Posts Tagged ‘boosting’

Trump boosting efforts to wrest Pennsylvania back to GOP victory

Former President Trump is turbocharging his efforts to win back Pennsylvania with visits set in critical swing areas of the state on Saturday.  It’s part of an aggressive push by the former president to make inroads in the battleground area, which is seen as President Biden’s home turf.  Pennsylvania is the biggest swing state on… […]

House GOP leadership-aligned group launches $250K ad buy boosting Biden district Republicans 

An advocacy nonprofit aligned with House Republican leadership is launching a $250,000 ad campaign aimed at boosting more than a dozen Republicans in districts won by President Biden, thanking them for voting on a “clean” stopgap funding bill that avoided a shutdown this fall. The American Action Network (AAN), the sister organization of the McCarthy-aligned… […]

Science Supports Reishi Mushrooms’ Health-Boosting Potential

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Mushrooms are trending, and this fad has merits for your body, brain and even Source

Turkey’s energy strategy as a means of boosting security and shifting the balance of power

In today’s world, the security of a country consists of various components, where energy plays a crucial role. The effectiveness of a country’s energy security is determined by its resource capabilities, its scientific and technological base, its geographic location and its access to strategic communications. Turkey does not possess all of these components in equal […]

Saudi Diplomat Refuses to Commit to Boosting Oil Production, Claims Increasing Production Won’t Really Help U.S. Gas Prices

During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir, who was inside President Joe Biden’s meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, refused to commit to boosting oil Source

NATO summit: Joe Biden says US boosting forces in Europe over Russian threat

The US president told alliance leaders in Madrid that Washington will enhance its “force posture in Europe”, with additional air, sea and land resources. Source

Hagerty: ‘I’m Certain’ CCP, Cartels Boosting Drug Production ‘to All-Time High’ in Response to Title 42 Repeal

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) argued that the Chinese Communist Party and drug cartels “are ramping up drug production to all-time high levels” in response to the Biden administration’s plans to rescind Title 42 and the “open invitation” that revoking Title 42 sends. Hagerty stated, […]

Arizona House, Senate, Approve Measure Boosting Voter ID Requirements on November Ballots

The Republican-controlled Arizona House and GOP-led state Senate voted Monday to approve a measure on the November election ballot that would drastically increase the identification requirements needed for Arizonans who want to vote both in-person and by mail. Gina Swoboda, third vice chairman of the Republican Party of Arizona, announced the measure had been approved in a video posted […]

Immune Boosting Herbal Tea Blend

From Fall and winter is often the time for getting sick, although it can happen at any time of year. Luckily there are some great herbal allies that can help us get through the worst of it. When you feel a sickness coming on, sometimes a hot cup of tea is the only thing […]

PETZONE eyes boosting added-value in petchem industry

PETZONE eyes boosting added-value in petchem industry – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Managing Director of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) in southwestern Iran has said this zone is pushing to prevent crude oil sales to increase added-value of oil products, IRNA reported. Speaking in a ceremony on the occasion of the National Petrochemical Industry Day on […]

The simplest way to understand the insanity of boosting for Omicron

We call them vaccines. But it is clear after a year of use that the mRNA shots do not produce a robust long-term B- or T-cell immune response. What they do is drive up antibodies to the spike protein (to unnaturally high levels, levels that all by themselves may cause problems, but put that aside). […]

Tehran, Dushanbe eye boosting trade level to €500m

TEHRAN – Iranian Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Ehsan Khandouzi, in a meeting with Tajikistan’s Ambassador to Tehran Nizamuddin Zahedi on Sunday, stressed the need to take the necessary measures for boosting the two countries’ trade level up to €500 million. As IRIB reported, in this meeting, Khandozi referred to Iran’s determination for promoting relations […]

‘Improving infrastructure, prerequisite for boosting trade with neighbors’

‘Improving infrastructure, prerequisite for boosting trade with neighbors’ – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Head of Iran-Russia Joint Chamber of Commerce has said improving the country’s infrastructure is a prerequisite for developing trade relations with the neighboring countries, IRNA reported. Hadi Tizhoush Taban noted that trade with neighboring countries shortens the distance for transporting goods and reduces […]

Boosting Your Mood and Improving Your Health With Vitamin D

The Facts: According to professor of evidence based medicine at Oxford Dr. Carl Heneghan , who is also an emergency GP, most diabetic, heart disease & alzheimer’s deaths were categorized as COVID deaths in the United Kingdom. Reflect On: How many deaths have actually been a result of COVID? Why is this pandemic surrounded with […]

Netanyahu touts achievements from record vaccinations to boosting regional ties, security

Browse > Home / Featured Articles / Netanyahu touts achievements from record vaccinations to boosting regional ties, security March 11, 2021 by Israel Kasnett – Read on for article Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his case for why he believes—again, or rather, still—that he is Israel’s strongest candidate to head Israel’s next government […]

Boosting ‘technology diplomacy’ on agenda: VP

TEHRAN – The vice presidency for science and technology in cooperation with the ministry of foreign affairs is planning to boost ‘technology diplomacy’ through expanding innovation and technology centers in export target countries. Knowledge-based companies are seriously collaborating with the ministry of foreign affairs to expand target markets, IRNA quoted Sourena Sattari, the vice president […]

Mangiferin: The Health-Boosting Antioxidant in Mangos

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Mangiferin, a polyphenol found in mango fruit and plant extracts, possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Mangiferin has been shown to have beneficial effects on gastrointestinal health, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular health, and may have anticancer properties Mango, a type of juicy stone fruit native to eastern Asia and India, […]

These energy-boosting herbs help keep you awake without the coffee jitters

(Natural News) If you’re like most adults, you can’t start your day without a cup of coffee. Or two, or five. But drinking too much coffee can be bad for your health, so you might want to slow down. While coffee gives you an energy boost, this effect is only temporary, making […]

Study: Weapons Supplied To Syrian Opposition Ended Up ‘Boosting’ ISIS Arsenal

A new investigation has revealed that most of the advanced weaponry used by ISIS came from supplies the US and Saudi Arabia sent to the region. The study released by the London based Conflict Armament Research (CAR), claims to be the most comprehensive to date. The investigation concluded that the weapons supplied to opposition groups […]

Tehran, Budapest keen on boosting oil trade

SHANA– Iran’s petroleum minister hosted a meeting with visiting Hungarian finance minister in Tehran to discuss oil trade and smoother banking relations. Iran’s Bijan Zangeneh and Hungary’s Mihály Varga met in Tehran on Monday to explore avenues of enhanced oil trade and energy cooperation in the future. During the meeting the Hungarian finance minister described […]

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