Posts Tagged ‘gubernatorial’

Is this why quadrennnial Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is so favored by the woke elites?

Brother-in-Law of Twice-Failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges Involving a Minor Source

Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Plans NC Gubernatorial Run Even Though He Doesn’t ‘Want’ to Be Governor

Mark Robinson, the lieutenant governor of North Carolina, is an unabashed Christian nationalist and virulent anti-LGBTQ bigot who has made no secret of his plans to run for governor of the state in 2024. Robinson was among the speakers at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, where he declared on Saturday that he doesn’t actually […]

Stacey Abrams, Georgia gubernatorial candidate, goes full psychopath, says abortion is the solution for inflation

(Natural News) Stacey Abrams, the dem’s candidate for governor in Georgia, recently went on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss inflation, and the things she would do as governor to fix it.  MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle asked, “While abortion is an issue, it nowhere reaches the level of interest of voters in terms of the cost of […]

Two People Shot Outside Republican New York Gubernatorial Candidate Lee Zeldin’s Home with Daughters Inside

New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin had a shock to the system on Sunday when two people were shot outside his home. Source

Trump-backed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake blasts Democrat left over attacks on free speech

(Natural News) Kari Lake, a Trump-backed gubernatorial candidate in Arizona who spent 30 years as a newscaster in Phoenix, ripped the authoritarian left over the issue of free speech during an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” As he introduced the segment, Carlson complimented Lake’s smart defenses of the First Amendment’s speech protections after […]

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Leads Beto O’Rourke in Gubernatorial Matchup

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) leads Democrat challenger Robert Francis O’Rourke in the state’s gubernatorial matchup, a University of Houston/Texas Southern University survey released this week found. 

Kansas Gubernatorial Candidate Derek Schmidt: Teachers Should Not Keep Secrets from Parents

Kansas school officials agreed this week to pay a teacher $95,000 after they suspended her for refusing to use a student’s preferred pronouns.

Exclusive: NV GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Joe Lombardo: Gov. Steve Sisolak Is ‘The Original Defunder of Police’

Clark County Sheriff and Republican nominee for Governor in Nevada Joe Lombardo appeared on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday and detailed how his general election opponent, Gov. Steve Sisolak (D-NV), was “the original defunder of the police.” Source

Survey: Mehmet Oz Trails by 4.4 Points in PA Senate Race; Mastriano Down 3 in Gubernatorial Contest

Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz trails Lt. Democrat Gov. John Fetterman by 4.4 percentage points in the race for Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), while state Sen. Doug Mastriano (R) is less than three points behind Attorney General Josh Shapiro in the state’s gubernatorial race, a Cygnal survey has […]

Former Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum indicted on federal charges

Former gubernatorial challenger and rising Democratic star Andrew Gillum is facing a 21-count federal indictment alleging that he illegally solicited campaign contributions between 2016 and 2019 and promised political favors in return for the financial support. The period of time he’s alleged to have broken the law includes his failed 2018 bid against Republican Gov. […]

Poll: Rep. Lee Zeldin Takes Commanding Lead in New York Republican Gubernatorial Primary 

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) is the frontrunner with a commanding lead over his challengers in New York’s Republican gubernatorial primary, according to a new poll.

Democrats Interfere in Nevada GOP Gubernatorial Primary in Attempt to Stop Trump-Backed Joe Lombardo

Democrat super PACs are posing as Republicans and spending millions of dollars in Nevada’s Republican gubernatorial primary to prevent former President Donald Trump’s pick, Joe Lombardo, from becoming the GOP nominee. 

Doug Mastriano Wins Pennsylvania Republican Gubernatorial Primary

Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano (R), endorsed by former President Donald Trump days ago, has won the state’s Republican gubernatorial primary and will face Democrat Josh Shapiro in the general election.

NY Times: Democrat Runs Ad ‘Intended to Help’ Doug Mastriano Win Pennsylvania GOP Gubernatorial Primary

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D), who will face a Republican opponent in the gubernatorial election in November, is currently running an ad to boost GOP primary candidate Doug Mastriano based on the perception that he would be the easiest to defeat, the New York Times reports. 

Jim Pillen Wins Nebraska Republican Gubernatorial Primary 

Jim Pillen, a hog farmer and University of Nebraska regent, won the Nebraska Republican Nomination for governor on Tuesday, according to a projection by the Associated Press. “Nebraska voters made it clear tonight that they value conservative leadership that represents their Christian, conservative values,” Pillen said after his victory. “I want to thank all those […]

Very Promising Gubernatorial Candidate Takes Lead in California

Why was such an unflattering black & white image of Larry Elder selected by “the paper of record?”AUGUST 26, 2021 NY Times: Brace Yourself for the Man Who Could Become California’s GovernorREBUTTAL BY In all of American history, only two Black men have ever been elected to the office of state governor. That’s just two out […]

Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Jonathan Wichmann Says ‘Good Christians Patriots’ Must ‘Take Over’

Jonathan Wichmann, a small business owner who is seeking the Republican nomination for governor in Wisconsin, spoke at a “Faith and Freedom Rally” in the state last month, where he explained that he decided to run for office because “we need good Christian patriots to take over.” “I’m not a politician. I’m a patriot. I […]

Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Bruce Jenner Says It ‘Isn’t Fair’ for Biological Boys To Be in Girls’ Sports

[embedded content] Bruce Jenner, the former Olympian, who is now running for governor of California, told TMZ over the weekend that it is “unfair” for biological males to complete in female sports, and that women’s sports must be “protected”. “There’s legislation in various states to ban biological boys or trans from playing girls’ sports in […]

Exclusive — Rep. Lee Zeldin on Gubernatorial Campaign: ‘We Are Due for a Big Correction to Save’ New York from ‘One-Party Democrat Rule’

New York must be saved from “one-party Democrat rule,” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), who is running for governor of the Empire State, said on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption. Zeldin remarked, “Not only is there a Democrat in the […]

Virginia gubernatorial candidate says he supports BDS

Virginia Race A pretty extraordinary thing happened last week. A candidate for Governor in Virginia said he supports the BDS movement. The comments came during an online event hosted by a number of progressive groups, where gubernatorial hopefuls were asked a number of questions. Palestinian-American and DNC delegate Zeina Ashrawi Hutchison asked the candidates whether they […]

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