Posts Tagged ‘clinic’

Mayo Clinic Says Racism Causes African Americans to Have Heart Attacks

    The spike in heart attacks in the African-American community since 2021 is caused by “racism” according to so-called experts at the World Economic Forum-funded Mayo Clinic. Heart attacks have soared around the world since 2021, with experts creatively blaming the spike on all manner of unlikely causes including being too happy, waking late […]

New Zealand is a Crime Scene: In one clinic, in one day 30 people were covid injected and all 30 have died

From “Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections” Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of one clinic in New Zealand where 30 people received a covid […]

Now that HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE is gaining national attention, the Mayo Clinic has decided to PURGE its informational page about the COVID-fighting generic drug

(NaturalNews) Barely even a full day after the Mayo Clinic decided to issue an endorsement for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a viable drug remedy for the Wuhan… Source

Mayo Clinic Deletes Page That Admits Hydroxychloroquine Can Be Used to Treat Covid

The Mayo Clinic recently admitted on their website that “Hydroxychloroquine may be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients.” Their site was updated with the new endorsement on Sunday. However less than 48 […] The post Mayo Clinic Deletes Page That Admits Hydroxychloroquine Can Be Used to Treat Covid appeared first on The […]

NHS clinic slammed for approving Testosterone and Mastectomy for female with 14 mental health disorders

A taxpayer-funded gender identity clinic in Britain has been heavily criticized for approving testosterone treatment and a double subcutaneous mastectomy on a female patient who had been diagnosed with 14 separate mental health disorders. The Gender Identity Development Service (Gids), based at London’s Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, is due to close down next […]

Walid Daqqah continues to face death in Ramleh Prison’s clinic

Just outside of Ramleh prison, family members and supporters of Palestinian prisoner Walid Daqqah gathered to call for his release from Israeli prison during an early parole hearing on May 31. At the same time, Palestinians across the West Bank and Gaza took to the streets and rallied for Daqqah’s immediate release in light of […]

A pop up vaccine clinic in Canada that is offering kids free ice cream in exchange for a vaccine

A pop up vaccine clinic in Canada that is offering kids free ice cream in exchange for a vaccine, no parental permission required. Police are guarding the front to stop parents from intervening.

A Concierge Online Hair-Loss Clinic? Yes, My Balding King

While there are many powerful bald people, from Vin Diesel and Jason Statham to The Rock and… well… apparently everybody else who has appeared in a Fast and Furious franchise movie, bald(ing) people also experience adversity and pain that most of society cannot understand. To compensate, some of them (like the aforementioned) become extremely ripped, […]

Cleveland Clinic publishes study showing that mRNA jabs INCREASE covid risk with each subsequent “boost”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Every time a person gets injected with a covid “vaccine” or “booster,” his or her risk of testing “positive” for covid and later getting sick or dying increases substantially, according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic.The paper appeared on the pre-print server medRxiv, showing that getting “vaccinated” and … [Read […]

MEDICAL RACKET: Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic in Nashville EXPOSED for chemically and surgically castrating minors

(Natural News) Matt Walsh has been busy lately investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt Health in Nashville, which is under fire for providing so-called “gender affirming care” to children. Vanderbilt is accused of offering castration, pharmaceutical drugging and other “treatments” as part of a massive money-making scheme that Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and several members […]

MEDICAL RACKET: Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic in Nashville EXPOSED for chemically and surgically castrating minors

(Natural News) Matt Walsh has been busy lately investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt Health in Nashville, which is under fire for providing so-called “gender affirming care” to children. Vanderbilt is accused of offering castration, pharmaceutical drugging and other “treatments” as part of a massive money-making scheme that Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and several members […]

Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

London Sex Change Clinic For Kids Shut Down And Sued By 1000 Families

Are you a child suffering from gender dysphoria and in need of puberty blocking chemicals?  Well, according to the Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic in London, most little kids need them.  And, they operated with impunity from 1983 until this past month.  The clinic has recently been shut down by the NHS as investigations mount and […]

UK gender identity clinic to face legal action from at least 1,000 families

Photo Credit: Sky News (The Christian Institute) — NHS England’s gender identity clinic for children is expected to face legal action from at least 1,000 families after their children were rushed onto a medical pathway with “life-changing effects.” Law firm Pogust Goodhead is pursuing group legal action against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation… Source

Dr Jack Preger’s Pavement Clinic—A Doctor’s Struggles to Help the Poorest Reach Far and Wide

In 1972 a British doctor stumbled to refugee camps in Bangladesh, making sincere but rather clumsy efforts to make a contribution amidst an ocean of unmet medical needs. Five decades later, this uncertain initial effort has grown enough to reach out to over 500,000 of the poorest patients, many of them with serious conditions who […]

Children offered secret ride to vaccination clinic in Canada

    Canadian vaccine advocates have sparked online controversy and reportedly faced threats, after offering to give teens whose parents are against inoculation for Covid-19 a ride to a vaccination site. The row began on Friday, after a Saskatchewan community organizer named Julian Wotherspoon posted a Twitter message offering to assist any 13- to 17-year-olds […]

Germany | Dr Thomas Jendges Head of Clinic, Commits Suicide “COVID-19 Vaccine Is a Genocide”

In Germany, the Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, Dr Thomas Jendges, committed suicide saying he no longer wants to be part of the Genocide happening vis the COVID-19 Vaccine. #genocide #pandemic #covid19 #covidvaccine The Chief of a Clinic in Chemnitz, Germany committed suicide. In a letter found on the scene, he explains that he can […]

Head of the Chemnitz Clinic Commits Suicide: ‘COVID-19 Vaccine is Genocide’

The Chief of a Clinic in Chemnitz, Germany committed suicide. In a letter found on the scene, he explains that he can no longer be part of the Genocide. Dr. Thomas Jendges (†55) Chemnitzer Klinikum / Foto: Klinikum Chemnitz On Tuesday, Dr Thomas Jendges, Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, committed suicide by jumping from the […]

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