Posts Tagged ‘herbs’

Cleaning the cleaners: herbs that help maintain healthy kidneys

Cleaning the cleaners: herbs that help maintain healthy kidneys The kidneys play a key role in helping the body get rid of toxic wastes. However, these organs also need to be healthy so they can function properly. Thankfully, there are herbs that can help your kidneys perform their crucial duty of filtering out waste products and removing excess […]

Herbal medicine cabinet: 9 Herbs for wound care

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Anyone can get wounded anywhere. And things can go south quickly when you are wounded, so you have to treat wounds before they become serious.Preppers should have access to herbs for wound care, including the following:ArnicaThis herb can be used for a traumatic injury that doesn’t break the skin, such as bruises and … […]

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet Posted on January 30, 2023 By Amy Allen The act of living often results in pain of some kind: emotional, physical, or a combination of the above. Whether it’s breaking a leg or a paper cut, it hurts. So how do we deal with it? This […]

Attack on Herbs and Supplements Is a Racket

By Tessa Lena A centuries-old racket This story is a very important practical story because there is yet another active attack on our access to “alternative” medicines, herbs, and dietary supplements. The pharmaceutical investors and their pocket politicians are emboldened. They couldn’t be happier if the healing herbs and supplements were regulated off the market and taken away […]

Use Herbs to Keep Your Family Healthy and Protected

If you want to keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible, stay as close as possible to nature and as far as possible from any pharmacies and hospitals. This lady takes us through a tour of her medicinal plants and what each is used for. Link Share now! Source

12 science-backed Ayurvedic herbs and spices with POWERFUL health benefits

(NaturalHealth365) Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India and is more than 3,000 years old.  It is an all-natural modality, using herbs and spices to prevent diseases and health conditions from developing in the first place.  By taking a whole-person approach, it focuses on balancing mind, body, and spirit for better […]

The Mystical Properties of Herbs and their Use in Medicine

THE Irish, according to the saying of a wise man of the race, are the last of the 305 great Celtic nations of antiquity spoken of by Josephus, the Jewish historian; and they alone preserve inviolate the ancient venerable language, minstrelsy, and Bardic traditions, with the strange and mystic secrets of herbs, through whose potent […]

Cleanse and Restore with Herbs

By Karta Purkh Khalsa Though they have been used for centuries as medicine, medical science is finally beginning to look at the evidence proving that food and herbs are the most effective, powerful healers Holistic healing systems share a core concept that is critical to success in almost all natural therapies. Practitioners are very concerned […]

9 Herbs and Spices With Proven Health Benefits

By Margie King Even when our food choices aren’t the best, herbs and spices do more than just improve taste. They give any meal a nutrition boost. And according to one study they may even reverse the damage from an unhealthy meal. Researchers from Penn State University cooked up coconut chicken, cheese bread and a […]

The 7 Best Herbs for Bad Breath

April 6th, 2021 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Whether caused by an easily controlled concern or the result of a more serious condition, you don’t want to live with bad breath. The good news is – you don’t have to. The following seven herbs have been proven to go beyond trying to hide […]

Herbs, Charms and Wise Women

By Lady Augusta GregoryFrom Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland [1920] THERE is a saying in Irish, “An old woman without learning, it is she will be doing charms”; and I have told in “Poets and Dreamers” of old Bridget Ruane who came and gave me my first knowledge of the healing power […]

Top 14 Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements for Heart Health

February 24th, 2021 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Your heart is one organ you can’t live without. In times past, people actually considered the heart the seat of thought and emotion, rather than the brain. After some time, experts realized that the heart actually delivers life-giving oxygen and nutrients throughout the […]

Encyclopedia of Iranian herbs, medicinal plants unveiled

TEHRAN – An encyclopedia of herbs and medicinal plants endemic to Iran was unveiled in a ceremony on Wednesday. In this line, data related to 7,400 different plants in the fields of botany and ecology, pharmaceutical plants, and edible plants have been gathered in the encyclopedia along with some 9,000 pictures, ISNA reported. In terms […]

Adaptogenic Herbs and Mushrooms to Build Resistance to Stress: FREE Plant Medicine Video Event

You already know about the nourishing, healing power of plants and how they connect with us on many energetic levels – but you may not yet be familiar with adaptogens — herbs and mushrooms which provide specific botanical actions that can counteract the effects of stress in the body by normalizing our adrenal function and […]

3 Herbs To Heal Your Gut (And Recipes!)

August 14th, 2020 By Nick Polizzi Guest Writer for Wake Up World Did you know that there are more neurons in your Enteric Nervous System (Gut Brain) as there are in your spinal cord? Amazingly, we didn’t hear a lot about our gut (and the millions of microorganisms that live inside it) until about 2000. Now we’re […]

These energy-boosting herbs help keep you awake without the coffee jitters

(Natural News) If you’re like most adults, you can’t start your day without a cup of coffee. Or two, or five. But drinking too much coffee can be bad for your health, so you might want to slow down. While coffee gives you an energy boost, this effect is only temporary, making […]

Herbs to help you age gracefully: Support for the brain, heart, digestion, and more

(Natural News) Everyone ages, it’s a given fact. That may be a cause of concern for some people, in particular, since aging means a decline in a person’s vitality. However, according to an article published in the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild, adjusting your diet and lifestyle – as well as incorporating herbs – […]

Herbs for the male reproductive system

(Natural News) There are many studies that explore the ins and outs of the female reproductive system, and the natural remedies used traditionally against its related health issues. In contrast, male reproductive issues have not been explored as extensively. Herbalist and ethnobotanist David Winston, whose training spanned 32 years in Cherokee, Chinese, […]

7 Herbs for Men’s Sexual Health

March 14th, 2018 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest writer for Wake Up World Male sexual health is frequently overlooked when it comes to discussing ways to promote sexual vitality and vigor. While many news outlets are eager to spread the news about a recent nutritional finding and how it can benefit women’s sexual health, […]

The 9 Best Herbs For Lung Cleansing and Respiratory Support

Your respiratory system is constantly working. All day, every day, it is the vehicle for oxygen to enter your body. Unfortunately, it can also be an entry point for pollutants, irritants, dust, mould, fungus, harmful organisms, and other toxins. Unless you’re living in a bubble, the constant assault from impurities can take its toll. Fortunately, […]

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