Posts Tagged ‘skin’

Mass exposure to neurodevelopmental poisons giving rise to generation of young millennial voters who can’t think critically about anything

(NaturalNews) According to shocking new science, 90% of pregnant women in the USA carry “detectable levels” of 62 chemicals that damage developing brains. As documented by Project TENDR (“Targeting Environmental NeuroDevelopmental Risks”), there is now “now substantial scientific evidence linking toxic environmental chemicals to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficits, […]

Police surround suspected terrorist in ‘bomb alert’ in Brussels

“A person wearing a long coat, with wires coming out, is considered the suspect,” Brussels police spokesperson Ilse de Keere said, as quoted by Le Soir media outlet. Christian De Coninck, a spokesman for the Brussels-Ixelle police, stressed to VTM that the man’s attire is “not normal at these temperatures,” adding that special units would examine “what […]

Dogs suffering allergic reactions and death after being injected with popular Merck vaccine

(NaturalNews) Dog owners and veterinary associations in the United Kingdom have been warning of a rash of dangerous and even lethal side effects from a popular vaccine designed to protect dogs from a rare and mild illness. The disease in question, leptospirosis, can be serious in both dogs and humans, but most cases […]

The Darkest Night

On June 14 each year one is struck by the poignancy at the sight of so many half-mast Latvian flags. Many carry the black ribbon of remembrance. These sombre reflections of the past are seen on government buildings and places of worship, draped from city apartment blocks and scattered along the country lanes of Latvia, […]

God brings “choke artist” Romney ‘out of the woodwork’ , so he can judge him and his leftist JEW endorsing enemies, prior to installing Donald J. TRUMP as US president

God brings “choke artist” Romney ‘out of the woodwork’ , so he can judge him and his leftist JEW endorsing enemies, prior to installing Donald J. TRUMP as US president . Related… Mitt Romney addressing rich contributors is a big deal right now for the leftist JEW media creeps. He’s telling his half-assed acolytes that 47% […]

US spy plane flew ‘dangerously close’ to passenger jets near Russian border – MoD

Russia’s air defense detected an RC-135 spy plane belonging to US Air Force on Sunday, the ministry said in its statement. The plane was on an air reconnaissance mission with all of its transponders having been shut off, it added. The US crew had not provided any information regarding its flight to air traffic controllers […]

Ex General Says NATO Russia Nuclear War ‘Possible Within a Year’

General Sir Richard Shirreff, from Britain, served at the second-highest NATO military office in Europe between 2011 and 2014. He says his experience acquired in the alliance of war-gaming future conflicts helped him model the narrative for the book. According to his scenario, starting next year Russia would first occupy Ukraine to secure a land […]

Good Christian: Tow truck driver leaves woman on the roadside because she had a Bernie Sanders sticker on her car

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A Jew Speaks The Truth About Hitler and National Socialist Germany

Youtube link A French Jewish professor, Roger Dommergue speaks to Ernst Zundel about the period of Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany and the Holocaust. Source Article from

1,500 prisoners, mostly civilians, freed from ISIS prison dungeon in Iraq

“During their advance to liberate and clear the town of Heet from Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL), security forces discovered a large prison,” police Colonel Fadhel al-Nimrawi said, as cited by AFP. He added it was an “underground” jail, which held about 1,500 people. The numbers were also confirmed by Malallah al-Obeidi, a […]

1,500 prisoners, mostly civilians, freed from ISIS prison dungeon in Iraq

“During their advance to liberate and clear the town of Heet from Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL), security forces discovered a large prison,” police Colonel Fadhel al-Nimrawi said, as cited by AFP. He added it was an “underground” jail, which held about 1,500 people. The numbers were also confirmed by Malallah al-Obeidi, a […]

1,500 prisoners, mostly civilians, freed from ISIS prison dungeon in Iraq

“During their advance to liberate and clear the town of Heet from Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL), security forces discovered a large prison,” police Colonel Fadhel al-Nimrawi said, as cited by AFP. He added it was an “underground” jail, which held about 1,500 people. The numbers were also confirmed by Malallah al-Obeidi, a […]

1,500 prisoners, mostly civilians, freed from ISIS prison dungeon in Iraq

“During their advance to liberate and clear the town of Heet from Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL), security forces discovered a large prison,” police Colonel Fadhel al-Nimrawi said, as cited by AFP. He added it was an “underground” jail, which held about 1,500 people. The numbers were also confirmed by Malallah al-Obeidi, a […]

1,500 prisoners, mostly civilians, freed from ISIS prison dungeon in Iraq

“During their advance to liberate and clear the town of Heet from Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL), security forces discovered a large prison,” police Colonel Fadhel al-Nimrawi said, as cited by AFP. He added it was an “underground” jail, which held about 1,500 people. The numbers were also confirmed by Malallah al-Obeidi, a […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

Bigger than Ebola? Zika virus genome mapped amid new warning

Saturday’s announcement in Brazil is said to be more evidence of its link to cases of microcephaly in affected countries – and a step toward developing a vaccine. By understanding how Zika behaves in the human body and how it can be combated through tests and vaccines, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) researcher Renato […]

US govt admits to murdering Afghan civilians in attempted assassination of British hacker

     “With nearly 10,000 air strikes, we’re taking out their leadership, their oil, their training camps, their weapons,” Obama stated during his farewell State of the Union address earlier this month. Conveniently, in those 10,000 air strikes, he failed to include the bombings of hospitals, weddings, tribal council meetings, and, at least, eight U.S. citizens, […]

The next stage of parliamentary life will be the toughest character test Abbott has faced in politics

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Tony Abbott’s plan for a long-term political future provides an irritant for Malcolm Turnbull but, at least between now and the election, it shouldn’t be much more than that. Former prime minister Tony Abbott will find it challenging to carve out a constructive place on the backbench. Mick Tsikas/AAP Voters are […]

The next stage of parliamentary life will be the toughest character test Abbott has faced in politics

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Tony Abbott’s plan for a long-term political future provides an irritant for Malcolm Turnbull but, at least between now and the election, it shouldn’t be much more than that. Former prime minister Tony Abbott will find it challenging to carve out a constructive place on the backbench. Mick Tsikas/AAP Voters are […]

The next stage of parliamentary life will be the toughest character test Abbott has faced in politics

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Tony Abbott’s plan for a long-term political future provides an irritant for Malcolm Turnbull but, at least between now and the election, it shouldn’t be much more than that. Former prime minister Tony Abbott will find it challenging to carve out a constructive place on the backbench. Mick Tsikas/AAP Voters are […]

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