Posts Tagged ‘racket’

Neurologist Andrew Moulden Was Murdered for Exposing Vaccine Racket

Some video are still available on (Canadian neurologist Andrew Moulden, PhD. MD 1964-2013 explains it all here in 20 six-minute segments. He was told to play ball or have the ball taken away. He wouldn’t play ball and they killed him.) Healthcare is a bigger business than war.  They cannot leave illness to chance. A […]

Racket News: Fact-Checking NewsGuard

The “counter-misinformation” service NewsGuard fact-checks most major independent outlets, including Racket. They even bless us with a “reliability rating,” based on factors like my willingness to answer questions about funding sources (there are none, the site is 100% reader-financed), the lack of a formal masthead (calling myself editor isn’t good enough, apparently), and incidents like reporting issues disputed by […]

“War Is A Racket” For These 25 ‘Defense’ Companies


War Is a Racket by General Smedley Butler read by John Greenman

  Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know – The Business Plot     Source

The Money Trails of the Pandemic Planning Racket 

The Justice Department has dismissed all charges related to campaign finance leveled against Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the founder and CEO of the Bahamas-based crypto exchange FTX. The grounds were a bit unusual. Officials in the Bahamas said that such charges were not the basis of the extradition. “The Bahamas did not intend to extradite the […]

War Certainly Is A Racket

Iain Davis In 1935, Major General Smedley Butler’s seminal book “War Is A Racket” warned of the dangers of the US military-industrial complex, more than 25 years before the outgoing US President Eisenhower implored the world to “guard against” the same thing. One of the most decorated soldiers in US military history, Butler knew what […]


My new book, The Great Racket: the ongoing development of the criminal global system, is a compilation of the more significant essays that I posted online during 2022, following the publication of my short philosophical book The Withway. Source

Attack on Herbs and Supplements Is a Racket

By Tessa Lena A centuries-old racket This story is a very important practical story because there is yet another active attack on our access to “alternative” medicines, herbs, and dietary supplements. The pharmaceutical investors and their pocket politicians are emboldened. They couldn’t be happier if the healing herbs and supplements were regulated off the market and taken away […]

MEDICAL RACKET: Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic in Nashville EXPOSED for chemically and surgically castrating minors

(Natural News) Matt Walsh has been busy lately investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt Health in Nashville, which is under fire for providing so-called “gender affirming care” to children. Vanderbilt is accused of offering castration, pharmaceutical drugging and other “treatments” as part of a massive money-making scheme that Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and several members […]

MEDICAL RACKET: Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic in Nashville EXPOSED for chemically and surgically castrating minors

(Natural News) Matt Walsh has been busy lately investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt Health in Nashville, which is under fire for providing so-called “gender affirming care” to children. Vanderbilt is accused of offering castration, pharmaceutical drugging and other “treatments” as part of a massive money-making scheme that Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and several members […]

War Is A Racket: Ex-State Department Official Matthew Hoh Speaks Out

 The U.S. Was And Is Effectively Taking Part In The Established Drug Trade By Backing Drug Lords In Afghanistan. What was the Afghanistan War all about? That is the question on many people’s lips after a devastating 20-year campaign that has killed an estimated 176,000 people and displaced nearly 6 million more. Today, Watchdog host Lowkey […]

Regulation or Racket? UK Drug Regulator Never Inspected the Pfizer Vaccine Study Data

8 september, 2021 As populations around the world face coercion to submit to COVID-19 gene-based ‘vaccination’, including being locked out of employment and medical care, while reports of deaths following vaccination soar, a scandal regarding the legitimacy of COVID vaccine authorization processes is unfolding. EXCLUSIVE TO DOCTORS FOR COVID ETHICS: A second Freedom of Information request seeking […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Being a Right-Wing Grifter Is a Lucrative Racket

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Bill Gates’s Philanthropic Giving Is a Racket

He’s no philanthropist … does he supply clean water, good food, roading, education? No… he provides vaccines that depopulate & also fatten his own purse … what a charlatan The Most Revolutionary Act By  Rob Larson JacobinMag Bill Gates recently resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on philanthropy. It’s a perfect […]

RH – Devouring Widows’ Houses is a Worldwide Racket

RH – Devouring Widows’ Houses is a Worldwide RacketRESTORATION HOUR Eli interviews CA TV show host William Wagener about mortgage fraud and how the bankers, lawyers, judges and others are part of the racket. Share this:

The Anti-Semitism Racket: How Jews Get Away With Their Crimes

DISCLAIMER. All articles published on this website reflect the views of their original authors. It must not be assumed that publication of any material on this site automatically implies an endorsement or approval of all its contents.  By JOHN KAMINSKI Jews appeal to your better nature. They make you feel guilty about how selfish you […]

Exposing the junk science behind the mental health racket: A look at the hoax behind the toxic medicines used to treat “mental disorders”

(Natural News) Psychiatry might sound like a science, but it’s not quite as cut and dried as other areas of medicine, and that’s something you might want to think about before blindly accepting any psychiatric diagnoses a doctor gives you – and especially before you start taking any psychiatric medications. Mental disorders […]

No, Big Pharma’s drug market is not a free market; it’s a monopoly-enforced RACKET, protected by corrupt government

(Natural News) Despite raking in tens of billions of dollars annually with its corner on medicine, the pharmaceutical industry just isn’t content with its current profit portfolio. New reports indicate that drug companies are continuing a trend they started several years back of “recycling” older drugs – meaning they dramatically hike up prices, only to […]

In the USA even health provision is a racket. We are so lucky in the UK to have the NHS, let’s keep it that way

The UK’s National Health Service up close and personal: Comparing Britain’s National Health to Medical Care in the US Comparing Medical Care in Britain and the US by:  Dave Lindorff In late September, AmerisourceBergen, one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical distribution companies with revenue of $150 billion, was fined $260 million by the US Food […]

AIR NATO: A Look Inside the West’s Secret Weapons Racket That’s Destroying Syria

Patrick Henningsen21st Century Wire It’s no secret that the governments of the US, UK and France, along with other EU member states, have been involved in training and equipping what used to be known as ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria. We now know that the bulk of the arms that get into opposition areas in Syria have gone to […]

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