Can These Supplements Actually Help Your Dog Live Longer?

Ever had a dog? Then you know the pangs of existential terror that strike when your once-sprightly buddy, who used to gleefully play tug of war with all your dish towels and destroy countless squeaky toys, is now moving at a pace that can only be described as “fragile nonagenarian granny trying to cross a busy street.” It’s a cruel cosmic joke, one unrivaled in the wistful emotional disturbance it brings. Recently, my family’s 13-and-a-half-year-old dog suddenly developed vertigo, and before we figured out that he was essentially just seriously off balance, we thought he was a goner. It was one of the worst, saddest conversations I’ve had with my parents in recent years, and that’s saying a lot. Blessedly, he’s mostly recovered, although his head may or may not be permanently tilted. Hang in there, bud. 

We all want our dogs to live longer, and since doggy life timelines are on an accelerated schedule, it’s a harsh reality check to watch your dog to suddenly look and feel old in a matter of just a couple of years. Their whiskers turn white. Their breath smells more and more garbagey. They don’t try to chase and murder squirrels like they used to. Of course we will still kiss and love them, but this is tough stuff. 

If there was something—anything—we could do to extend their lives, obviously, we’d give it a go. So when we recently caught wind of a doggy supplement called Leap Years, our (human and dog) ears perked up. Leap Years makes an all-natural daily chewable “supplement system” subscription that the brand says is “clinically proven to enhance the lives of senior dogs.” 

Before we get into what’s in the chews, it’s worth noting that Leap Years appears to take the science seriously; there’s a dedicated Aging Research page on its site with links to all kinds of studies about how the science of aging works, NAD boosting molecules, blah blah. Leap Years is the first-ever NAD+ supplement for dogs—more on that below. 


Naturally, we’re wondering, what’s actually in this stuff, and will it buy me a couple of extra years of time with my dog, whom I greatly prefer to humans and is one of the few things that brings me real three-dimensional joy in this sick, sad world? Apparently, the active ingredients are those aforementioned “NAD+ boosters” in the form of LY-D2 (brown) and LY-D6 (golden). There are links on that science page to studies explaining what these NAD+ boosters and their potential therapeutic applications are, but I’m too stupid and bad at science to understand this highly academic language, so instead I watched a video on the site with a veterinarian explaining that this stuff is seemingly legit. These supplements, which come in different formulas for different sizes of dogs, claim to work on the cellular level in two ways: by restoring cellular health, and by “[supporting] the natural clearance of senescent cells.” Through these processes, the supplements may help to slow or limit cognitive decline, improve mobility and muscle strength, and promote mental fitness. 

$69.99$62.99 at Leap Years

$69.99$62.99 at Leap Years

If you want your eyes to well up with tears, read the testimonials page, which talks about case studies like Chance who started slowing down around age nine, but now, at 15, gets the zoomies again, has a restored interest in walks and treats, and has a healthy and robust appetite. Or there’s Vinnie, who’s 14 and after taking Leap Years, can now go up and down stairs again. I’m not crying, you’re crying. 


November is Senior Pet Adoption Month, and older dogs often have difficulty finding their forever homes when in rescues and shelters, which makes me personally want to cry every time I think about them stuck in their little pens and cages sorrowfully day after day, waiting to be chosen and loved. To incentivize potential adopters to #TakeTheLeap and give a home to a little old cutie, the brand is offering a free bottle of its product to anyone who adopts an aging dog (over the age of five) from a shelter or rescue (don’t forget to keep your proof of adoption). Additionally, if you subscribe to Leap Years supplements, you’ll get 50% off your first month when you use the promo code TRYLY50 at checkout. 

Please adopt a senior dog and send us pix? 

Head over to Leap Years to purchase its supplement for dogs.

The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.


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