Posts Tagged ‘beat’

Caspian Sea legal regime must guarantee littoral states’ interests: Iran FM

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Caspian Sea’s legal regime should guarantee that the interests of the littoral states are met in view of the geopolitical developments.   Zarif made the remark in a ministerial meeting of the Caspian Sea littoral states in the Kazakh capital of Astana on Wednesday. The Caspian Sea littoral states – […]

Californians totally unprepared for massive earthquake predicted to cause uncontrollable fires, explosions and water shortages

(NaturalNews) Doom-and-gloom headlines these days are a dime a dozen, to be sure, and with so much radicalism and strife going on in our country today, it is easy to ignore them. It’s also easy, in our hectic lives, to be distracted by the rigors of balancing our work, home and social lives. […]

Leader calls for pursuing violated Iran’s rights by judiciary

Tehran, June 30, IRNA – The judiciary system should put on its agenda pursing the case of Iran’s violated rights during the sanctions, says Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. He made the remarks in a meeting with the Judiciary officials on Wednesday evening. Ayatollah Khamenei then referred to the illegal seizure […]

Charges Dropped Against Cop Accused of Punching Woman; Smashing Her Cell Phone

All charges against Officer Santiago-DeJesus of the Reading Police Department were dismissed and the officer walked out of the courtroom without any repercussions for slugging Marcelina Cintron-Garcia in the face, in May. A home surveillance camera captured the incident on camera, but Allan Sodomsky, Officer Santiago-DeJesus’s attorney, was able to convince the judge that he […]

LOL: Palestinian President Says Jew Rabbis Ordered Wells Poisoned in EU Speech

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 24, 2016 This is a funny story. I’m sure the Jews really did poison the wells. They do this constantly, everywhere they go. Washington Post: Did Israeli rabbis issue an edict to poison Palestinian water wells? Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said this happened, in a speech delivered Thursday to the European […]

China Creates World’s Fastest Computer Without Relying on US Hardware For First Time

The new titleholder, the Sunway TaihuLight at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, was developed by China’s National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology. The supercomputer uses Chinese-developed ShenWei processors,“ending any remaining speculation that China would have to rely on Western technology to compete effectively in the upper echelons of supercomputing,” said a […]

Residential building in Milan partially collapses after explosion; three dead and nine injured

     Three people died and nine were injured after a building partially collapsed in Milan on Sunday in an explosion that is believed to have been caused by a gas leak. The incident happened in a residential building on Via Brioschi. Among those injured were two sisters, aged seven and 11, who were hospitalized with […]

Human-Pig Hybrids Growing In US Labs

Scientists from the University of California are growing human organs inside pigs in a bid to overcome the worldwide shortage of human organs available for transplants. Human stem cells have been injected into pig embryos to produce human-pig embryos known as chimeras. According to the research team, the pregnant sows should not be any different […]

Update: Shooting Nevada Inmates With Birdshot Banned by New NDOC Director (For Now)

As I’ve reported here on in several posts over the past year, the use of shotguns loaded with birdshot has come under scrutiny recently in Nevada prisons after a high-profile case in which an inmate was killed after a fight with another inmate. The family of that inmate, as well the family of the […]

Report: Syrians ‘buy Honduran I.D.s’ to get into U.S.

Syrians, Palestinians and other Arab nationals are buying Honduran identities and passports that make them eligible to enter the United States on tourist visas, opening a whole new door to potential terrorists and refugees seeking easy passage to America, says to a new report. According to the Honduran newspaper La Prensa, the country’s National Registry […]

More Black on White “Mutual Combat”

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from


MAY 15, 2016 MADDCOLDSONOFKUFA Jonathan Azaziah After 68 years of Nakba in Palestine; after 68 years of destruction, from the 531 villages, towns and cities eviscerated during the Zionist terror gangs’ Plan D to the ongoing IOF demolitions of homes and infrastructures in the West Bank and sacred Al-Quds; after 68 years of mass murder, […]

Moving your body keeps your brain sharp

     Compelling evidence shows exercise improves memory and cognition. For example, a 2010 study on primates revealed that regular exercise helped the monkeys learn new tasks twice as quickly as non-exercising monkeys, and researchers believe this might hold true for people as well. Other studies support such possibilities. Strength training — and working your leg […]

Insider: Society is a Jewish Psy Op (1976)

  May 14, 2016 “We even place within you a ‘guilt complex’ making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly.”  War, Terror, Migration, Feminism, Gender-bending are all part of the satanic stranglehold  the  Masonic Jewish central banking cartel has on society.  In 1976,  insider Harold Rosenthal revealed that this control extends to every aspect of American life.  […]

Cop Faces Life in Prison After Shooting Citizen 8 Times in the Back, Killing Him

Note: In a leaked audio recording, Officer Slager can be heard laughing at the “adrenaline rush” he felt after killing Walter Scott. The audio is provided at the bottom of the article that follows. Dan McCue | Courthouse News Service Ex-Cop Faces Federal Charges Over S.C. Death A white,former […]

Reebok tramples on Palestinians with "Israel 68" sneaker

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 9 May 2016 The “Israel 68” special edition sneaker from Reebok was announced in The Jerusalem Post. International sportswear brand Reebok has launched a special edition sneaker to commemorate the 68th anniversary of what Israel calls its “Independence Day.” The shoe, with the words “Israel 68” emblazoned on the […]

Twitter bans US intelligence access to Dataminr analytics – report

Dataminr reportedly said that Twitter doesn’t want the intelligence agencies to continue using the service for the fear of the“optics,” since it could be perceived as being too close to the intelligence arm of the government, according to a source cited by the The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). The company told RT it […]

Rats can smell tuberculosis, dogs can smell cancer and now they’re being trained to save our lives

     In a small, hot room in a compound located in Tanzania’s lush southern highlands are three white-clad technicians, a glass-and-metal chamber and a large brown rat named Charles. After being gently dropped into the chamber, Charles aims his long snout towards the first of a series of ten sliding metal plates in the chamber’s […]

Rats can smell tuberculosis, dogs can smell cancer and now they’re being trained to save our lives

     In a small, hot room in a compound located in Tanzania’s lush southern highlands are three white-clad technicians, a glass-and-metal chamber and a large brown rat named Charles. After being gently dropped into the chamber, Charles aims his long snout towards the first of a series of ten sliding metal plates in the chamber’s […]

Innocent Man Stands Up to Entire SWAT Team Raiding His Home — He Wins

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Odessa, TX — On Thursday morning, an Odessa man and his family were rudely awakened by a dozen militarized DEA and SWAT officers with AR-15s at their front door. Instead of cowering to the men who were clearly not authorized to be […]

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