Posts Tagged ‘bourla’

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take It

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was so convinced by the safety and effectiveness of his company’s experimental and rapidly produced Covid-19 vaccines that he urged every citizen of the world to get double vaccinated as soon […] The post Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Thought the Covid Vaccine Was So Safe & Effective That He Didn’t Take […]

Bourla (Pfizer) Gets Briefings From CIA & FBI About Spread of “Misinformation”

We were targeted by a lot of, let’s say, dark organizations that you don’t really know [who owns them]. You suspect that there are some countries behind. We were getting a lot of briefings from CIA, from FBI, about cyberattacks that may happen to us, but also about the spread of misinformation. FOIA Request Confirms […]

What’s in a name; Albert Bourla

Last Updated on February 25, 2023 by Hamad Subani With Covid vaccines estimated to have killed 13 million people worldwide, its time to take a second look at some of the public faces associated with this nightmare. Such as the literal public face of the entire project, Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer. According to […]


October 12th, 2022. _______________________________ A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step october 16th. One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into […]

Pfizer boss Albert Bourla receives $1M Genesis Prize; pledges funds for Holocaust museum

Protesting anti-vaxxers greet hundreds of guests at star-studded Jerusalem event; Bourla, son of Greek survivors, to give cash to planned Holocaust Museum in Thessaloniki Albert Bourla, the CEO and chairman of Pfizer, accepted this year’s annual $1 million Genesis Prize in Jerusalem on Wednesday night, declaring that he would donate the funds towards a planned… […]

What is crawling inside the neck of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

by Lee Austin I’m sure you must have watched the weird Albert Bourla interview in which his neck made strange movements. If not here it is: In the above video, the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla was asked about the fast rollout and approval of the injection.  At the forty-second mark of the clip, Mr. […]

Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla says NOPE! to getting his companies vaccine!

Pfizer’s CEO will wait to get a Covid-19 vaccine, and says company executives won’t “cut the line”August 11, 2021 He’s actually saying “I won’t touch this vaccine with a 10-foot pole.” So would you? Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla. Pfizer executives, including its CEO Albert Bourla, won’t “cut the line” to get a COVID-19 vaccine, Bourla told […]

Bourla, Yancopoulos, Sahin to be Given Athenagoras Human Rights Award

Dr. Albert Bourla, Dr. Ugur Sahin and Dr. George Yancopoulos will be grated the Bishop Athenagoras Human Rights Award in October for their development of coronavirus vaccines and treatments. Credit: Order of St. Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America Greek scientists Dr. Albert Bourla and Dr. George Yancopoulos, along with Dr. Ugur Sahin […]

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admits Israel is the ‘world’s lab.’

Hot off the Press: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admits Israel is the ‘world’s lab.’ Tap News / Weaver Gilad Atzmon – Feb 27, 2021 If Israelis are confused by the fact that their government treats them like laboratory pets, if they wonder why their freedom to travel, to socialise or even earn a living […]

Pfizer CEO Dr. Bourla to join Jewish Heritage Museum in virtual event

The Chairman and CEO of Pfizer, Dr. Albert Bourla will join the the Jewish Heritage Museum – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust – which is hosting a live zoom event with him on February 18th as a part of the museum’s new series “Legacies”, which highlights notable people who share a connection to Jewish […]

ACH (1411) Paul English – Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Lights Hanukkah Candles For Israeli Embassy

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1411) Paul English – Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Lights Hanukkah Candles For Israeli Embassy Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share

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