Posts Tagged ‘teen’

Protesters clash with police in Yerevan amid ongoing hostage situation

Some 100 people gathered in central Yerevan on Monday, according to Interfax. ‘Terrorists’ seize police HQ in Armenia’s capital, kill 1, take hostages They were led by opposition activist David Sanasaryan, TASS reported, saying that the activist has been calling on Yerevan citizens to take to the streets in an anti-government protest. “I am against […]

Police Rounded Up Native Americans “Like Animals” and Fenced Them in Without Charges

Courthouse News Service GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — The Fort Peck Tribe and Wolf Point-area law enforcement agencies conspired to illegally round up homeless people in July 2013 to prevent them from panhandling during a rodeo and parade weekend, according to a civil complaint filed on behalf of 31 […]

The Hoax Press Conferences and More of the Dallas Cop Shooting Hoax

In an elaborate psyops the Dallas Police Department, in concert with other government agencies, has attempted to prove to the world that there really was a deadly attack upon the department. Yet, there can be no doubt about the actual nature of all this, which is that it is nothing other than an inane hoax, […]

Americans Take to Governor’s Mansion After Deadly Police Shooting

Kevin Lessmiller | Courthouse News Service Protesters took to the governor’s mansion Thursday after a Minnesota police officer shot and killed a black man during a traffic stop the night before, the aftermath of which was apparently streamed live on Facebook. The man was identified as 32-year-old Philando Castile […]

European Commission pathetically surrenders to chemical industry, relicensing glyphosate at the last minute despite massive opposition

(NaturalNews) The European Commission has re-approved the use of glyphosate for another 18 months, despite repeatedly being unable to secure a majority decision from EU member states. The last minute decision came as no surprise to most observers, and serves as testimony to how powerful the chemical industry truly is in terms of […]

Cops Serve Warrant on Unarmed Man at His Dad’s Funeral — Kill Him in Front of Entire Family

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Douglas, WY — On Thursday, Scott Ramirez was attending his father’s funeral when he was shot and killed by undercover police officers, according to multiple eye-witnesses and local police. According to the Douglas Budget, Ramirez’ cousin, who asked not to be named, told […]

Zika virus hysteria: A media created fear campaign

     The media said that the mosquito borne Zika virus is likely causing microcephaly as well as dozens of other illnesses. They also claimed that insecticides were not related to the development disorder. They seem to have been wrong on both cases. Since December 2015 U.S. media ran a panic campaign round the Zika virus. […]

Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Violations

Exile in Thailand Better Than Exile at Home – US Retiree

Marcus who retired to Bangkok says the many drawbacks are manageable compared to the increasing “insanity of the West.”       (Disclaimer– We are not endorsing sexual mores described herein.)   by Marcus  I am a retired businessman from the USA, now living in Thailand for 10 years.  This is encouragement for other […]

Bloomberg runs Soviet-style report on Israeli crisis, saying Netanyahu is best man for the job

I closely follow the American coverage of the political crisis in Israel, in which Israeli generals have issued historic critiques of the government as fascistic and reminiscent of Nazi Germany, because some pro-Israeli American journalists have historically been less than honest when “reporting” news from that region. How are they going to do with Israel’s latest […]

Contagious cancer is spreading among marine life

     The oceans are home to innumerable and diverse species of marine life. A new paper, published in Nature, suggests that the watery medium that nourishes and protects this life may also promote the spread of certain cancers, both within and across species. The study, performed by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center, with collaborators […]

FBI releases Orlando shooter 911 ‘transcript’ after public pressure

     The DoJ has released details of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s conversations with 911 operators and negotiators. The transcripts were originally redacted to omit his references to Islamic State and only a short portion of the contents have been released. Mateen killed 49 and wounded 53 people at Pulse, a gay night club, on June […]

Three US officials expelled from Nicaragua for anti-terrorism activities

     The United States says three of its officials operating in Nicaragua have been expelled from the country, warning that the move could harm trade relations between Washington and Managua. US State Department spokesman John Kirby said Thursday that the American officials, who had only recently arrived in Nicaragua, were kicked out of the Central […]

Las Vegas Corrections Officer Arrested on “Prostitution Related Crime” Once Again (Update)

Robert Moore, whom I had previously posted about his having been arrested in December on what was at the time referred to as a “prostitution related crime,” was arrested yet again and charged with involvement in an unlawful prostitution related activity. According to KLAS-TV 8, the local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, his previous charge […]

49 years ago Israel carried out a false flag attack that killed 34 Americans, U.S. government covered it up

     On June 8, 1967, 34 American servicemen were slaughtered and 173 more wounded after Israeli forces repeatedly attacked the USS Liberty in international waters. The Liberty was not a battleship and was entirely unable to defend itself as the hours-long assault took place. For decades, the US government threatened the survivors with jail if […]

117 cadavers, including fetus & 2 children, exhumed from Mexican mass grave used by authorities

The exhumation of 117 bodies – one more than the authorities had counted – in Tetelcingo, in the inland state of Morelos, since May 21 has excited a morbid fascination among Mexicans, and become a lightning rod for government criticism. Under local legislation, officials are allowed to conduct their own burials, when the deceased person […]

Secret Provision Would Expand FBI’s Warrantless Access To Online Records

A secret provision snuck into the Senate’s annual intelligence authorization bill would expand the FBI’s ability to acquire Americans’ online records without a warrant or judicial oversight. The legislation, which has not yet been released to the public, cleared the Senate Intelligence Panel on Tuesday by a 14-1 vote. Two Senators familiar with the bill say it […]

Baalbek — Ancient Temple and Landing Spot For Otherworldly Visitors

Would it be wise to believe that a primitive society erected one of the most mysterious cities, thousands of years ago, using nothing more than early Bronze Age tools? If not, who helped them carve and transport the largest stones in the world? by EWAO In Lebanon, 4,000 feet above sea level, lies the mythical […]

Cancer-stricken plaintiffs sue Monsanto; claim it purposely mislabeled co-formulants in Roundup to conceal their damaging effects

(NaturalNews) Glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, is the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. While the weed killer has proven dangerous to human health, and is a probable carcinogen, the other supposedly inactive chemicals found in Roundup may pose even more of a threat to people. New research suggests that the co-formulants […]

Siberian scientists create self-sustaining ‘micro-Earth’ for humans to live in hostile environment

     The BIOS-3 system developed by Siberian scientists may become a new revolution: the self-sustaining “micro-Earth” may make it possible for humans to create oxygen, water, and food in hostile environments… such as on Mars, for instance. “BIOS-3, or the Biological Support System, is an experiment which was started in the early sixties of the […]

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