Posts Tagged ‘years’

Prosecutors Knew Epstein Had Raped Young Girls 2 Years Before Cutting Plea Deal

Florida prosecutors knew that Jeffrey Esptein had sexually assaulted girls two years before they cut a plea deal. According to transcripts released on Monday this week, the prosecutors were too lenient and missed an opportunity […] The post Prosecutors Knew Epstein Had Raped Young Girls 2 Years Before Cutting Plea Deal appeared first on The […]

Citizens in Ireland Can Be Jailed for 5 Years if They Share Non-Mainstream Content Online

Citizens in Ireland can be imprisoned for five years if they share or comment on non-mainstream content on social media, according to an authoritarian new “hate speech” law set to be passed in the next […] The post Citizens in Ireland Can Be Jailed for 5 Years if They Share Non-Mainstream Content Online appeared first […]

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later

Beginning in March 2020, Florida attorney Daniel Uhlfelder dressed as the Grim Reaper to shame parents who brought their children to local beaches. Instead of questioning his sanity or explaining that sunlight killed the virus, liberal news outlets celebrated this unhinged lawyer, his cloak, his scythe, and his ideology. In normal times, Americans would hear […]

BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines,” says analyst

Things are about to get really ugly across our land now that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” have had several years to do the damage they were programmed to do inside the bodies of the tens of millions of people who took them. “Richard’s Substack” reports that an “onrushing death wave” is coming our way that […]

The mainstream media distorted our anti-Vietnam War protests 50 years ago. They’re following the same strategy today

Fifty years ago, I joined in protests against the Vietnam war. Today the mainstream media is smearing pro-Palestine student protests in ways that are even worse than how we were slandered back then. Source

Zelensky demanding 10 MORE YEARS of U.S. taxpayer funding for his “forever war”

(NaturalNews) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the world’s most despised welfare queen, is at it again begging America for at least 10 more years of U.S…. Source

Up to 5 Years in Prison for Possession of a Meme? Hermann Kelly on Ireland’s New Hate Speech Bill

American Thought Leaders Views 29K • Apr-25-2024 “The Irish government wants to put you in jail for up to five years for possession of a meme … not even for communicating, but having in your possession a meme, for which the bill doesn’t even define what hatred is … which would be wide open to judicial interpretation.” […]

Docs Reveal Israel-Iran Conflict Planned 100 Years Ago To Spark World War 3

The Israel-Iran conflict is an “inside job” by the globalist elite who are working to ensure the conflict will light the fuse to ignite a “holy war” that will spiral out of control into World […] The post Docs Reveal Israel-Iran Conflict Planned 100 Years Ago To Spark World War 3 appeared first on The […]

The Legacy of Columbine 25 Years Later

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Former US ambassador charged with spying for Cuba sentenced to 15 years in prison

A former U.S. ambassador who has been previously charged with spying for Cuba was sentenced to 15 years in prison Friday, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). Victor Manuel Rocha, 73 who previously served as U.S. ambassador to Bolivia from 2000 to 2002, pled guilty to two counts that charge him with “conspiring to… […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Five Years

Will Steakin @ ABC News: Bankruptcy documents detail how GOP NC governor nominee Mark Robinson failed to file federal income taxes for 5 years While Robinson has previously talked about his financial issues, bankruptcy records obtained by ABC News paint a more dire and detailed picture of his financial and business history than has previously […]

Rebuilding Francis Scott Key Bridge could cost $1 billion and take 10 years

The cost of rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, which collapsed in an accident last week, could be somewhere in the range of $400 million to $1 billion or more, according to reports and the timeline on the project may be a decade or longer. This is more than double the cost and time […]

Kate Middleton Wearing the Same Sweater 7 Years Ago

This video, dating back seven years, features Kate Middleton wearing the same sweater, with her hairstyle bearing a striking resemblance to her recent video where she discloses her battle with cancer. Speculation is arising among some individuals that a deepfake or AI may have been crafted based on this footage of Kate from 2017. What […]

Four Years Later

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Has the dust settled?  Far from it. It is everywhere. We are choking on it. The storm cloud comes in many forms: inflation, learning losses, ill-health, high crime, non-functioning government services, broken supply chains, shoddy work, displaced workers, substance abuse, mass loneliness, discredited authority, a growing real estate crisis, censored […]

Global Population Set To Fall For First Time In 700 Years

Global Population Set To Fall For First Time In 700 Years Authored by Steve Watson via, A major study published in scientific journal The Lancet has found that the global population will start to fall within decades due to vastly reduced fertility rates and may never recover. The study, funded by the Bill & Melinda […]

The cost of a monthly mortgage payment for a typical U.S. home has NEARLY DOUBLED in just four years

(NaturalNews) Real estate firm Zillow has reported that, since January 2020, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical home in the United States has nearly doubled… Source

Survey reveals New Yorkers’ discontent on different aspects of city life over the last six years

(NaturalNews) A recent Citizens Budget Commission survey reveals that New Yorkers’ satisfaction with various aspects of urban living has experienced a sharp… Source

The oldest written text discovered in Greece 9000 years ago

The oldest written text discovered in Greece 9000 years ago The sign of Dispilios. The oldest written text discovered in Greece and specifically in Kastoria (Macedonia) 9000 years ago !!!! The plate of Dispilio is a wooden plate bearing inscribed symbols dating back to 7260 BC. X. and 5250 p. X. The plaque was discovered […]

Dr. Richard Urso Tried to Warn Us Two Years Ago

Lock up Fauci, Birx, Marks, Walensky, and the like. Dr. Richard Urso warned two years ago that if you mandate a vaccine for the COVID-recovered, “some of them are going to die.” He was right. A new study confirms Dr. Urso’s warning: “People who recovered from COVID-19 and received a COVID-19 shot were MORE LIKELY […]

US has produced more oil than any country in history for six consecutive years

In December, the average U.S. crude oil production hit a monthly high of more than 13.3 million barrels per day. Source

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