‘racialized ideology.’ Source

Jill and Joe Biden Argue Via Texts to Hide Disagreements from Secret Service

First lady Jill and President Joe Biden argue over text messages to escape earshot of the Secret Service, Mrs. Biden told Harper’s Bazaar’s June/July issue. 

NY City Teachers Back in Court to Argue City’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Policy Violates Constitution

NY City Teachers Back in Court to Argue City’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Policy Violates Constitution Date: November 26, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: Michael KaneNew York City educators who were denied a religious exemption to vaccination on Monday were back in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in the cases Kane v. De Blasio and Keil […]

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review (Out of Control Corruption Will Cost This Man His Career and Maybe LIFE!)

by Admin · November 13, 2021 November 9, 2021TOP NEWS OF THE DAY  8 Days and Counting … Fauci’s Worst Nightmare  Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review​​​​​​​  Kim Iversen Tackles Aaron Rodgers Controversy, Calls Out NFL on Natural Immunity, Vaccine ‘Segregation’​​​​​​​  Public […]

Attorneys Argue on Use-of-Force Experts at Rittenhouse Trial

MADISON, Wis.—A judge was hearing arguments Monday over whether use-of-force experts can testify at Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial for shooting three people during a protest against police brutality in Wisconsin last year. The hearing is likely the last before Rittenhouse goes on trial Nov. 1 for the shootings during chaotic demonstrations in Kenosha on Aug. 25, […]

Derek Chauvin ‘betrayed his badge’, prosecutors argue as George Floyd murder trial begins

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin “betrayed his badge” when he knelt on George Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes during his arrest last May, a jury heard on Monday on the opening day of the closely watched murder trial. In his opening statement, prosecutor Jerry W Blackwell said: “Derek Chauvin betrayed his badge […]

UK Man Divorced for ‘Working Too Much’ to Argue Against Country’s ‘Too Easy’ Divorce Law

Photo Credit: Gerd Altman/Pixabay (The Christian Institute) — A man who was divorced by his wife is set to tell the High Court that England’s vaguely worded divorce laws make it too “easy” to obtain a divorce. Charles Ayeh-Kumi was divorced two years ago on the grounds of “unreasonable behavior,” because he “worked too much […]

Ted Cruz Offers to Argue Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballot Case if SCOTUS Takes it Up

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced on Fox News and on social media Tuesday that he would be willing to argue the suit brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) and Congressional Republican candidate Sean Parnell challenging the no-excuse mail-in ballots being unconstitutional in Pennsylvania if the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to take up the case. If […]

Court Hearing Against UK Gender Clinic: Attorneys Argue Minors Can’t Consent to Puberty-Blocking Drugs

BCNN1 WP The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust building in London, England. | YouTube/Sky News A major trial in the United Kingdom took place this week scrutinizing a gender clinic, and will determine if minors can legally consent to take puberty blockers and undergo other experimental gender medicine. The much-anticipated judicial review of practices […]

jewish Supremacists Argue “Neo-Nazi Imagery and White Supremacism Deserve to be Classified as Terrorism”

There was a webinar recently held by the AJC (American jewish Committee) wherein three “experts” (jewish supremacists) kvetched about how awful it is now that lots of “goyim” are speaking about against jewish power. From Algemeiner: On the “Advocacy Anywhere: Coronavirus, Conspiracy Theories, and the Current State of Global Antisemitism” webinar held via Facebook and […]

Black Emo Tranny Can’t Argue With Facts About BLM Terrorists

Black emo tranny doesn’t want to hear the truth about its race. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

Many of us really are sheep: Experiments in social compliance show few people argue with authority figures

(Natural News) Many of us really are sheep, quick to follow the crowd and obey orders. Instead of standing up and speaking out on our own convictions, we often choose to fit in. Assimilating with the crowd, we find it’s easier to go-along to get-along, even if that means giving away our own […]

FBI, DOJ Argue for Dismissal of Suit About Garland, Texas Attack

FBI, DOJ Argue for Dismissal of Suit About Garland, Texas Attack Washington Free Beacon January 15, 2018 The FBI and the Department of Justice are arguing for a liability case against them to be dismissed, while at the same time admitting to key details surrounding the bureau’s involvement in the 2015 terrorist attack on the […]

Federal Government Continues to Argue in Favor of Indefinitely Detaining an American Citizen

December 12, 2017 By Derrick Broze On Monday a federal judge challenged the U.S. government to justify the continued imprisonment of an American citizen who has been denied access to a lawyer for over three months. Washington D.C. – U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan has expressed skepticism and frustration over the U.S. government’s […]

Church, Govt Argue Child Sex Predators Innocent Because Children Consented

August 22, 2017 By Carey Wedler The Catholic Church and government agencies in the United Kingdom have developed a new argument to avoid paying out settlements to victims of pedophilia and sex abuse: they’re claiming the children consented. As the Telegraph noted over the weekend: Lawyers who represent some of the victims have told […]

Church & Govt Argue Child Sex Predators Are Innocent Because Children Consented

By Carey Wedler The Catholic Church and government agencies in the United Kingdom have developed a new argument to avoid paying out settlements to victims of pedophilia and sex abuse: they’re claiming the children consented. As the Telegraph noted over the weekend: Lawyers who represent some of the victims have told the Sunday Telegraph that the defence […]

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