Posts Tagged ‘herbal’

Basic Herbal Medicine Making. Yerington, Nevada. July 8 – December 9, 2023.

Basic Herbal Medicine Making. Yerington, Nevada. July 8 – December 9, 2023. Please view my plant collecting bucket info so you can put something together for the classes. Please add pruners as well. the August class we will be needing them. Herbalism is a very individualized practice. So think out of the box, use a […]

Herbal medicine cabinet: 9 Herbs for wound care

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Anyone can get wounded anywhere. And things can go south quickly when you are wounded, so you have to treat wounds before they become serious.Preppers should have access to herbs for wound care, including the following:ArnicaThis herb can be used for a traumatic injury that doesn’t break the skin, such as bruises and … […]

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet

Herbs for Pain Management: A Prepper’s Herbal Medicine Cabinet Posted on January 30, 2023 By Amy Allen The act of living often results in pain of some kind: emotional, physical, or a combination of the above. Whether it’s breaking a leg or a paper cut, it hurts. So how do we deal with it? This […]

How Herbal Tea Changed My Life

From Doug Wolkon, owner of Kauai Farmacy shares his personal healing journey drinking fresh Kauai-grown herbal tea Ten years ago my wife Genna and I moved into a rental house in Kilauea, Kauai with our three-year old son. He was running circles around me during the day; and at night, I would fall asleep to his […]

Immune Boosting Herbal Tea Blend

From Fall and winter is often the time for getting sick, although it can happen at any time of year. Luckily there are some great herbal allies that can help us get through the worst of it. When you feel a sickness coming on, sometimes a hot cup of tea is the only thing […]

Ancient Herbal Medicine And What To Use At Home To Stay Healthy Today!

“Let food be thy medicine.” – Hippocrates You’d be surprised how your knowledge of natural healing medicines can benefit from the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. Herbal medicine has been in use since at least the Paleolithic period . Archaeologists working in northern Iraq, for example, found a selection of plant pollen from mallows, grape […]

Herbal formulations able to prevent and treat dengue fever: A scientific review

(Natural News) Herbal formulations could be potentially used as alternative options for preventing and treating dengue fever. A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine looked at past studies on herbal treatments used in managing the disease in India. Dengue is common in more than 100 countries, affecting more than […]

Orangutans discovered to be herbal medicine geniuses who manufacture their own healing ointments using forest plants

(Natural News) When we want a natural cure, many of us look to traditional medicine. While the remedies used by ancient people across the world often prove to be valuable tools for healing, there might be one potential source of herbal medicine that we are overlooking: animals. Orangutans have been observed in the wild creating […]

Licorice root for heart health? When combined with other herbal compounds, it regulates calcium proteins to protect your heart muscle

(Natural News) Combining the herbal compounds of Radix aconiti carmichaeli and licorice could regulate calcium proteins and protect the heart, according to a new study. A team of researchers from Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in China studied whether the active components — aconitine, liquiritin, and glycyrrhetinic acid — found in Radix aconiti carmichaeli and licorice could […]

Korean herbal medicine confirmed to treat flu-like conditions

(Natural News) Researchers have found that mahwang-tang (also spelled as mahuang-tang in some studies), a traditional Korean herbal medicine, contains anti-inflammatory properties — making it ideal for treating flu-like diseases. In their study, titled Simultaneous determination and anti-inflammatory effects of traditional herbal medicine, mahwang-tang, a group of researchers from the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine conducted a simultaneous analysis of […]

FDA’s recent attack on Kratom based on lies and junk science, warns herbal group

(Natural News) “The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them – it isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day.” These are the words of Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr., spoken in an interview with the […]

Feds block herbal molecule that makes drinking alcohol less dangerous to your liver — Health Ranger

(Natural News) In recent weeks Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, exposed yet another monumental fail on the part of the federal government: The Feds are actively blocking the public from learning about an herbal molecule from licorice root that can be added to alcoholic beverages to dramatically reduce the liver toxicity caused […]

Kanna: The Herbal Antidepressant Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About

November 14th, 2017 By Anthony Tyler Guest writer for Wake Up World An herbal medicine that has a strong scientifically documented background, but an underwhelming social-status in modern society, is the African-based plant, “kanna.” Scientifically classified as “Sceletium tortuosum”, kanna has a calming yet euphoric quality that is akin to the traditional sedative herbs like cannabis, dagga, et cetera – […]

NHS declares total ban on homeopathy and herbal medicine, goes all-in for Big Pharma’s chemical medications that are bankrupting the world

(Natural News) The United Kingdom’s publicly funded healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS), is on the verge of banning homeopathy and herbal medicine. A new consultation document is being sent out to NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to limit the scope of what doctors can prescribe. Instead of cracking down on expensive and side […]

NHS to ban homeopathy and herbal medicine, as ‘misuse of resources’

“The public rightly expects that the NHS will use every pound wisely, and today we’re taking practical action to free up funding to better spend on modern drugs and treatments.” Health officials said the NHS is spending around £545m a year on treatments which are available over the counter, though they do […]

Big Pharma’s Diabolical Effort to USE FDA to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry

FDA + BIG PHARMA + MONSANTO = KILL AMERICANS = ROBBING US OF OUR HEALTH Big Pharma’s Diabolical Plan to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry by Joachim Hagopian, a West Point graduate, former US Army officer with a Masters in Clinical Psychology, Global Research, January 20, 2015 Click for Source Article on GlobalResearch FACT: Richest […]

Amish man slapped with six-year prison sentence for growing and selling his own herbal remedies

(Natural News) On the morning of June 30 2017, a federal judge sentenced an Amish man to six years in prison. His crimes: making and selling herbal health products that were not “adequately labeled”, and obstructing a federal agency. According to, the farmer, one Samuel A. Girod of Bath County in Kentucky, was convicted […]

Sedition, Subversion, Sabotage: A Long-War Strategy for the Left

William T. Hathaway (nsnbc) : As the viciousness of capitalism engulfs ever more of us, our yearnings for change are approaching desperation. The system’s current leader, Barack Obama, has shown us that the only change we can believe in is what we ourselves create. To do that, we need to know what is possible in […]

Detroit collapsing into third world status as water supply becomes too toxic to drink… America’s infrastructure imploding

(NaturalNews) Already pressured by a collapsing economy and a financial state of emergency, the people of Flint, Michigan, were also deprived of clean water in 2014, when the state decided to switch the city’s water source to the notoriously mucky Flint River in a bid to save money. In the absence of proper […]

Never Ignore These 10 Serious Symptoms From Your Dog

There are an estimated 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats owned as pets in the United States (2), and estimated 7.9 million cats and 5.9 million dogs owned as pets in Canada. In a survey done by Colin Siren of Ipsos Reid, it was also determined that 35% of Canadian households have a dog, while 38% have […]

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