Posts Tagged ‘girl’

Video: When Elie Wiesel looked away from Gaza

Ali Abunimah Power Suits 18 July 2016 In May, Hedy Epstein passed away at the age of 91. Born in Germany, she had survived the Nazi genocide because her parents evacuated her to England as part of the Kindertransport. She was dearly loved, and became known to many of us for her fierce […]

Who has Sovereignty in the South China Sea?

FBI Leak: Hillary Clinton Foundation Guilty Of Treason

An FBI insider has come forward claiming that The Clinton Foundation has been found guilty of money laundering and fraud on a massive scale.  According to an insider who says he has “intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case,” FBI director James Comey decided not to indict Hillary due to the fact […]

German vice chancellor calls for dual citizenship for young Brits living in Europe

Tens of thousands of anti-Brexit protesters hit streets of London “Let us offer this to young Brits who live in Germany, Italy or France, so that they could remain European Union citizens,” German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said at a meeting with the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Berlin on Saturday, according […]

Meet Rosalie Crestani, mother of two and deputy of far-right party Rise Up Australia

One of the standout images of the weekend’s protests between far right and anti-racism groups was the sight of the deputy leader of an anti-Islam political party addressing a flag pride protest wearing an Australian flag dress with her clenched fist raised. Rise Up Australia candidate Rosalie Crestani delivered a speech to members of the […]

Swedish Girl Raped As Police Prepare To Hand Out Anti-Groping Armbands

A young woman was raped Thursday at a concert at the Bråvalla festival as Swedish police are preparing to roll out anti-groping armbands According to a report from Afton Bladet, the woman was at Zara Larsson’s concert when a man approached her and raped her from behind. After the rape was over, the woman ran from […]

Crazed Cop Accuses Innocent Woman of “Stealing” Her Own Car, Begins Pounding Her Face

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Court dismisses against maniac cop who unlawfully stopped an innocent woman, beat her, destroyed her phone, and falsified the report. Reading, PA – Caught on video punching an innocent woman in the face and destroying her cell phone for recording him, a […]

How a secretive elite created the EU to build a world government | TOTT News

The Anglo-American political lobby at work. Photo: Central Press It has been one week since the world was left in a state of shock following the results of a referendum in the United Kingdom to exit the European Union, with many debates continuing from campaigners about the long-lasting effects a decision like this could have […]

South Kyrgyzstan struck by strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake

     A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck southern Kyrgyzstan on Sunday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was registered at 11:17 GMT at the depth of 12 miles. It hit some 75 miles southeast from the Central Asian nation’s second largest city of Osh, with a population of 200,000. Tremors were felt wide […]

Vegetables harvested on Mars-like soil safe for humans – Dutch scientists

Researchers at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands announced that out of 10 crops grown and harvested in Mars-simulating conditions, at least four – radishes, peas, rye and tomatoes – showed “no dangerous” levels of toxic elements found in the Mars soil, and are totally edible. “We can actually eat the radishes, peas, rye and […]

Contagious cancer is spreading among marine life

     The oceans are home to innumerable and diverse species of marine life. A new paper, published in Nature, suggests that the watery medium that nourishes and protects this life may also promote the spread of certain cancers, both within and across species. The study, performed by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center, with collaborators […]

The Dawn of the Homosexual Police State

broken up their order.”  Protocols of the Elders of Zion (16)  Sent to a Marxist style re-education course,  Mark told his employer to go sodomize himself. Makow comment– The subtext of relentless gay promotion and gay massacre psy ops is that straights must accept sodomy as healthy and natural and engage in it. Toleration of gays […]

The Gay Mafia is Attacking Homo Trump Supporters

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 20, 2016 A homo contemplating voting for Trump. Stop, bro. Don’t do it. We need you, man. Well, we need your vote. The Orlando shooting is pouring a cold shower of reality on the homo community. While homosexualists loathe the very idea of conservatism, and mostly are against nationalism, the very real […]

BBC Accused of Cover-Up After Suppressing Story of Syrian Gang-Sex Attack on 14-Year-Old

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 19, 2016 It’s almost as if the BBC has some type of (((agenda))). Heat Street: The BBC is facing new questions about why it delayed reporting that a group of Syrian men had been arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Newcastle. Heat Street can reveal that the […]

Japan: More Than 50,000 Gather In Okinawa For Anti-US Military Rally

Over 50,000 people gathered in Okinawa to protest against heavy a US military presence following the murder of a local woman by a former Marine and a string of other incidents. This was one of the biggest demonstrations in two decades against US military bases. The Protest marks a new low for US and Japanese […]

Three US officials expelled from Nicaragua for anti-terrorism activities

     The United States says three of its officials operating in Nicaragua have been expelled from the country, warning that the move could harm trade relations between Washington and Managua. US State Department spokesman John Kirby said Thursday that the American officials, who had only recently arrived in Nicaragua, were kicked out of the Central […]

Orlando Changes Everything

Orlando Changes Everything The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture, America In Decline Articles Orlando Changes EverythingBy Brother Nathanael Kapner June 16, 2016 ©___________________________________ AFTER THE MOURNING ENDS, and the clowns have all gone to bed, a new mourning begins for those who forsee the destruction of America. One glance at the ‘Orlando statements’ by Jewish […]

David Duke: The Orlando Terror and the Dark Side of Diversity

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

9 Shocking Facts About Society That We Oddly Accept As Normal

When you take a moment and look around at the world, things can seem pretty messed up. Take 5 or 10 minutes and watch the 6 o’clock news. Chances are, the entire time, all you are going to see is war, conflict, death, illness, etc. Sure, this is part of the mainstream media’s content strategy to sell […]

Video: Israeli occupation, colonization at root of violence

Ali Abunimah From the Editors 11 June 2016 On Friday, I appeared on Al Jazeera’s Inside Story, to debate the developments surrounding Wednesday’s Tel Aviv attack that killed four Israeli civilians. The other guests were two former Israeli officials: Daniel Levy, of the European Council on Foreign Relations who worked as an advisor […]

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