Posts Tagged ‘monopoly’

Google/YouTube monopoly, anti-competitive must see court time!

YouTube censors creators, especially if the content does not follow a particular narrative. See video of the title: [embedded content] This is an example of how the people in governments, the legal profession are in bed together with the large multinationals. Google should be in the courts over this behaviour immediately! ALL part of the […]

The ICJ just took the Holocaust monopoly away from Israel

The International Court of Justice’s genocide ruling shows Israel is no longer viewed as the eternal victim, and the Holocaust no longer shields it from scrutiny for the most grave crimes against humanity. Source

Lux Luthor — Part 3: Monopoly Board: the New Zealand Edition with Social Impact Bonds to Manage Crises!

From Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards @ substack In Part 3 “Monopoly Board”, the National Party’s stealthy social engineering agenda is teased out through a re-examination of Chris Luxon’s rhetoric on how he’d fix the nation if he were Prime Minister. The reader is steered to a proposed ‘Social Investment Fund’, stashed in the bowels of National’s […]

Is intellectual property turning into a knowledge monopoly?

Never before has society had the ability it does today to bring together different communities and resources in order to produce new knowledge. Source

Is Monopoly Media and Algorithmic Censorship Creating A Modern Version of Plato’s Cave?

Here is a GREAT Interview with South African political cartoonist and commentator Jeremy “Jerm Warfare” Nell on his TNT Radio Show. We covered how the inter-generational organized crime system is using monopoly media and the algorithmic censorship of the DARPA Internet to trick the population about the reality of their existence in something akin to a modern […]

BRICS Doesn’t Challenge Rothschild Banking Monopoly

“Far from being the NWO, the West, America included, is the TARGET of the NWO: we need to get destroyed before World Government can come. Of course, the US has long been their main vehicle. But a vehicle easily gets discarded, as the driver acquires a new ride. This new ride is not China, although […]

Anthony Migchels – BRICS Don’t Challenge Rothschild Banking Monopoly

“Far from being the NWO, the West, America included, is the TARGET of the NWO: We need to get destroyed before World Government can come. Of course, the US has long been their main vehicle. But a vehicle easily gets discarded, as the driver acquires a new ride. This new ride is not China, although […]

Consumer Goods Monopoly Consolidation – The Drug Dealers and the Company Store

Are Monopolized Food Companies and Military Contractors Putting Toxins in the Food Supply? Source

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: The Twitter Files’, The Removal Of Donald Trump, (Part 2)

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: The Twitter Files’, The Removal Of Donald Trump, (Part 2) SM Source – “…Yesterday, we detailed part 1 – via veteran journalist Matt Taibbi, which focused on the period leading up to January 6th, including details about Twitter executives regular meetings with the FBI and DHS. Today, in part 2, Michael Shellenberger […]

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: ‘Illusion Of Choice’, Question Everything

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: ‘Illusion Of Choice’, Question Everything – By Jeff Thomas SM Source – “…In a democracy, there is always an “A” and a “B.” This illusion of choice is infinitely more effective in helping the populace to believe that they have been able to choose their leaders and their points of view. […]

‘Spineless’ ACCC supporting Google’s monopoly

‘Fight the fight themselves’: Aussie start-up Unlockd’s lonely battle against Google That there’s no love lost between Matt Berriman and Australia’s competition regulator isn’t surprising. It was the beginning of 2019 when the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission began to examine how and why Google kicked Unlockd off its platforms; since then, the founder of […]

Give Biden your guns? the perils of a state monopoly on violence

Also, the Biden regime would rather have you stop talking about the ongoing economic crisis in America, featuring inflation, monetary debasement, and the continually declining standard of living. Americans, however, aren’t going to be bamboozled so easily once more. COVID Mania was one thing, but the inflation bomb is becoming too big to miss.

China’s Aircraft Industry Puts an End to Western Monopoly

Aircraft manufacturing is one of the strategically important areas of modern industry, providing transport security and generating large revenues. However, aircraft construction requires a high level of scientific and technological development and a huge financial investment. Therefore, not all countries are able to fully supply themselves with aircraft, whether military or civilian. The largest and […]

Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr. David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won’t Back Down

The Stew Peters Show BY STEW PETERS SHOWFEBRUARY 11, 2022 Catch every segment of the show at Video: MORE NEWS: The People’s Convoy | Give Thanks to the Truckers In an emergency broadcast, Dr. David Martin joined the Stew Peters Show on Friday to expose the real reason why Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is refusing […]

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: PEN America & The Betrayal Of Julian Assange

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: PEN America & The Betrayal Of Julian Assange – By Chris Hedges SM  Source – “…Careerists and Democratic Party apparatchiks successfully leverage corporate money and backing to seize and deform historic rights organizations into appendages of the ruling class….Those in power, as Noam Chomsky points out, divide the world into “worthy” […]

Know Thy Enemy – MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World? (Documentary)

A look into the documentary ‘MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?’ Absolute must-read articles on the subject: Only TWO Companies, Vanguard and BlackRock, Control The Planet While World’s Richest 1% Own 82% Of World’s Wealth. Vanguard and BlackRock Also Own Nearly the Entire Mainstream Media and Most of Big Pharma. MONOPOLY – Who owns the […]


Prince Andrew’s former wife Sarah Ferguson had an office on the 101st floor of the North Tower in 2001.   [embedded content] Slave Trade Security minister Damian Hinds says ‘nobody feels more let down’ about Sarah Everard’s murder than police’ as figures show 2,000 officers have been accused of sex offences in four years Airline […]

Convenient: ‘Monopoly’ Will Now Include Divorce Papers Right In The Box

PAWTUCKET, RI—Well, this is convenient! Hasbro has announced that to make things fast and easy for couples playing Monopoly together, the popular mass-market board game will now include divorce papers right in the box. All copies of the game shipped in North America will include the papers, as well as copies of Diplomacy and Risk. Other publishers are following […]

Israel seeks an unchecked nuclear monopoly: ex-Senate candidate

TEHRAN – A former U.S. Senate candidate says Israel resorts to assassination and sabotage because it needs an unchecked nuclear monopoly in West Asia. “This demonic agenda involves the need for an unchecked nuclear monopoly in the Middle East (West Asia) and one not under the scrutiny of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPF) as Iran is,” […]

Iranian FM says era of Western monopoly has ended

TEHRAN – The West no longer has a monopoly on international relations, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday, highlighting the growing role of Asian states on the global scene. Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with CICA secretariat executive director Kairat Sarybay on the sidelines of the “Heart of Asia” conferenced […]

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