Posts Tagged ‘contact’

Meta Is Developing ‘Smart Earphones’ To Track Users & Those They Come Into Contact With

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, (the parent company of Facebook and Instagram’s ) is diving into the world of AI-powered wearables. Its Camerabuds project will combine “audio, video, and AI to form the ultimate surveillance capitalism data […] The post Meta Is Developing ‘Smart Earphones’ To Track Users & Those They Come Into Contact With appeared first […]

Gaza loses telecom contact again 

Gaza experienced its third total communications blackout since the war began between Israel and Hamas, multiple outlets reported Sunday.  The Associated Press said Gaza was experiencing a “collapse in connectivity,” reported by an advocacy group for internet access,  The Palestinian telecommunications company, Paltel, claimed on Sunday that internet access was cut off and placed… […]

Gaza Has Lost Telecom Contact Again, While Israel’s Military Announces It Has Surrounded Gaza City

Gaza lost communications Sunday in its third total outage of the Israel-Hamas war, while Israel’s military said it had encircled Gaza City. Source

It’s Really Happening: Mask Mandates, Contact Tracing RE-IMPLEMENTED At Colleges, Offices

There are reports circulating that colleges and offices are beginning to reinstate COVID mask mandates and contact tracing despite no new cases of the virus being reported. Source

How Many Forever Chemicals Are in Your Contact Lenses?

Story at-a-glance Toxic polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemicals, collectively known as PFAS, may be lurking in your contact lenses. The compounds, which have been dubbed “forever chemicals” because they break down so slowly, have been linked to reproductive and developmental problems,1 cancer, obesity,2 nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)3 and more. PFAS is known for making surfaces […]

Leonard Leo used Federalist Society contact to obtain $1.6B donation

Leonard Leo, who helped to choose judicial nominees for former President Donald Trump, obtained a historic $1.6 billion gift for his conservative legal network via an introduction through the Federalist Society, whose tax status forbids political activism. Leo first met Barre Seid, the now 91-year-old manufacturing magnate turned donor, through an introduction arranged by Eugene […]

The NZ Security Intelligence Service has been advertising for Surveillance Officers and Contact Tracers

For those of you who have your eye on the ball so to speak, these are job opportunities not commonly seen in our ‘freedom loving democracy’ of NZ. Any items concerning surveillance are generally described as necessary for the safety of citizens. Not too many years ago this site and others were being watched by […]

Pfizer Documents state ‘Shedding’ is via ‘Skin-to-Skin Contact’ & ‘Breathing the same Air’ and causes ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ & ‘Miscarriage’

Hundreds if not thousands of women have reported that they have suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after receiving one of the mRNA Covid vaccines. Sadly thousands of others have also now reported the loss of their unborn/newborn child. However, there also now exist hundreds of testimonies made by women who are claiming that they have lost their […]

House Republicans Target Facebook’s Contact with FBI over Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’

House Republicans have asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to hand over communications between his company and the FBI related to the platform’s suppression of the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” story leading into the 2020 election.

On Another US-China Contact

The noise (literally and figuratively) created by the conflict in Ukraine may not give a complete picture of the significance of particular events taking place at the table of the Great Game today. Although this conflict has set the agenda for no less high-profile action, which was the recent NATO summit in Madrid. Meanwhile, no […]

Pennsylvania Woman Who Came in Contact with CDC Monkeys After Crash Is Experiencing Cold-Like Symptoms, Pink-Eye and a Cough

A truck and trailer carrying about 100 monkeys collided with a dump truck Friday afternoon along Route 54 just off Interstate 80 near Danville, Pennsylvania. Three monkeys escaped the crash. The monkeys were later reportedly “humanely euthanized.” The CDC is now monitoring local residents for cold-like symptoms. That’s very comforting considering the lab leak from […]

Australia Narrows ‘Close Contact’ Definition to Overcome COVID-19 Testing Backlog

Five Australian jurisdictions have agreed on a new definition for a COVID-19 “close contact,” which will relieve PCR testing clinics from overwhelming queues and help keep the economy running. Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that from midnight of Dec. 31, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory will change their […]

On Contact: Slow-Motion Execution Of Julian Assange

[embedded content] On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the torture of Julian Assange with his father, John Shipton. Julian Assange committed the empire’s greatest sin – he exposed it as a criminal enterprise. He documented its lies, callous disregard for human life, rampant corruption, and innumerable war crimes. Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Labour, Trump […]

On Contact: Assange Can Be Extradited, Says Court

 Chris Hedges and Consortium News Editor-in-Chief Joe Lauria discuss the British High Court ruling to allow the extradition of Julian Assange. On Friday, the British High Court in London overturned an earlier lower court decision blocking the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. The ruling sends the case back to the Magistrate’s […]

On Contact: The Black Agenda

[embedded content] On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the journalist Glen Ford and the radical black press with Ajamu Baraka, national organizer and spokesperson with the Black Alliance for Peace. Glen Ford, who died in the summer of 2021, was one of the country’s most insightful political commentators and radical journalists. He appeared several times […]

On Contact: The Second War On Terror

 Chris Hedges discusses the second war on terror with journalist Glenn Greenwald. The liberal and Democratic Party elites have seized on the January 6 mob assault on the US Capitol as the domestic equivalent of the 9/11 attacks. Joe Biden called the storming of the Capitol “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil […]

On Contact: Julian Assange Extradition Case

 On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the extradition hearing of Julian Assange in London with Joe Lauria, editor-in-chief of Consortium News. For the past two days, Chris Hedges has been watching the extradition hearing for Julian Assange via video link from London. The United States is appealing a lower court ruling that denied the […]

On Contact: The Anonymous Executioners Of The Corporate State

 On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the ongoing persecution of human rights lawyer Steven Donziger. Judge Loretta Preska, an adviser to the conservative Federalist Society, to which Chevron is a major donor, sentenced the human rights attorney and Chevron nemesis Stephen Donziger to six months in prison on October 1 for misdemeanor contempt of […]

On Contact: Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Part 1

 On the show, the first of a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses with Professor David Harvey the reconfiguration of global capitalism, the contradictions of neoliberalism, the financialization of power, the commodification of spectacle, rate versus mass of surplus value, and other issues fundamental to economic theory. David Harvey, distinguished professor of anthropology at the […]

On Contact: Undercurrents Of American Fascism

 On January 6, 2021, a mob, incited by outgoing US President Donald Trump, stormed the US Capitol building, in an attempt to halt the in-session congressional certification of the 2020 election results. Within the mob, as scholar Gabriel Rockhill points out, were many current members of the military and police. Some of the leaders […]

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