Posts Tagged ‘scientifically’

CDC Warns CDC’s Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks “Is Not Scientifically Correct”

In a congressional hearing last November on restoring trust in science, CDC Director Mandy Cohen kept evading questions on whether she would bring back mask mandates for toddlers. Source

No One Has Produced a Scientifically Identified, Isolated, Reproducible, Stand Alone Sample of a “SARS-COV-02″ Virus” So All Killer Jabbers, Forced Maskers & Communist Lockdown Cheerleaders Must Hang For Violating Nuremberg Code & Crimes Against Humanity

Either there are a hell of a lot of stupid people out there, media, religious charlatans, “health experts” “scientist” “doctors”, or they are controlled opposition trying to pretend to be fighting what they are supporting by pretending a pandemic has been scientifically proven to exist cause by a “virus” which has not been scientifically proved […]

MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy is ‘Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,’ and ‘Sophisticated’

Vaccine hesitancy is a big problem, according to the Biden administration. Less than half the public is fully vaccinated while about 56 percent have received at least one jab. AP Photo/Craig Ruttle The goal of fully vaccinating the American public appears to have stalled. This should not surprise us. When the vaccines were first approved […]

Bombshell! Public Health England Admits it Cannot Scientifically Prove That COVID-19 is Contagious

At the start of this ‘pandemic’ I read about four separate experiments/ investigations carried out by the US Military during the Spanish Flu, all of which demonstrated that the Spanish Flu could not be passed from very sick to healthy persons, even by getting the healthy to drink the warm sputum of the sick. Image: […]

11 Scientifically Proven Stress Relievers

August 28th, 2020 By Dr Kinjal Kanani Guest Writer for Wake Up World Do you often feel irritable at work? Or get frequent headaches and are unable to focus? If yes, it may be a sign that you are stressed.Don’t worry, you are not alone. Almost 77% of people are stressed for some reason. But the […]

11 Scientifically Proven Stress Relievers

August 28th, 2020 By Dr Kinjal Kanani Guest Writer for Wake Up World Do you often feel irritable at work? Or get frequent headaches and are unable to focus? If yes, it may be a sign that you are stressed.Don’t worry, you are not alone. Almost 77% of people are stressed for some reason. But the […]

11 Scientifically Proven Stress Relievers

August 28th, 2020 By Dr Kinjal Kanani Guest Writer for Wake Up World Do you often feel irritable at work? Or get frequent headaches and are unable to focus? If yes, it may be a sign that you are stressed.Don’t worry, you are not alone. Almost 77% of people are stressed for some reason. But the […]

3 Scientifically Proven Ways Meditation Boosts Your Immune System

August 18th, 2020 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Did you know that you can naturally boost your body’s ability to fight off harmful organisms and increase your body’s resistance by simply meditating? I’m going to tell you how meditation and mindfulness training can do just that. I meditate daily, and I’m always trying […]

“COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless” Says Bulgarian Pathology Association

The Facts: A study published in the New England Medical Journal outlines how it’s already known that masks provide little to zero benefit when it comes to protection a public setting. Reflect On: Should we have the freedom to wear masks? Why are so many things we are doing right now contrary to data and […]

Relieve stress naturally with these scientifically proven supplements

(Natural News) Stress can maim, even kill. People who work under tremendous pressure get sick more often. They’re human time bombs waiting to explode. On the other hand, people who don’t let stress overwhelm them are resilient and upbeat. Their immune system is stronger, so they can fight disease better. They perform better […]

7 Supplements that are Scientifically Proven to Help You Deal with Stress

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times For almost everyone, stress in inevitable. It engulfs us during stressful life situations, like being in a rough relationship. It creeps up in small bursts during our daily lives, like when we’re stuck in traffic or late for an appointment. Staying calm during life’s stressful situations isn’t easy, […]

8 Scientifically Backed Reasons To Chant ‘Om’

Next Story When I first started practicing yoga, I was relatively surprised at how easy and natural it felt to participate in chanting. I had seen it in movies and heard of chanting within religious practices, but I’d never actually engaged in it until being in a yoga class. It’s a mantra that, without a doubt, […]

Shingles vaccines scientifically proven to cause chicken pox outbreaks

(Natural News) Hopped up on vaccine industry funds, the mainstream media went all out in 2015 trying to convince the public that unvaccinated children are spreading disease and endangering society. In tune with other lying mainstream media outlets, The International Business Times lied about the true source of disease while calling for the continued segregation of normal, healthy, unvaccinated children […]

The Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Sleeping In Total Darkness

By Alanna Ketler It’s that magical time of night when we turn off the lights, tuck ourselves in, and prepare for a restful slumber. But wait — what’s that flashing light? Oh, it’s an email notification on your phone and you can’t avoid it because it’s visible even through your closed lids. Did you know that every light […]

Flu Shots Scientifically Proven to Weaken Immune Response in Subsequent Years

A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years. Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody […]

Scientifically illiterate mainstream media now claims non-fluoridated bottled water is "causing cavities" … Yes, WATER is now called dangerous if it’s clean

(Natural News) If asked to think of an image of something clean and pure in nature, many people would picture a waterfall or stream. Genuine, natural spring water, from a clean source, which hasn’t been tampered with or had piles of chemicals added to it, is highly sought after for its mineral content and […]

Is The Law of Attraction Scientifically Valid?

August 8th, 2017 By Kaia Roman Guest writer for Wake Up World The word “manifestation” triggers different responses for different people. For some, it’s a “woo woo” concept based in fantasy. For others, it’s a belief that drives a way of living. I was introduced to the concept of manifestation as a child, told by my […]

Why Elon Musk is a fast talking hustler who preys upon scientifically illiterate bureaucrats to siphon billions of dollars from taxpayers

(Natural News) If the quintessential public welfare abuser had a corporate replica, it would be Elon Musk and his multibillion-dollar trio of companies: Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp., and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., also known as SpaceX. As successful as these three entities appear to be on their own, the truth of the matter is […]

UN Must Face Scientifically Predicted Consequences Of Nuclear War

Above Photo: Nuclear weapons test (Photo/CC) The preamble of the treaty to ban nuclear weapons now under consideration at the UN will be greatly strengthened if it includes a summary of the long-term environmental consequences of nuclear war, as described by a series of peer-reviewed studies done by prominent scientists working at major US and Swiss […]



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