Posts Tagged ‘hormones’

Trans Woman Able To ‘Breastfeed’ Grandchild Using Experimental Hormones

A 50-year-old biological man has managed to “breastfeed” his grandchild using experimental hormones in a study that has been labeled as “frankly disturbing.” Researchers at Duke University, who published thier study in the Breastfeeding Medicine journal, said they had helped the unidentified transgender woman to express up to 30ml of milk at a time, following […]

CIA Scientists Are Using Human Hormones to Control Human Behavior

Drugs, hypnosis (including post-hypnotic control and states of amnesia), toxic substances and “endocrine and other ductless gland products”  (these would include sex, stress, and growth hormones, and other natural chemicals that regulate the bodies activities), electroshock, electro-sleep, sonic and ultra-sonic waves, polygraphs, “hypno-spray” agents, and anything else which would appear “promising” are also on the […]

EPA Still Hasn’t Studied How Pesticides Disrupt Human Hormones 27 Years After Congress Demanded It

EPA Still Hasn’t Studied How Pesticides Disrupt Human Hormones 27 Years After Congress Demanded It The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s failure to implement the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, testing of the affect of pesticides used in food production on human hormones, led to a lawsuit filed late last year by a group of nonprofits. By  […]

Why Your Hormones Have Been Hijacked

March 19th, 2021 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Plastic is such a ubiquitous part of modern life that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. But in the grand scheme of things, plastics are still a new invention, and as noted by Pete Myers, Ph.D., the chair, founder and chief scientist […]

New Research Adds Evidence That Weed Killer Glyphosate Disrupts Hormones

The Facts: A recently published paper has found a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide. Reflect On: Why does vaccine hesitancy continue to grow worldwide? What’s going on? What information/factors are contributing to this hesitancy? What Happened: A recently published study in PeerJ  by Christian Wehenkel, a Professor at Universidad Juárez […]

Study Corrected: Transgender Hormones and Surgeries Offer No Mental Health Benefits

The American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) has released a correction to a 2019 Swedish study which drew as its primary conclusion that individuals who claim to be transgender experience mental health benefits following gender-affirming surgeries. An article at the Public Discourse by family physician Dr. Andre Van Mol of the American College of Pediatricians, endocrinologist Dr. Michael Laidlaw, and […]

LA Children’s Hospital Consent Form: Youth on Puberty Blockers and Hormones ‘Will Not Have Biological Children’

Photo Credit: Sam Pineda/Pexels (California Family Council) — California state legislators lambasted their opponents in defense of a transgender healthcare bill (AB 2218) in a recent Senate hearing. Senate Health Committee members complained about receiving hundreds of calls from voters telling them not to support a bill that sterilizes children. Author Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D-Los […]

California Passes Bill to Fund Sex Hormones and Transgender Surgeries for Children


While California is keeping people locked down in many ways, wearing mandatory masks, the taxpayers are now being forced to pay for indoctrinated children to receive sex hormones and transgender surgeries, which will destroy their reproductive systems. [embedded content] This news story is from June, but I only just heard about it, since it is […]

California Passes Bill to Fund Sex Hormones and Transgender Surgeries for Children

While California is keeping people locked down in many ways, wearing mandatory masks, the taxpayers are now being forced to pay for indoctrinated children to receive sex hormones and transgender surgeries, which will destroy their reproductive systems. [embedded content] This news story is from June, but I only just heard about it, since it is […]

Menopause remedies designed to balance your hormones and help you lose weight naturally

(Natural News) Of all the discomforts that can accompany menopause – including insomnia, mood changes and hot flashes – the most frustrating of all may be unintended weight gain. The fact is: the lifestyle choices women successfully used to maintain healthy weight in their 20s and 30s may begin to fail in […]

Chemicals in food promote obesity, disrupt hormones

(Natural News) As obesity numbers continue to break records in the U.S. and many places throughout the world, health-conscious individuals are increasingly looking to their diet to try to maintain a healthy weight. Most of these people look out for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats – and rightfully so, as regular consumption […]

Social media can jack up your hormones, especially if you’re a woman

(Natural News) A new study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis and that was published online in Biological Psychiatry concluded that the “love hormone” oxytocin can aggravate negative as well as positive experiences, especially in women. Oxytocin is a brain-released hormone that plays a substantial role in social interactions and relationships. The […]

Cholesterol is vital: Your body is incapable of making hormones without it

     Each week I re-iterate the importance of cholesterol in the body, as well as site the prevalent mis-information that exists regarding cholesterol. Not only is cholesterol not bad, it is one of the most vitally important substances inside of your body. Every cell of your body is made from it, and ALL of your […]

No drugs should EVER be mandatory: New Mexico rejects legislation that would force children to ingest psychiatric medication

(NaturalNews) In one state, at least, it is no longer permissible to force parents at gunpoint to allow their children to be given dangerous psychotropic drugs. As reported by The New American (TNA), a new law in New Mexico to protect kids from coercive psychiatric screening and medication was approved last year in […]

If you buy Apple products, you may want to see this undercover video exposing inhumane slave labor in China: $1.85 per hour with 72-hour work weeks

(NaturalNews) Have you ever stopped to think about how that shiny new iPhone made its way into your hands? Many people imagine an immaculate and modern factory where high-tech robots put together these sleek devices, but an undercover video shows just how far from reality this image actually is. The truth is that […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

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