Posts Tagged ‘body’

Accomplices spent months helping Nice truck killer prepare attack – French prosecutor

Truck attack in Nice: No national police present, French govt admits “He seems to have envisaged and developed his criminal plans several months before carrying them out,” said Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, speaking in a news briefing. “The investigation since the night of July 14 has kept moving forward and allowed us not only to […]

Civilian Death Toll From Coalition Airstrikes in Syria Could Be Single Largest in U.S.-Led War on ISIS

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 civilians were killed when their convoy of vehicles attempted to slip out of an area north of the city of Manbij in the predawn darkness, as U.S.-backed forces pushed forward in an increasingly bloody offensive in the area. In a brief phone interview, a […]

Never Get Busted: Ex-Cop Reveals How Cops Know You’re Lying

Founder of WorldTruth.Tv and Eddie (7853 Posts) Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. and Both website are dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 36+ years researching Bible, History, Alternative Health, Secret Societies, Symbolism and […]

New Russian Bomber Capable of Launching Nuclear Attack From Outer Space

A trial model of Russia’s nuclear-capable outer space strategic bomber will be developed by 2020, according to its developer. Russian commander of the Strategic Missile Forces (SMF), Colonel General Sergei Karakayev, had earlier reported that the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Academy has already developed and tested an engine for the experimental aircraft. The engine is expected to be showcased at the Army-2016 […]

Universe potentially ‘cosmic zoo’ filled with complex plant and animal life, theorize scientists

(NaturalNews) The development of complex life forms on other planets may be nearly inevitable once the basics of life itself are present, according to a new study. A group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Washington State University have concluded that the universe may resemble a “cosmic zoo” filled with […]

Populations in the ancient Fertile Crescent are the ancestors of modern day South Asians but not Europeans

     An international research team led by Mainz palaeogeneticists demonstrates that populations in the ancient Fertile Crescent are the ancestors of modern day South Asians but not of Europeans. Sedentism, farming, and agriculture was invented some 10,000 years ago in a region between southeastern Anatolia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, an area traditionally labeled as the […]

Unstoppable: If Black Lives Matter & Bundy Ranch Supporters Joined Forces

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

Activists launch anti-GMO billboards promoting organic food, while warning about dangers of genetically engineered crops

(NaturalNews) The more that the global governing elite and agribusiness corporatists try to push genetically modified foods down our throats, the more resistance they meet, and that is a good thing, not only for humanity, but for the environment as well. The most recent push-back is coming from what many might consider an […]

‘Loaded gun’ & ‘can bombs’: Journalist exposes security flaws at Israel’s main air hub

The journalist, David Suleiman, came to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion air hub, viewed as one of the world’s safest airports, and said he needed a job. “The job interview took only 2-3 minutes, I signed some documents, and that’s it. No questions, nothing. It took the security a month to do a check and to get […]

Joshua to Resign from CopBlock After Admitting to Sex with Celeste Guap

I have recently made several reports regarding the Oakland sex scandal and the young woman at the center, Celeste Guap. While it is expected that every LEO in the USA will have to resign by the end of the year due to having had sex with Guap, the scandal has grown to encompass those outside […]

Hacked emails confirm ex-NATO General Breedlove plotted US conflict with Russia

     Hacked private emails of the US general formerly in charge of NATO reveal a campaign to pressure the White House into escalating the conflict with Russia over Ukraine, involving several influential players in Washington. The emails, posted by the site DCLeaks, show correspondence between General Philip M. Breedlove, former head of the US European […]

Hacked emails confirm ex-NATO General Breedlove plotted US conflict with Russia

     Hacked private emails of the US general formerly in charge of NATO reveal a campaign to pressure the White House into escalating the conflict with Russia over Ukraine, involving several influential players in Washington. The emails, posted by the site DCLeaks, show correspondence between General Philip M. Breedlove, former head of the US European […]

A Woman Scorned – The Making of A Suicide & Sex Scandal In Oakland

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

Wauwatosa Police Officer Kills Man for Being Suspicious

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

Why paying cash for hospital bills is five times cheaper than your government mandated Obamacare insurance

(NaturalNews) Shellshocked by those astronomical Obamacare premiums? You might want to consider just ditching the failed health insurance “tax” altogether and paying cash for medical services on an as-needed basis because, truth be told, you’ll end up shelling out far less money in the long run. This was the recent experience of a […]

The Fake Wounded of the Orlando Homosexual Bar Shooting Hoax

The Fake Wounded of the Orlando Homosexual Bar Shooting Hoax Regarding the Orlando, Florida, so-called gay bar shooting hoax it is easy to realize the degree of the fabrication. This is through carefully reviewing the images of the supposedly wounded individuals, some 53, as the claim goes, in all. That’s an awful lot of wounded […]

The Last Battle

The Normandy Landings is likely one of the most hyped battles of World War Two but the least praiseworthy. How does the scale of time and loss of life compare with the Battle for Courland? These last great battles of World War Two continued after the armies of the Reich capitulated on May 8, 1945. […]

Anti-White Messages in Mainstream Media 24/7/365

Youtube link TV shows are not just there to entertain you and commercials are not just about selling you a product; they are there to indoctrinate you with an anti-White worldview. This compilation is rather long, but you can use this as source material for shorter videos you might want to create for our cause. […]

Political correctness now a deadly epidemic: Islamic terrorist kills 50+ at gay bar in Orlando but media reluctant to call it terrorism

(NaturalNews) Over 50 people have been killed at a gay bar in Orlando as a gunman being invested for “ties to Islamic terrorism” opened fire late last night. News of the slaughter is exploding across the media today, but here’s what they won’t dare report. First of all, over the last 2-3 years, […]

Over 80 percent of popular bread brands contain cancer-causing chemicals

(NaturalNews) Before you make that next sandwich, you may want to read the list of ingredients on your bread bag label – because there’s a very good chance that it may contain carcinogens. A food additive used in bread called potassium bromate has been in the international news lately. Indian health officials have […]

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