Posts Tagged ‘virtual’

Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms

The spirit of the Constitution, drafted by men who chafed against the heavy-handed tyranny of an imperial ruler, would suggest that one’s home is a fortress, safe from almost every kind of intrusion. Unfortunately, a collective assault by the government’s cabal of legislators, litigators, judges and militarized police has all but succeeded in reducing that […]

Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook Chapter-1

The IMF’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Virtual Handbook is a reference guide for policymakers and experts at central banks and ministries of finance. It also serves as the basis for the IMF’s engagement with country authorities and other stakeholders. The CBDC Virtual Handbook aims to collect and share knowledge, lessons, empirical findings, and frameworks […]

Pediatricians in US Can Earn Over $300 Thousand by Vaccinating Children – Virtual Reality Now Used to Increase Vaccine Uptake in Victims

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Greg Reese has just published a report showing how pediatricians earn $400 for every vaccine injected into children under the age of 2, where the average pediatrician in the United States can earn over $300 thousand per year, which is usually more than their salary. Insurance companies are […]

NYC public hospitals launch “Virtual Express Care” to facilitate ABORTION via telehealth

(NaturalNews) Mayor Eric Adams announced on October 2 that New York City public hospitals can now facilitate the killing of the unborn via… Source

Digital Concentration Camps: How Biometrics Are Making Our Homes Virtual Prisons in Preparation for the Next “Lockdowns”

From All visitors have to register via biometrics, such as palm scans, face scans, eye scans, etc., before they are allowed to enter. Once they enter, they are continually monitored via cameras and microphones that monitor one’s biometrics while on the premises. Anyone who approaches the premises is picked up by cameras that immediately […]

G20 summit wraps up in New Delhi; Modi calls for a virtual meet in November

The G20 summit in New Delhi ended on Sunday as India handed over the bloc presidency to Brazil, while both the US and Russia praised a consensus that did not condemn Moscow for the war in Ukraine but called on members to shun the use of force. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the group’s […]

Facebook Owner Plans To Allow 10 Yr Olds To Access Virtual Reality

Despite increasing concerns about children spending too much time on social media, Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, plans to open a digital gateway for kids as young as ten to enter virtual reality […] The post Facebook Owner Plans To Allow 10 Yr Olds To Access Virtual Reality appeared first on The People's […]

“Tremendous Amount of Danger”: Secret Service Recommends Virtual Arraignment of Trump

White House Secret Service reportedly recommended that New York state authorities pursue a virtual arrest of President Donald Trump in a pending case by the Manhattan district attorney, citing a “tremendous amount of danger” by attempting a physical arrest at his residence in Florida. Source

Virtual Reality Tracks 75,000-Year-Old Footsteps of Sahul Explorers

Newly published and ground-breaking research has revealed previously unknown information about the populating of the ancient supercontinent of Sahul, which once comprised Australia and New Guinea. This story begins around 75,000 and 50,000 years ago when about 3,000 brave Southeast Asians became the first humans to reach Australia. According to a 2013 study published in […]

LexisNexis ‘Virtual Crime Center’ Makes Millions Selling to the Government

The data company LexisNexis makes millions of dollars selling dedicated tools to law enforcement and other U.S. government agencies, according to contracting data and agency documents reviewed by Motherboard. The contracts highlight LexisNexis’ often overlooked government work, which includes capabilities that stretch beyond its ordinary people-search or article databases available to consumers and businesses. One […]

Seoul: North Korean Hackers Stole $1.2B In Virtual Assets

South Korea’s spy agency says North Korean hackers have stolen an estimated 1.5 trillion won ($1.2 billion) in cryptocurrency and other virtual assets in the past five years. Source

Bringing an Ancient Japanese City to Life in an Immersive Virtual World

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if there was a parallel world in which the ancient Japanese Edo period existed today, where the modern world and the Shoguns could converge?  Read more Section:  News General Read Later  Source

After Years Of Tribal Resistance, DHS Finishes Its ‘Virtual Wall’

When I come across surveillance towers in the borderlands, I first look to see if there are any communities, towns, or houses in its view. I did this on Monday, on the Tohono O’odham Nation in the southern Arizona borderlands, when I found an “integrated fixed tower,” built by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. It took […]

Globalists Want to Replace Children with Virtual Computer Fakes

BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 27, 2022  Artificial intelligence expert Catriona Campbell predicts virtual children will be commonplace within the next 50 years, which can help combat overpopulation. The virtual children would only exist within the metaverse, and parents would interact with them using high-tech wearables like gloves that can deliver tactile feedback to replicate physical sensations. Climate […]

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese hosts virtual side event to UN Ocean Conference

Through the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America will co-host a virtual side event to the UN Ocean Conference today, Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 8:00 am EST. This side event will highlight the challenges in addressing the continued deterioration of the marine environment by deep-sea mining with… […]

Readouts Virtual Meeting: President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping

December 15, 2021 Both readouts follow.  First, President Putin and followed by President Xi Jinping. Talks with President of China Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin held talks, via videoconference, with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. December 15, 2021, 11:20 Beginning of Russia-China talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Xi, my dear friend, I am delighted to see you. Greetings. I am happy […]

Mark Zuckerberg Sits Down With Virtual Meta Family For Some Virtual Turkey

MENLO PARK, CA—With all his employees out of town to enjoy Thanksgiving with friends and loved ones, Mark Zuckerberg is taking the time to sit down with his virtual metaverse family and eat some virtual turkey.  “Our Metaverse technology has completely revolutionized the way we celebrate Thanksgiving,” said Zuckerberg. “Instead of sitting down with real […]

On the Virtual Meeting between the US and China

One of the major events of current world politics was the November 16 virtual meeting of the two leading world powers, the USA and China. It lasted three and a half hours and went beyond the scheduled time. This fact along with the content of the issues discussed and the parties’ positions on them as […]

Metaverse Will ‘Trap Us in Virtual Reality’ and Position Zuckerberg as ‘World’s Largest Landlord’

By Jeremy Loffredo Facebook’s parent company has a new name — metaverse. And according to Mark Zuckerberg, the company also has a new mission: to be “the successor to the mobile internet” and a “virtual environment where we can hang out, shop and work.” But journalist and political commentator Emily Jashinsky has a different take on Zuckerberg’s metaverse. “One of the […]

Xi-Biden’s Virtual Meeting Hopes Injecting Certainty Into Ties 

Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden in a virtual meeting on Tuesday discussed strategic and fundamental issues on the development of bilateral relations. The first face-to-face virtual meeting between the top two leaders lasted more than three hours. They opened their talks on a friendly note. Chinese observers said that the meeting […]

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