Posts Tagged ‘shady’

The Matrixxx Groove Show: Jeff and Shady slam Media Matters’ attack on their program – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) Jeffrey “InTheMatrixxx” Pedersen and Shannon “ShadyGrooove” Townsend dedicated the April 12 episode of their Brighteon.TV program “The Matrixxx… Source

Pfizer Sues Poland For Bailing On COVID-19 Vaccine, Citing Shady EU Mega-Deal

In April, 2021, the world learned that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had been negotiating the biggest contract ever sealed for 1.1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines via text messages back and forth with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. And while those texts were ‘somehow‘ lost, Pfizer is now suing Poland – which, under […]

National Archives Discovers 82K Pages of ‘Shady’ Joe Biden Alias Emails

NARA found 82,000 pages of emails from private alias accounts that President Joe Biden sent or received during his vice presidency. Source

Matrixxx Grooove: Jeff and Shady discuss the movie “Sound of Freedom” and its theme of CHILD TRAFFICKING – Brighteon.TV

Matrixxx Grooove: Jeff and Shady discuss the movie “Sound of Freedom” and its theme of CHILD TRAFFICKING – Brighteon.TV Jeffrey “InTheMatrixxx” Pedersen and Shannon “ShadyGrooove” Townsend talked about the movie “Sound of Freedom” and its theme of child trafficking on the July 10 episode of their Brighteon.TV program “The Matrixxx Grooove Show.” Pedersen began by […]

Shady “Clean Label Project” seemingly running “black box” junk science operation that rates clean protein powders as contaminated based on sketchy “detectable” heavy metals claims

(Natural News) It is looking more and more like the “Clean Label Project” is just a huge scam project that falsely accuses certain protein powders of being heavily contaminated with heavy metals, when all they’re doing is pointing out that heavy metals were “detectable” at the parts per billion level. If this were the standard,… […]

Chinese ‘police station’ in NYC that spies on dissenters run by shady charity on IRS blacklist

A Chinese police station set up to spy on the country’s nationals in Lower Manhattan is run by a US charity that is on an IRS blacklist, The Post has learned. Source

GOP Ad Slams Nevada Gov. Sisolak for ‘Fast-Tracking Shady COVID Testing Company’

The PAC launched an ad slamming Sisolak for “fast-tracking a shady COVID testing company that got 96 percent of their test results wrong…”

Matrixxx Grooove: Jeff and Shady EXPOSE China’s role in US elections – Brighteon.TV

(Natural News) Jeffrey “InTheMatrixxx” Pedersen and Shannon “ShadyGrooove” Townsend exposed how China is connected to the U.S. elections on their program “The Matrixxx Grooove Show.” During the Aug. 22 episode of the Brighteon.TV program, Pedersen revealed that Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote had actually stumbled across Chinese servers. The PollChief election […]

ALERT: Shady Trial lawyers Are Diverting Your Tax Dollars for Radical Left Schemes

Private trial-lawyer firms nab lucrative public contracts from politicians under the guise of consumer protection. These contracts help propel millions of dollars of highly partisan political giving to Democratic candidates and allied political committees.

Shocking true case of Adam Greenwood’s battle with Bowral’s “Shady Bunch” protected by dodgy NSW Police cops & John Barilaro’s mates

“I WAS MADE HOMELESS & FIXATED PERSONS UNIT FORCE-FED ME DRUGS FOR BLOWING WHISTLE ON MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COUNCIL CORRUPTION”! Shocking true case of Adam Greenwood’s battle with Bowral’s “Shady Bunch” protected by dodgy NSW Police cops & John Barilaro’s mates October 29, 2021 Melanie Coutts EXCLUSIVE: The use of NSW Police’s controversial Fixated Persons Investigations […]

Senator Tom Cotton: Fauci Must Be ‘Arrested and Prosecuted’ for Shady Wuhan Lab Funding

Senator Tom Cotton on Wednesday called for the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci for funding gain-of-research in Communist China’s shady Wuhan lab. “Fauci knew,” Cotton tweeted regarding Fauci’s denial to the Senate in May that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. “He should be investigated and prosecuted to […]

Hunter’s ‘Pedo Laptop’ Confirms ‘Joe Biden Was A Direct Beneficiary’ Of His Son’s Shady Deals

President Joe Biden has been confirmed as “a direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s dodgy foreign financial deals, according to data obtained from his ‘laptop from hell.’ “We do have a copy, by the way, here at GAI of [Hunter Biden’s] laptop and all the files,” Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), said […]

The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media

“The stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own each other. This means that ‘competing’ brands, like Coke and Pepsi aren’t really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments. The […]

Scholarly Sleuths Scuttle Shady Sale of Letter Sent to Hernán Cortés

In September 2020, a trio of scholars based in Mexico and Spain managed to stop the sale of a valuable historical document that had been stolen from the National Archives of Mexico (AGN),  Mexico News Daily  reports. The manuscript in question was a letter written in 1521 to the Spanish conquistador  Hernán Cortés , sent […]

Impersonation nation? Israeli intel firms’ shady methods spotlighted in UAE flap

A report last week accusing a private Israeli intelligence firm of impersonating journalists in order to elicit information from opponents of an Emirati royal family shines a spotlight on Israeli cyber intelligence firms that reportedly do business in authoritarian regimes. A Times of Israel investigation has revealed that the owner of the firm in question, […]

Kamala Harris Named in Biden Email as Key Contact on Shady China Deal

Kamala Harris is named as a contact in Hunter Biden’s emails during a discussion about a shady business deal with a Chinese Communist Party-linked energy company, according to a bombshell report by Fox News. In an email, dated May 15, 2017, Jim Biden shares a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects” […]

Yad Vashem is selling its soul to shady right-wing racists and populists

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Shady COVID Contact Tracing Firm Is Google Partner – Connected To Soros, Clintons, Gates

785 Shares Some Republicans are voicing concern after Texas state health officials granted a $295 million Coronavirus Contact Tracing deal to MTX Group, a firm run by a man named Das Nobel, which faces criticism for previous work it did for the state of Kentucky. It turns out the firm is a partner of Google, NATIONAL FILE […]

Shady COVID Contact Tracing Firm Is Google Partner – Connected To Soros, Clintons, Gates

785 Shares Some Republicans are voicing concern after Texas state health officials granted a $295 million Coronavirus Contact Tracing deal to MTX Group, a firm run by a man named Das Nobel, which faces criticism for previous work it did for the state of Kentucky. It turns out the firm is a partner of Google, NATIONAL FILE […]

Former DARPA exec to head shady Facebook project called "Building 8" centered around augmented reality and brain-scanning technology

(Natural News) As if things weren’t already bad enough for Mark Zuckerberg’s baby, Facebook (the world’s least trusted company at this point), now they are apparently working on a secret project behind the scenes that has nothing to do with social media, and everything to do with scanning people’s brains as part […]

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