Posts Tagged ‘pesticides’

20 percent of common produce carry unhealthy levels of pesticides new report says

Of the 59 common produce items evaluated, popular produce like strawberries, green beans and potatoes posed the highest risks. Source

What the pesticides in our urine tell us about organic food

Kendra Klein and Anna Lappé A study helps answer a question many of us ask when deciding whether to buy organic food: does it really make a difference? Fri 15 Feb 2019 09.02 EST When Andreina Febres, a mother of two living in Oakland, California, signed up for a study evaluating whether an organic diet could make a […]

RNAi Gene-Silencing Pesticides/Vaccines & Their Potential Role In The COVID-19 Illusion

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/28/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

More than 800 tons of agricultural pesticides leach into world’s rivers each year, research finds

Image Credit: Pesticide Action Network A new study led by researchers from The University of Sydney has found that agricultural pesticides leach into the world’s rivers and oceans each year at an alarming rate, damaging a variety of ecosystems. Every year, agricultural operations around the world use more than three million tons of pesticides, but […]

New study discovers drugs and pesticides in high levels off coast of Southern England

An analysis found pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs along with pesticides from the samples taken from along the coasts of Hampshire and West Sussex in England. Source

EPA Still Hasn’t Studied How Pesticides Disrupt Human Hormones 27 Years After Congress Demanded It

EPA Still Hasn’t Studied How Pesticides Disrupt Human Hormones 27 Years After Congress Demanded It The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s failure to implement the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, testing of the affect of pesticides used in food production on human hormones, led to a lawsuit filed late last year by a group of nonprofits. By  […]

How to Wash Vegetables and Fruits to Remove Pesticides

From Get proven tips on how to wash vegetables and how to wash fruits so you can protect your health and your family. Almost everyone should be eating more fruits and vegetables. You know that. But do you know why it’s important to wash your produce before eating it? In our modern world, almost […]

Bathed in Pesticides: the Narrative of Deception

Bathed in Pesticides: the Narrative of Deceptionby Rosemary Mason & Colin Todhunter, OffGuardianJanuary 27, 2022 The volume of pesticide use and exposure is occurring on a scale that is without precedent and world-historical in nature. Agrichemicals are now pervasive as they cycle through bodies and environments. The herbicide glyphosate has been a major factor in driving […]

Two Most Widely Used Pesticides Likely Harm Majority Of Endangered Species

Above Photo: Nation of Change. Washington – The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that the endocrine-disrupting pesticide atrazine and cancer-linked pesticide glyphosate are each likely to harm more than 1,000 of the nation’s most endangered plants and animals. The finalized evaluations found that use of the herbicide glyphosate is likely causing harm to 1,676 of the plants and animals […]

EPA finds two widely used pesticides harm majority of endangered species

Two widely used pesticides are likely harming more than 1,000 of the nation’s endangered plans and animal, a new Environmental Protection Agency evaluation determined. Atrazine and glyphosate are both causing severe harm to many of the plants and animals protected under the Endangered Species Act. The EPA’s evaluation will “now go to the U.S. Fish […]

8 Popular Tea Bag Companies That Contain Illegal Amounts of Deadly Pesticides

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Note: Twinings the worst. I posted on their substituting chemical flavouring in lieu of real bergamot in their Earl Grey brand a while back. From There’s nothing nicer than sipping on a warm cup of herbal tea on a cold midwinter’s day. But besides being tasty and warming, tea provides […]

Scientists Test Three Solutions for Cleaning Pesticides Off Produce: The Winner is Clear, Chemical-Free and Surprisingly Cheap

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Each year, the release of the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Clean Fifteen’ and ‘Dirty Dozen’ lists inspire countless health conscious shoppers looking for the best deals on produce as free from toxic pesticides as possible. This year’s list followed a similar pattern, with the exception of two well known crops that contain “less than […]

How Pesticides Are Harming Soil Ecosystems

A new study looks at the way pesticides can devastate soil species that foster plant health and sequester carbon. The first year after Jason Ward began transitioning his newly purchased conventional farm to organic production, he started seeing more earthworms in the soil beneath his corn, soybeans, and wheat fields. By the third year, he […]

New Soil Study Shows Pesticides ‘Destroying the Very Foundations of Web of Life’

Print Friendly or Save as PDF May 13th, 2021 By Jessica Corbett Via Common Dreams A study published Tuesday in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science bolsters alarm about the role that agricultural pesticides play in what scientists have dubbed the “bugpocalypse” and led authors to call for stricter regulations across the U.S. “It’s extremely concerning that over 70% […]

Global Breaking News on GMOs and Pesticides 13 November 2020

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The Other Global Health Crisis: Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Counter Information Monica Piccinini reports on attempts to ban the export of dangerous chemicals, subverted by agrichemical businesses in the US and UK By Monica Piccinini Global Research, November 09, 2020Byline Times COVID-19 isn’t the only global health crisis occurring right now. There is another crisis, propagated by a global industry, that is entirely man made. […]

Updates on Proposed Rules for GMO Labeling and Toxicity of Common Pesticides

May 29th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Government researchers warn the Roundup formula is far more toxic than glyphosate in isolation due to synergistic interactions between various chemicals, which “significantly altered” the viability of human cells by disrupting the functionality of cell membranes. Meanwhile, the USDA has released its highly problematic proposal […]

EU Approves ‘Historic’ Ban on Bee Killing Pesticides

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times In light of growing scientific evidence linking certain insecticides known as neonicotinoid insecticides or neonics to rapidly collapsing bee populations, the European Union voted to place a permanent ban on virtually all use of these bee-killing toxins. The decision to vote on the ban came shortly after the […]

490,000 Pounds of Toxic Pesticides Sprayed on National Wildlife Refuges

America’s national wildlife refuges are being doused with hundreds of thousands of pounds of dangerous agricultural pesticides every year, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Center for Biological Diversity. The Center for Biological Diversity report, No Refuge, reveals that an estimated 490,000 pounds of pesticides were dumped on commodity crops like corn, soybeans and […]

A List of Toxic Teabags Containing Illegal Amounts Of Toxic Pesticides You Maybe Want To Avoid

Next Story There’s nothing better than a nice steaming hot cup of tea, am I right? I don’t know about you, but I love tea, and drink it pretty much whenever I can and almost always in the evening. Tea can offer so many different health benefits that give you antioxidants and nutrients, can boost […]

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