Posts Tagged ‘pfizer’

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take It

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was so convinced by the safety and effectiveness of his company’s experimental and rapidly produced Covid-19 vaccines that he urged every citizen of the world to get double vaccinated as soon […] The post Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take […]

Pfizer Shot ‘Ruined My Life’: Vaccine-Injured Woman Speaks Out on 7News Australia

It seems that the tide is finally turning as a mainstream outlet from Australia is now giving a voice to the vaccine-injured. Jackie Stricker-Phelps, the partner of former Australian Medical Association President Professor Kerryn Phelps, shared her harrowing experience with 7News Australia, revealing that the Pfizer shot “ruined” her life and that she won’t be […]

Fauci Files Reveal Pfizer Helped Biden Rig 2020 Election

Pfizer secretly colluded with Joe Biden’s team to help him rig the 2020 election against Trump, according to new Fauci documents. In his new book, “On Call,” Fauci admits that Albert Bourla, the CEO of […] The post Fauci Files Reveal Pfizer Helped Biden Rig 2020 Election appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Another State Sues Pfizer

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Kansas is the latest US state to file a lawsuit against Pfizer, accusing the pharmaceutical giant of misleading the public about the safety and effectiveness of its Covid-19 vaccine. Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach claims that Pfizer knew about the risks associated with its vaccine, “including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and […]

Four States Including Texas Join Kansas AG Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresenting Safety of Vaccine, Bill Gates Money Trail

Above: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, left, and Bill Gates at a meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2022. A lawsuit filed this month by the Attorney General of the State of Kansas, Chris Kobach, against Pfizer for, among other things, destroying clinical trials data, and falsely claiming that its COVID vaccine […]

Kansas AG Sues Pfizer, Says It Destroyed Clinical Trials Data, Falsely Claimed COVID Vaccine Prevented Transmission

Above image: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach Important COVID vaccine news update: Lancet Autopsy Study Finding 74% of Unexpected Deaths Post-COVID Vaccine Were Due to Shots is Reinstated, Drive to China Cashless Society Heats Up ___________________________________________________________________________ BREAKING: Kansas AG Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer over the COVID vaccine: 1. Safety related to pregnant women2. Heart […]

Study: DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeds 354 Times Allowable Limit

The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine contains up to 354 times the recommended limit of DNA contamination, according to the findings of a peer-reviewed scientific study which raises concerns regarding the carcinogenic potential of the Comirnaty COVID-19 […] The post Study: DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeds 354 Times Allowable Limit appeared first on The People's […]

Pfizer Whistleblower Admits Company Gave ‘Non-Cancer’ Version of Jab to Elites

A Pfizer whistleblower has revealed that executives and elites were given a “separate and distinct” COVID-19 vaccine that did not contain any of the deadly carcinogenic ingredients that the rest of humanity were coerced into […] The post Pfizer Whistleblower Admits Company Gave ‘Non-Cancer’ Version of Jab to Elites appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

“A Thousand Billion Robots” in a Vaccine—Pfizer’s Secret Tech EXPOSED w/ Maria Zeee

Australian podcaster Maria Zeee joins Seth Holehouse at Man in America. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post “A Thousand Billion Robots” in a Vaccine—Pfizer’s Secret Tech EXPOSED w/ Maria Zeee first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Pfizer Whistleblower, Melissa McAtee Says She Is NOT Suicidal

Pfizer whistleblower, @MelissaMcAtee92, has released a video noting that she is NOT suicidal. Why would she feel the need to post such a video? We all know why. Please REPOST and show your support for Melissa! Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Pfizer Whistleblower, Melissa McAtee Says She Is NOT Suicidal first appeared on […]

Pfizer CEO Says Cancer Is ‘Our New Covid’

Big pharma giant Pfizer is now betting on oncology since demand for its Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ has collapsed Pfizer is focussed on the cancer treatment market now that the Covid pandemic is over and demand for […] The post Pfizer CEO Says Cancer Is ‘Our New Covid’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Pfizer CEO Brags ‘Cancer is the new Covid’ as he prepares new mRNA Cancer-jab roll-out

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla boasted last week that ‘cancer is the new Covid’ that Big Pharma intends to reap massive profits from via the sale of cancer drugs. “Oncology, it is our new Covid,” Bourla said […] The post Pfizer CEO Brags ‘Cancer is the new Covid’ as he prepares new mRNA Cancer-jab roll-out appeared first […]

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen conspired with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to defraud the European people

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Peer Reviewed Science Finds modRNA Injections (Pfizer, Moderna, Etc.) Cause Cancer & Much Worse

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/18/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Pfizer Lied to Us Again

There used to be a time where claims from pharmaceutical companies may have been treated with some degree of skepticism from major institutions and media outlets. Yet in late 2020 and into 2021, suddenly skepticism turned to complete blind faith. But what changed? Why, political incentives, of course! Initially, Covid vaccines produced by Pfizer were seen as […]

Pfizer Admits mRNA Jabs Contain ‘Nanobots’ That Permanently Alters DNA

Independent researchers have been warning for years that Covid mRNA vaccines contain secret ingredients and now we have confirmation of the claim. A deep dive into Pfizer’s murky history reveals they partnered with an Israeli to develop programmable nanorobots to be injected into people to alter their DNA, issue them with an IP address, and […]

Pfizer To Pay $0 In Taxes Despite Raking In $58 Billion In Revenue Last Year

Big Pharma giant Pfizer are set to pay a grand total of $0 in taxes this year, despite raking in a mammoth $58 billion in revenue and net income during the financial year, and benefiting from enormous taxpayer funded subsidies. Those who have been paying attention understand that Pfizer have been getting away with murder […]

Pfizer Is Seeking FDA Approval For RSV Vaccine For Young Adults

Pfizer is planning on using data from a clinical trial it concluded last month to ask regulators to expand approval of its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, Abrysvo. In a press release Tuesday, the big pharma giant said the vaccine was for all adults aged 18 and over. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get […]

Pfizer’s Israeli-Made Decade-Old Syringe-Delivered Nanotech & San Fran Geoengineering Experiments

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Pfizer’s Own Study Confirms Paxlovid Sucks

A Pfizer-funded, peer-reviewed paper authored by Pfizer scientists reveals that the company’s antiviral COVID medication Paxlovid completely sucks, confirming what everyone’s known since it came out. In a randomized phase 2-3 trial of the drug conducted between Aug. 25, 2021 through July 25, 2022, 654 out of 1,296 patients were dosed with at least one […]

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