Posts Tagged ‘supplements’

Your Supplements Are a Lie… Really

feb 13 2024 Are multivitamins and other health supplements good for you? Find out the truth about vitamins in this video. A simple test to find out if your supplements contain hidden maltodextrin: _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this […]

Canada Cracks Down on Natural Supplements such as Vitamins, Favoring Synthetic Alternatives

Canadian health authorities are looking for new ways to crack down on natural health products and businesses. According to Health Canada, it’s all about safety. The bought-and-paid-for Canadian government is attempting to amend the Food and Drugs Act to increase onerous regulations against natural health products. These regulations threaten the very existence of natural product […]

Stop the FDA’s Massive Attack on Supplements

jan 6 2024 Will the FDA Supplement Bomb Detonate in 2024? By ANH-USAOn 01/05/20240 Comments It is without doubt a new year, but an old threat from the FDA could make it a lot less happy for many of us if it’s used to eliminate tens of thousands of health-giving supplements from the market. Action Alert! It’s 2024, […]

The Many Benefits of NAC — One of the Most Important Supplements You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

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Can These Supplements Actually Help Your Dog Live Longer?

Ever had a dog? Then you know the pangs of existential terror that strike when your once-sprightly buddy, who used to gleefully play tug of war with all your dish towels and destroy countless squeaky toys, is now moving at a pace that can only be described as “fragile nonagenarian granny trying to cross a […]

Negative Impact of Supplements & Pharmaceuticals in 5G Environment

This article was first published as “Negative Impact of Supplements in 5G Environment” on January 22, 2023.  [1] It grew to be a mess as I was adding and removing information from multiple times a day since its release. Please email [email protected] if you’d like me to investigate anything else. When it came to the […]

Therapeutic Products Bill – Save our Supplements by Making a Submission Before 15 Feb 2023

From Let’s tell Chris Hipkins that we are not standing for the Therapeutic Products Bill. It is easier than you may think to make a submission and very easy to sign a petition. What would happen if we could get a million people to say: No, we don’t want Natural Health Products regulated. We […]

Attack on Herbs and Supplements Is a Racket

By Tessa Lena A centuries-old racket This story is a very important practical story because there is yet another active attack on our access to “alternative” medicines, herbs, and dietary supplements. The pharmaceutical investors and their pocket politicians are emboldened. They couldn’t be happier if the healing herbs and supplements were regulated off the market and taken away […]

Seven Best Foods and Supplements to Enhance Your Immune System

These seven foods and supplements have been clinically proven to enhance immunity, improving your response to a variety of illnesses and infections. Source

Top 14 Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements for Heart Health

February 24th, 2021 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Your heart is one organ you can’t live without. In times past, people actually considered the heart the seat of thought and emotion, rather than the brain. After some time, experts realized that the heart actually delivers life-giving oxygen and nutrients throughout the […]

11 Things Better than Drugs or Supplements for Healing

October 30th, 2020 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Natural medicine doesn’t just involve “nutraceuticals,” but extends to modalities like yoga and acupuncture that an increasing body of peer-reviewed research shows can be superior to drugs Natural medicine is an amazing field, full of inspiring stories and an ever-accumulating body of scientific research to […]

Folic acid supplements can reduce the risk of stroke by 73% in hypertensive patients

(Natural News) Expectant mothers are quite familiar with the importance of ensuring they get enough folic acid to help prevent birth defects like spina bifida, but it turns out that there’s another group who can benefit greatly from this vitamin: adults with hypertension. According to a study published in the Journal of […]

Vitamin D requires magnesium: You can take supplements but still stay deficient in D if your magnesium levels are too low

(Natural News) Even if you’re taking supplements daily, keep in mind that your vitamin D and magnesium levels are closely linked. According to a recent review, at least 50 percent of Americans store inactive vitamin D in their bodies. This occurs since the vitamin can’t be metabolized if an individual’s magnesium levels are […]

11 Modalities That Are Better Than Drugs or Supplements for Healing

March 8th, 2018 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Natural medicine is an amazing field, full of inspiring stories and an ever-accumulating body of scientific research to support its increasingly popular views on health. In fact, at we specialize in dredging up from the National Library of Medicine’s 27-million-citation deep, seemingly oceanic database, highly promising clinical […]

Relieve stress naturally with these scientifically proven supplements

(Natural News) Stress can maim, even kill. People who work under tremendous pressure get sick more often. They’re human time bombs waiting to explode. On the other hand, people who don’t let stress overwhelm them are resilient and upbeat. Their immune system is stronger, so they can fight disease better. They perform better […]

7 Supplements that are Scientifically Proven to Help You Deal with Stress

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times For almost everyone, stress in inevitable. It engulfs us during stressful life situations, like being in a rough relationship. It creeps up in small bursts during our daily lives, like when we’re stuck in traffic or late for an appointment. Staying calm during life’s stressful situations isn’t easy, […]

Essential brain food: Here’s why you probably need DHA supplements

(Natural News) More than half, or 60 percent, of the brain is composed of fat. Thus, healthy fats play a crucial role in the brain’s development. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids are the most important when it comes to the brain’s structure and performance. These are essential fats that can be found […]

Health experts discuss the supplements they take and why – are they right for you?

(Natural News) Despite Big Pharma naysayers, the health benefits offered by supplements are backed by scientific facts. However, it can be daunting when you’re trying to decide which of the 29,000 supplements that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved is right for you. In an article published in the Daily Mail, experts […]

Supplements for heart health: Vitamin E found to have a synergistic effect when combined with the amino acid carnitine, protecting against heart attack

(Natural News) Combining carnitine with vitamin E may effectively reduce the risk of developing myocardial infarction (MI), according to a study published in the African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines. A team of health experts at the King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia used animal models of MI to carry out the study. The rats were divided into […]

Do you trust your brand of supplements? Researchers found a majority of supplements collected at liver treatment centers were mislabeled

(Natural News) A presentation that was delivered at the 2017 Liver Meeting that was conducted by the American Association for the Research of Liver Diseases in Washington, D.C. showed that the mislabeling of ingredients is a common occurrence in herbal and dietary supplements, especially in bodybuilding and weight loss products. “In looking at those cases, […]

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