Posts Tagged ‘masks’

Another Variant, Another Desperate Cry for Masks

For those of us on the side of sanity, reason, and data-driven evidence, the refusal of Covid extremist “experts” to admit mistakes has been a constant, oppressive source of frustration. The names of those involved in creating a false consensus based on inaccurate information have become an infamous reminder of the dangers of excessive reliance […]

CDC Warns CDC’s Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks “Is Not Scientifically Correct”

In a congressional hearing last November on restoring trust in science, CDC Director Mandy Cohen kept evading questions on whether she would bring back mask mandates for toddlers. Source

COVID-19 masks provided NO PROTECTION during “pandemic,” British government now admits

(NaturalNews) Health officials in the United Kingdom have confessed that the medical-grade masks the government pushed on everyone during COVID are completely… Source

Whole Foods didn’t break the law by banning pins and face masks with BLM slogans, judge rules

(Business Insider) — Whole Foods didn’t break the law when it banned workers from wearing apparel and accessories with Black Lives Matter slogans and in some cases disciplined them for breaking this policy, a federal judge has ruled. From early June 2020, following the killing of George Floyd, some Whole Foods staff starting wearing items including […]

Peer-Reviewed Study Admits People Who Wore Masks Were Most Likely To Catch Covid

Mask mandates during the pandemic caused an increase of Covid infections, according to a groundbreaking new peer-reviewed academic study that has proven the highest cases of Covid were reported among those who wore masks the most often. The study, titled “Association between Face Mask Use and Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection,” examined a cross-section of data […]

WHO Tells China To Wear Masks & Socially Distance Amid Mystery Pneumonia Outbreak

Health experts at the World Health Organization have warned that people in China should wear masks, socially distance and stay home if they feel ill amid an outbreak of a mysterious respiratory illness They say China must be more transparent with the new outbreak than they were with Covid, as cases of ‘undiagnosed pneumonia’ are […]

The Absolute Gnarliest Halloween Masks We Could Find

Tis the season, baby—not just for pumpkin spice lube and awkward conversations about exclusivity, but also about gettin’ SCARYYYYYY! Putting the “Hell” in “hello!” today are these Halloween masks, which are so unhinged—no, really, some of the jaws unhinge—that we’ve completely dissociated our brains from our bodies to bring them to your humble, spooky fall […]

Official German Study Warns Masks Are Causing Mass Infertility

An official German study has revealed that masking during the Covid pandemic caused mass infertility among the general public. A team of scientists, led by an Independent Surgeon in private practice, published a large review […] The post Official German Study Warns Masks Are Causing Mass Infertility appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

UK: GP Practices Start Bringing Back Face Masks Rules

Some GP surgeries have decided to bring back face mask rules for patients as concerns grow about the latest variant. Here we go again…. A practice in Leicester reinstated the guidance last week, telling people to mask […] The post UK: GP Practices Start Bringing Back Face Masks Rules appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The Dirty Secret About How Masks Really “Work”

It is difficult to believe that Public HealthTM is trying to force America to mask up again, but here we are. The question is, why? The dirty secret is this: Masks don’t work by controlling the virus. Masks work by controlling the people. If we’re talking about stopping the spread of the virus, masks simply […]

Confronted With Data Showing Masks Don’t Work, Fauci Says He Hopes People Will Still Wear Them

Dr Anthony Fauci is still refusing to stop recommending the wearing of face masks despite being presented with a study showing that they have no effect on preventing the spread of covid. Biden’s former covid […] The post Confronted With Data Showing Masks Don’t Work, Fauci Says He Hopes People Will Still Wear Them appeared […]

Outrage As Maryland Elementary School Brings Back Face Masks For Kids

An elementary school in Maryland has sparked outrage after reinstating face mask mandates despite only a handful of school children testing positive for ‘Covid’. In a letter sent to parents on Tuesday, Rebecca Irwin Kennedy, […] The post Outrage As Maryland Elementary School Brings Back Face Masks For Kids appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

CNN once again fearmongering about COVID to scare everyone back into masks – DON’T BE FOOLED

(NaturalNews) Now that public interest in the “vaccines” has pretty much dropped to zero, the fake news media is once again trying to stir up fear about the latest… Source

STUDY: Disposable COVID-19 masks expose wearers to high levels of toxic compounds linked to cancer

(NaturalNews) Experts considered surgical masks as the gold standard when it comes to preventing infections at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)… Source

Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks

Last year, it seemed that masks were gone for good. US District Judge Kathryn Kimball held that Biden’s national mask mandate on airplanes was “illegal.” Airlines and airports immediately revoked their mask requirements. Flight attendants sang in celebration, passengers cheered, and companies welcomed the change in policy.  While Americans rejoiced, the Biden Administration worked behind […]

CDC Used Outright Lies To Promote Useless As Teats on a Boar Hog Dust Masks To Stop Transmission Of a Non Existant Virus

The Criminal Devision of Child Murders (CDC) agency promoted the “effectiveness” of useless as teats on a boar hog dust masks to “stop transmission” of a non existent virus the CDC has never had an Identified Isolated Purified Reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus’. Written Proof: CDC Has NO ISOLATED, PURIFIED, Sample of Sars-CoV-2 […]

Experts Urge Brits To Wear Masks On Public Transport Amid Fears Of New Covid Wave

‘Experts’ are urging Brits to start wearing face masks on public transport again because they fear that a super-infectious Covid variant could be about to sweep the country.  The latest varient Arcturus is, apparently, responsible […] The post Experts Urge Brits To Wear Masks On Public Transport Amid Fears Of New Covid Wave appeared first […]

Explosive New Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline IN KIDS

A new study by by German researchers has concluded that face masks can cause carbon dioxide poisoning when worn even for short periods and may have contributed significantly to stillbirths when worn by pregnant women, as well as testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children, among other destructive health issues. Source

Why Masks Depicting England’s Guy Fawkes Were Banned in Saudi Arabia

With its highly-stylized moustache, the so-called Anonymous mask has featured in multiple protests across the globe. Described by the Fair Observer as “a staple of anti-authoritarian activist iconography,” the mask has been present at events in Moscow, London and Egypt’s Tahrir Square.  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

WTF?? ‘Smart’ Masks for Cows? Gates Invests $4.7 Million in Data-Collecting Faceware for Livestock

03/20/23 ‘Smart’ Masks for Cows? Gates Invests $4.7 Million in Data-Collecting Faceware for Livestock The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month awarded a $4.8 million grant to ZELP, which claims its artificial intelligence mask technology for livestock will reduce methane emissions and curb climate change. By    Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.   Miss a day, […]

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