Posts Tagged ‘Nevada’

Trump hits Haley over Nevada loss, says ‘she’ll soon claim victory!’

Former President Trump went after Nikki Haley after she lost the Nevada primary to “none of these candidates” Tuesday, making fun of the poor performance in a state where Haley did not campaign. Haley faced no opposition in the primary, sharing the ballot only with “none of these candidates” and a number of candidates who… […]


CRANDALL v. STATE OF NEVADA. Supreme Court 73 U.S. 35 18 L.Ed. 745 6 Wall. 35 CRANDALL v. STATE OF NEVADA. December Term, 1867 ERROR to the Supreme Court of Nevada. In 1865, the legislature of Nevada enacted that ‘there shall be levied and collected a capitation tax of one dollar upon every person leaving […]

Appeals Court Denies Bid by Conservationists, Tribes to Block Nevada Lithium Mine

An effort by a coalition of conservationists and tribal leaders to block the construction of a lithium mine along the Nevada-Oregon border was denied by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on July 17. In its decision Monday (pdf), a three-panel judge of the San Francisco-based appellate ruled that the U.S. government did not […]

Basic Herbal Medicine Making. Yerington, Nevada. July 8 – December 9, 2023.

Basic Herbal Medicine Making. Yerington, Nevada. July 8 – December 9, 2023. Please view my plant collecting bucket info so you can put something together for the classes. Please add pruners as well. the August class we will be needing them. Herbalism is a very individualized practice. So think out of the box, use a […]

Nevada Crash Is 3rd Fatal One Tied to Air Medical Service

RENO, Nev.—The company that owns the medical transport aircraft that crashed in northern Nevada last week, killing all five people aboard, has been tied to two other fatal crashes in the last four years. A review of records shows that with the latest crash, 11 people total have now died on planes owned and operated […]

Sanders supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party. It’s not going well.

When Bernie Sanders’ supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party two years ago, progressives across the country were thrilled. Socialists had managed to bring down one of the most powerful establishment forces in the nation, the famed Democratic machine built by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. They saw it as a blueprint for the […]

Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo Ends Covid Mandates, Addresses Workforce Vacancies in First Two Executive Orders 

Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo (R) ended the previous administration’s coronavirus-era mandates and called on state leaders to address the state workforce vacancies in his first two executive orders issued on Friday.  Source

Georgia and Nevada on their minds: Senate watchers sweat two swing states

The Democratic and Republican campaign chiefs agree on one thing about the battle for the Senate majority: Nevada and Georgia are at the center. “If you look at the polls, Nevada and Georgia are the two logical ones” Republicans can pick up, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, the GOP’s campaign chair, said in an interview. […]

GOP Ad Slams Nevada Gov. Sisolak for ‘Fast-Tracking Shady COVID Testing Company’

The PAC launched an ad slamming Sisolak for “fast-tracking a shady COVID testing company that got 96 percent of their test results wrong…”

Exclusive — Nevada Republican Joe Lombardo: Democrats Meddling in Primary Because They Know I Can Unseat Sisolak

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, who is running for governor of Nevada, believes Democrats are preemptively spending money to attack him in his primary race because they believe he is the Republican candidate most capable of unseating incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) in the general election.

Exclusive—Republican Carolina Serrano: Nevada Is ‘Not a Liberal State’, Rep. Titus Is a Vulnerable Member

Carolina Serrano, a Republican candidate running against Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) in Nevada’s First Congressional District, declared on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday that Nevada is “not a liberal state” and the incumbent is a vulnerable member who can be unseated.

Democrats Interfere in Nevada GOP Gubernatorial Primary in Attempt to Stop Trump-Backed Joe Lombardo

Democrat super PACs are posing as Republicans and spending millions of dollars in Nevada’s Republican gubernatorial primary to prevent former President Donald Trump’s pick, Joe Lombardo, from becoming the GOP nominee. 

Poll: Trump-Backed Joe Lombardo Takes Giant Lead in Nevada Republican Governor Primary 

Joe Lombardo has taken a giant lead in Nevada’s Republican gubernatorial primary less than one month after receiving an endorsement from former President Donald Trump. 

Poll: Trump-Backed Adam Laxalt Shows Commanding Lead in Nevada Republican Senate Primary

Former Nevada Attorney General and current Republican Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, backed by former President Donald Trump, showed a commanding lead in the Nevada GOP primary, according to the most recent poll from Emerson College Polling/The Hill.

Nevada Grand Jury May Hear Boy’s Body Found in Freezer Case

LAS VEGAS—Prosecutors in Nevada filed additional charges and told a judge on Monday a grand jury may review evidence that a Las Vegas man held a woman and her children captive, killed her 4-year-old son, and hid the body in a garage freezer. Brandon Lee Toseland’s appointed attorney, Scott Coffee, noted outside court that medical […]

‘Deeply good man from Searchlight’: Democratic leaders pay tribute to Harry Reid in Nevada

Reid is widely regarded as the most powerful and influential politician from Nevada, transforming the Republican state into a Democratic stronghold that has been blue in every presidential election since 2004. “Without Harry, there would be no Affordable Care Act,” Obama said, acknowledging Reid’s family grew up without health insurance. “When Harry put everything he […]

Sierra Nevada Snow Smashes Records, Eases California Drought

Sierra Nevada Snow Smashes Records, Eases California DroughtPublished on December 31, 2021Written by Climate Change Dispatch A winter snowstorm this weekend dumped nearly 40 inches of snow on the Sierra Nevada mountains from Sunday into Monday, breaking the record for snowfall in December, and possibly signaling relief in California’s two-year-old drought. The storm brought the […]

Nevada Unemployment has Embezzled Benefits from the Third Stimulus: Which made me Homeless since MAY.

Thanks, PURP. I cannot believe I am still hanging on after years of just constant attacks. This is what happens when you whistleblow, something so easy becomes impossible. I am going to make sure that these criminals in Nevada Government who are stealing the citizen’s money will pay, and go to jail for Treason. This […]

Nevada Senate hopeful Laxalt testifies at campaign finance trial

Under questioning by a prosecutor, Laxalt described how he was introduced to Parnas, saying he first met Parnas at the Trump International Hotel in Washington in 2018 over cigars and drinks in the company of one of then-President Donald Trump’s lawyers, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. Laxalt said Parnas eventually pledged $10,000 and […]

Highway Robbery in Reno: Nevada Cops Use Civil Forfeiture To Steal a Veteran’s Life Savings

Last February, while driving down a Nevada highway on the way to visit his daughters, Stephen Lara was robbed in plain sight. But his assailants were not ordinary criminals—they were police officers from Nevada Highway Patrol. Using a controversial legal tactic called civil forfeiture, the officers fabricated a reason to stop Lara, detained him for […]

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