Posts Tagged ‘parasites’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: ‘Jews Are Parasites’

House Speaker Mike Johnson and various members of Congress will be joining with a group of Christian nationalists and conspiracy theorists for a “National Gathering for Prayer & Repentance” at the Museum of the Bible on Jan. 31. Don Brown, who has deep ties to Rick Joyner and his Morningstar Ministries, is running for Congress. […]


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Top Hollywood stars say Hollywood executives are a den of parasites who feast on the blood of kids and TRAFFIC them for adrenochrome

Holly Whore run by the usual suspects Mossad Jeffery the child rape for blackmail by Mossad Child Rape Honey Trap operator, his Mossad Child Rape Madam and a Holly Whore rape artist EVER NOTICE THE red RUSSIAN MONGOLIAN MONGREL REJECT OUTCAST NON SEMITIC KHAZARIANS FROM THE STEPPES OF RUSSIA RUN TO A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF […]

Builders of Stonehenge Feasted On Parasites Shows Prehistoric Poop Study

​A new study published in the journal Parasitology analyzed prehistoric Stonehenge feces from Durrington Walls, a Neolithic settlement just 2.8 kilometers (1.7 miles) from Stonehenge Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Britons Have Battled Parasites Since the Bronze Age, Shows New Research

An interdisciplinary team of archaeologists and biologists from Oxford University recently completed a study of parasite infections in ancient Britain. Their exhaustive survey covered a period of over 4,000 years  Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Synthetic Parasites

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Heroes or Parasites: Europe’s Self-serving Politics on Refugees

Language is politics and politics is power. This is why the misuse of language is particularly disturbing, especially when the innocent and vulnerable pay the price. The wars in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern, Asian and African countries in recent years have resulted in one of the greatest humanitarian catastrophes, arguably unseen since […]

Dr. Robert Young in his most passionate Interviews reveals Clumps of Parasites, Graphene in Clots of Vaccinated Blood and Doom of Humanity

By Dr. Robert Young Passionate call from Dr. Robert Young for people to wake up, come together and act to immediately halt the deadly COVID vaccines which are continuing to kill thousands of people, including young, healthy people, while maiming, paralyzing, and disabling millions worldwide, particularly in light of the new information he shares on […]

New Micrographs Reveal Graphene Oxide and Parasites in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID Vaccine

New Micrographs Reveal Graphene Oxide and Parasites in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID VaccinePosted on September 15, 2021  Report | Ramola D | Sep 15, 2021 In disturbing confirmation of previous findings, reported in Newsbreak 133 and other articles here revealing the La Quinta Columna findings, new micrographs using Phase Contrast Optical Microscopy have now further revealed […]

Mel Gibson | Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring.  It is a den of parasites who feast of the blood of children

Mel Gibson Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring.  It is a den of parasites who feast of the blood of children. Every Studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children. Hollywood studios are drenched in the blood of innocent children. Baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that is […]

Gut microbes can fight parasites: Probiotics may reduce infections, and severity of infections, in developing countries

(Natural News) Your ability to fight off parasitic worms may be aided by your gut microbiota. This was the conclusion that researchers from Washington University in St. Louis reached in their study, published in Microbiome. Studying the guts of people from Liberia and Indonesia revealed that their gut microbiomes were remarkably similar, […]

A Man Has A 5-Foot-Long Tapeworm Come Out of Him After Eating Sushi – Do We All Have Parasites?

Next Story A man from California went to the doctor self diagnosing himself as having worms, and after going to the washroom and feeling something “wiggling” outside of him. The doctor was skeptical of the man’s self diagnoses, but soon found out he was right, and that there was actually a tapeworm inside of him. […]

German Doctor Links Nano-aluminum, Glyphosate and Parasites to Chronic Disease – Develops Healing Protocol

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt of Sophia Health Institute. Image source. by John P. Thomas at Health Impact News The bodies of Americans are saturated with very high levels of nano-aluminum. This provides ideal conditions for severe parasite infestation. These burdens are making us a country of chronically ill and cognitively impaired people. This is part two […]

Signs You Might Have Parasites – and How to Treat Them Naturally

November 10th, 2017 By Alex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit Contributing writer for Wake Up World Do you know that an estimated 85% of the world’s population has some kind of parasite living inside them? Parasitic worms enter the body from other people, animals and pets, mosquitoes, ticks, contaminated food, undercooked meat and unclean water, and can […]

Parasites Among Us : The Biological Reality of the Jew

We shall go over the very Nature of Parasites in order to understand the Nature of the Jew and his Minions better. Most of you who have read my articles should have an understanding of the metaphysical truth – the basis behind the old age meaning of “as above, so below” – whatever is true […]

21 Signs Parasites Are Living In Your Body – Use These Herbs To Help Kill Them Naturally

Parasite infections can be treated with the help of various herbs. The first thing you should do in these cases is to optimize the function of your immune system with their help, and then treat parasites. There are many symptoms of parasite infections and the most common include: Recurring yeast infections like Candida Loss of […]

Do Parasites Rule The World By Using Our Bodies As Hosts?

Next Story I don’t know about you, but just the thought of this concept gives me the heebie jeebies. Are the parasites that are so commonly found within our bodies capable of influencing our thoughts and thereby our actions, too? This is no doubt a scary thought that you might want to dismiss outright, but consider […]

21 Signs Parasites Are Living In Your Body – Use These Herbs To Help Kill Them

Parasite infections can be treated with the help of various herbs. However, you need to adhere to the basics of a healthy lifestyle and take them at the same time. One doesn’t go without the other. Parasitic infection The first and the most critical step for healing a parasitic infection is getting your immune system […]

Boomer Parasites Head for Ecuador After Bleeding America Dry

Michael ByronDaily Stormer June 10, 2017 There is a group of people on this planet whose optimal survival strategy is to live in a developed nation for a substantial period of time, plunder its resources and siphon its wealth, then relocate elsewhere and enjoy the fruits of their parasitism while the former […]

Trump SKULL-CRUSHES Blood-Sucking NATO Parasites, Tells Dem ta Get Dat Munny

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 26, 2017 Yeah dude, I don’t know what’s going on with this Trump trip. Honestly, I don’t think any of it matters and can’t figure out how it could matter. He is in the process of being impeached and his only option is MARTIAL LAW. And yet he’s […]

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