Posts Tagged ‘Kansas’

Four States Including Texas Join Kansas AG Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresenting Safety of Vaccine, Bill Gates Money Trail

Above: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, left, and Bill Gates at a meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2022. A lawsuit filed this month by the Attorney General of the State of Kansas, Chris Kobach, against Pfizer for, among other things, destroying clinical trials data, and falsely claiming that its COVID vaccine […]

Kansas AG Sues Pfizer, Says It Destroyed Clinical Trials Data, Falsely Claimed COVID Vaccine Prevented Transmission

Above image: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach Important COVID vaccine news update: Lancet Autopsy Study Finding 74% of Unexpected Deaths Post-COVID Vaccine Were Due to Shots is Reinstated, Drive to China Cashless Society Heats Up ___________________________________________________________________________ BREAKING: Kansas AG Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer over the COVID vaccine: 1. Safety related to pregnant women2. Heart […]

Kansas governor vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care to minors

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D) vetoed a bill that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors in the Sunflower State Friday. “This divisive legislation targets a small group of Kansans by placing government mandates on them and dictating to parents how to best raise and care for their children,” Kelly said in a veto message… […]

Kansas moves towards restricting DEI in public universities

The Kansas House on Thursday passed a bill to restrict diversity-oriented hiring practices at Kansas universities, making the Sunflower State the latest to try to limit DEI initiatives in educational settings.  The bill passed in the Kansas House of Representatives in an 81-39 vote on Thursday, with five lawmakers absent from the vote. The bill would prevent the… […]

Kansas City Cops Raped and Terrorized Black Residents With Impunity: Lawsuit

Five Black women who say they were violently victimized by a former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective have filed a federal lawsuit against him, ex-police chiefs and detectives, and the local government, alleging law enforcement was given permission to “terrorize, abuse, and violate” Black citizens for decades.  The women said were subjected to a range […]

Northern Lights to Be Visible in U.S. States as Far South as Kansas

Northern Lights to Be Visible in U.S. States as Far South as Kansas By: Cristen Hemingway Jaynes Published: July 10, 2023    Edited by Chris McDermott Northern Lights seen near Canyon, Minnesota on Aug. 30, 2019. Brian Peterson / Star Tribune via Getty Images This week, U.S. States as far south as Kansas will have […]

Kansas Wheat Harvest Will Be The Smallest Since 1957 And U.S. Corn Is Being Absolutely Devastated By Drought

Significantly higher food prices are coming, because U.S. food production is going to be way below normal levels this year.  Source

The Religious-Right Coalition Behind Kansas’ Slew of Anti-Trans Bills

Kansas legislators passed sweeping anti-trans legislation this week that has a religious-right coalition’s fingerprints all over it. On Tuesday, the Republican-led Kansas legislature passed Senate Bill 180—which would make it illegal for trans people to use the bathroom corresponding with their gender identity and illegal to change their name or gender identity on drivers’ licenses—sending […]

Watch– Eric Adams Boasts: ‘New York Has a Brand’ and Kansas Does Not

Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams ignited anger on social media Tuesday over comments he made knocking a red state like Kansas for having no “brand” compared to New York. Source

Kansas School District Pays $95K Settlement After Suspending Teacher For Not Using Preferred Pronouns

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Kansas School District Pays $95K Settlement After Suspending Teacher For Not Using Preferred Pronouns

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Post-Roe Fallout Dulls Odds, but GOP Poised for Kansas US House Sweep

More than 900,000 Kansans voted in a special election on Aug. 2 and nearly 60 percent of them rejected a proposed amendment removing abortion access as a fundamental right from the state’s constitution. The Kansas special election was the first public referendum on abortion following June’s U.S. Supreme Court repeal of Roe v. Wade, which […]

Kansas Gubernatorial Candidate Derek Schmidt: Teachers Should Not Keep Secrets from Parents

Kansas school officials agreed this week to pay a teacher $95,000 after they suspended her for refusing to use a student’s preferred pronouns.

Kansas voters just turned their state into an abortion tourism destination

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Efforts to prevent Kansas from becoming one of the most abortion-friendly states in the country, despite its “red” status, have failed.Voters there overwhelmingly decided to reject Amendment 2, which would have affirmed that “there is no Kansas constitutional right to abortion or to require the government funding of … [Read More…] Source

Thousands of U.S. cattle buried, dumped at Kansas landfill

 Top U.S. cattle feeding companies sent 1,000-pound carcasses to a Kansas landfill, where they were flattened by loader machines and mixed with trash, after a June heatwave killed thousands of cows, documents seen by Reuters show. Source

NATIONWIDE IMPLICATIONS: Kansas voters will decide on August 2 whether to limit late-term abortions and finally regulate its baby killing industry

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) It is illegal to buy, sell, grow, or even possess healing cannabis in Kansas, and nutritious raw milk is prohibited from being sold at grocery stores anywhere in the state. But a woman could soon be allowed to murder her unborn baby at any time for any reason since Kansas’ abortion industry […]

Heat Stress Kills Estimated 10,000 Head of Kansas Feedlot Cattle

The current heat wave blazing through Kansas feedlots has killed an estimated 10,000 head of fat cattle. Final death numbers continue to come in, but that early estimate was shared with DTN by livestock experts, who put the geographical center point for those deaths at Ulysses, Kansas.

Report Shows Kansas Law Enforcement Seized $21 Million From People, Most Of Whom Were Never Charged With Crimes

A new report on asset forfeiture arrives at the same conclusions every other report on the subject has: forfeiture makes money for cops, does almost nothing to stop illegal activity, and rarely, if ever, results in criminal convictions. (via CJ Ciaramella at Reason)

Kansas State University/CDC: Resveratrol Suppresses Monkeypox Virus

Study, Frontiers in Science, : “Suppression of Poxvirus Replication by Resveratrol” November 17, 2017 Via Kansas State University News, March 1, 2018 Compound in red wine, chocolate prevents smallpox virus cousins from replicating MANHATTAN, KS — The secret to stopping some viruses from making people sick might be hidden in red wine and chocolate — […]

‘Inflation Is Killing Us,’ Manufacturers Tell Kansas City Fed

Manufacturing activity slowed in the central U.S. while inflation pressures remained very high.

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