Distractions Needed, Argue About Southern Secession While Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic

First, I was a Confederate soldier.
I will NEVER forget the evil the self righteous criminally insane homicidal maniac ‘puritan” yankees

did to Southern children, women and old folks.
But that war was fought and is done.

For all you bible thumpers rolling your eyes I will tell you like cousin General George Patton told a bible thumper who indignantly lectured Georgie reincarnation did not exist.

“You may not reincarnate, but I do”.

The past is the past.
There is only the present.
The future is crafted by what one does RIGHT NOW in the present.

The Ratschild’s and their Rat pack minions are trying to destroy all cultures and societies so they can force an unelected World Communistic Dictatorship run by the Rothschilds on all the world.

Sheep being sheep are not real sharp to begin with and when multiple distractions are used against them.
They are prone to ignoring the burning pain and sensation of having a big Red White and Blue dick shoved up their asses while arguing and taking sides in discussions on things they do not have a clue what the hell they are talking about in the first place.

On Twitter litter there is a constant stream of post stirring up shit about the rightness or wrongness of shit which happened 160 plus years ago.
A handful of Rothschild’s bitches paid 30 shekels keeps post going out debating the late war of mass gang rapes and mass murders of American children, women and old folks by US “soldiers” who lined up to gang rape little children, pregnant women, minister’s daughters, often til death.

That war was fought, it is done, it will not be fought again, the raped and dead women and children at the hands of the US have long since moved on and reincarnated.

The damn yankees are not in charge of US/DC, the Jews are.

So maybe you dumb as f##k yankee and Southern sheep both can stop trying to fight an evil war which has been over for 158 years and counting, stop rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as it prepares to make a dive for the bottom of the ocean, pull you heads out of your asses and pay attention to what the hell is going on RIGHT NOW???

The organic material is about to hit the industrial sized propulsion system and most of you don’t have a damn clue or a plan what to do when it does.
Most of you don’t even understand it is about to happen.

Many of you will not survive.
Food production is being made war against.
Millions world wide are already dead from killer jabs with millions more just waiting for that turbo cancer, heart attack, stroke to take them out.

And not one son of a bitch or slimy cunt who helped Rothschilds do the false flag of 9-11 or pushed the false Scamdemic and communistic mandatory killer jabs has been arrested, much less hanged.

In the US for two generations the American sheep have sent their lambs to die in wars for the Rothschilds benefit based on bullshit and false flags.

Get a clue sheep.
Find a set of balls.
At least try to save what’s left of your country from the evil of Rothschild world communism.

I have brothers and friends who have warned me speaking out against the evil might get me killed.
Knowing my former lives, the evil mother f##kers would not be getting any virgin sacrifice as the ass holes and their captive collaborating sheep have killed my bodies many times for speaking against the evil.

And just think, if they kill this body then I am “forced” to go home to the other side, get some much needed rest, be deprived of walking in sheep shit with the constant bleating in ignorance and terror at everything of the sheep in my ears.


Jesus is not coming back riding a white horse to save your asses from the mess you helped your masters create.
Get off your asses, find a set of balls, stand up and fight for your lambs and country against the evil, or just spread the cheeks of your asses so it is easier for that big Red white and Blue dick to be shoved in.

The Ole Dog!


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