Posts Tagged ‘real’

Taylor Swift Says There’s A Secret Plot To Frame Her For Murder

Taylor Swift has expressed fears that wherever she goes she is being secretly recorded as part of a secret plot to frame her for murder.  In what looks like an MKUltra breakdown following the recent feud with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, the 26-year-old singer appears to be following in the footsteps of fellow pop […]

Mass exposure to neurodevelopmental poisons giving rise to generation of young millennial voters who can’t think critically about anything

(NaturalNews) According to shocking new science, 90% of pregnant women in the USA carry “detectable levels” of 62 chemicals that damage developing brains. As documented by Project TENDR (“Targeting Environmental NeuroDevelopmental Risks”), there is now “now substantial scientific evidence linking toxic environmental chemicals to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficits, […]

Police surround suspected terrorist in ‘bomb alert’ in Brussels

“A person wearing a long coat, with wires coming out, is considered the suspect,” Brussels police spokesperson Ilse de Keere said, as quoted by Le Soir media outlet. Christian De Coninck, a spokesman for the Brussels-Ixelle police, stressed to VTM that the man’s attire is “not normal at these temperatures,” adding that special units would examine “what […]

France Extends State Of Emergency For Another Six Months

The National Assembly has voted to extend the ongoing state of emergency in France for another six months until the end of January 2017. The measures were set to be lifted on July 26th until the deadly attack in Nice last week The extension needs to be approved by the Senate after French lawmakers voted […]

It Is A Smoking Gun – Prince Bandar And Other Saudis Financed The 9/11 Terrorists

News reports about the recently released 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks are typically dismissive: this is nothing new, it’s just circumstantial evidence, and there’s no “smoking gun.” by Justin Raimondo Yet given what the report actually says – and these news accounts are remarkably sparse when it comes to verbatim […]

Indian Government: Secret US Weapons ‘Real Cause of Global Warming’

The Indian government have accused the U.S. of using a secretive weapon system that is likely to have caused global warming. According to Environmental Minister Anil Madhav Dave, the U.S. government are able to focus electromagnetic beams via a weapon called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP) across the Earth which reduce the yields […]

Teenage Girl had Abortion After Cologne NYE Rape

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 19, 2016 The Moslem rape crisis is not simply Arabian horniness. This is a conquest strategy. They are spreading their genes for the purpose of creating a new generation of mixed-race people who will side with them. They have done this everywhere they’ve gone throughout history. It isn’t something new. No […]

Iranian spokesman rejects UN chief’s report on JCPOA as ‘biased’

Qassemi on Monday rejected the report as “unbalanced and biased” and said it has been prepared under Washington’s pressure on the UN Secretariat. “The allegations leveled against the Islamic Republic in the report are unfounded”, he said, adding that it runs counter to “the spirit and text of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) […]

Tusk Says to Make Brexit as Painful as Possible as a Warning to Other Member-States

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 16, 2016 Yo Tusk, you nervous bro? So Tusk is openly announcing the Brexit has to be punished so that others don’t attempt an escape. It is now just openly being accepted that membership in the EU is a nightmare for everyone save the welfare-receiving East, and they are just discussing […]

Beyond the Law of Attraction: The 9 Principles of Wish Manifestation

15th July 2016 By Life Script Doctor Guest writer for Wake Up World You can find variety of wish manifestation and law-of-attraction courses online. In most cases they teach you a certain set of manifestation techniques or, as some may call them, wish spells. They help you concentrate and direct your energy towards manifesting your desires. […]

France Revolution Spreads To Germany As Riot Police Deployed

The recent and ongoing revolutionary protests in France have spilled over to Germany over the weekend, with thousands of people taking to the streets of Berlin. Over 1,800 police were called to battle citizens in what has been called the most “aggressive” and “violent” protest Germany has seen in recent years. reports: Protesters were throwing […]

ITEL Radio: “Rule of Law” and Western “Elites”, Graham Hart, & Jez Turner

Hour 1 – The Rule of the Law and the Ruling EliteHour 2 – Guest, Graham HartHour 3 – Guest, Jez Turner, UK Political Activist, The London Forum Download linkShow page Source Article from

Last Chance – Resist the NWO Now

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The Daily Traditionalist: Dallas Black-on-White Cop-Massacre

Radio Aryan July 8, 2016 Andrew Carrington Hitchcock joins Matthew Heimbach to discuss the attack on White police in Dallas by Black supremacists. He points out that since Trayvon Martin, the government and the media have been promoting these Black thugs who get shot by the Police as if they were saints. One of the […]

Suicide bomber kills over 30 people in northeast Syrian city of Hasakah

     According to a Kurdish source, a suicide bomber has killed at least thirty people in Hasakah, Syria. Over 30 people died in a suicide bombing in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakah, a Kurdish source told Sputnik on Tuesday. The attack took place in the city’s eastern province of Salhiye, according to the source. […]

Head of LVMPD Internal Affairs Accused of Perjury; Judge Recused Self Due to “Negative Opinion” of Her

Lieutenant Yesenia Yatomi, who the LVMPD just promoted and placed in charge of their Internal Affairs Bureau, has had a formal request filed to charge her with perjury. The charge dates back to a 2013 case where she had local attorney Stephen Stubbs arrested because he refused to leave the side of his client while […]

Grassroots Chavista Leader Elizabeth Aguilera Assassinated in Caracas

Lucas Koerner (VA) :  A local leader of Venezuela’s United Socialist Party (PSUV) was gunned down in south-central Caracas Monday by alleged members of an armed criminal group. Elizabeth Aguilera was assassinated on Monday night (@FreddyBernal). Elizabeth Aguilera, 43, was the head of the local PSUV chapter– known as Bolívar-Chávez Battle Units– in the working […]

Will Trump Bring Back the Robber Barons and Plunder Our Land in the Name of Freedom?

Christopher Jon Bjerknes The National Socialists employed the concept of Autarky, whereby a nation guarantees its national independence by producing for itself all that it needs. Trump is beginning to talk in like terms, and I am all for American Autarky. We have the need and the means to achieve it and in short order. […]

’Israeli’ Forces, Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa for 2nd Day: Dozens of Palestinians Injured

Local Editor For the 2nd day, “Israel” continued its aggression against al-Aqsa Holy Mosque and its worshippers. “Israeli” forces have engaged in fresh clashes with Palestinians as the apartheid entity’s troops and settlers stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied al-Quds, leaving at least 29 worshipers injured.   Scores of “Israeli” settlers, accompanied by “Israeli” forces, […]

Presbyterian and UU breakthrough votes on Palestine

The US Campaign to End the Occupation today posted Anna Baltzer’s report on two church conferences. I cannot remember a more significant day in church activism for Palestinian rights than the past 24 hours. The largest gathering of UUs in the country just voted on whether to endorse the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)’s recent divestment […]

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