Posts Tagged ‘luthor’

Lux Luthor — Part 3: Monopoly Board: the New Zealand Edition with Social Impact Bonds to Manage Crises!

From Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards @ substack In Part 3 “Monopoly Board”, the National Party’s stealthy social engineering agenda is teased out through a re-examination of Chris Luxon’s rhetoric on how he’d fix the nation if he were Prime Minister. The reader is steered to a proposed ‘Social Investment Fund’, stashed in the bowels of National’s […]

Lux Luthor — Part 2: High Flyers Club – ‘How New Zealand was reset in the mid-1980s to reforge the nation as a crisis-ridden society for benefit of a civil oligarchy’ (Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards)

In part 1, “Operation Overwealth”, the career trajectory of former Air New Zealand CEO Chris Luxon was examined in parallel with tectonic geo-political shifts over the course of the last half century, corresponding with Luxon’s life-span. Scholarly sources were presented to show that oligarchs can only exist in societies with great economic inequality. But also, […]

Lux Luthor — Part 1: Operation Overwealth (Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards)

This heretical dispatch re-examines Christopher Luxon’s high-octane propulsion to the role as leader of the National Party — from brand marketer to airline CEO. It reveals a highly-networked global élite stealthily pimping planetary policies, while mass populaces, including Kiwis, are lined up like ducks for vote harvesting. Few Kiwis know that Luxon’s former employer, Unilever, […]

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