Posts Tagged ‘chronicles’

Western Civilisation Destroyers [WCD’s] Chronicles

Thomas on good form   WCD’s are all around us   Maybe there is a climatic event coming, is a mini Ice Age on the way? Wind and solar will be insufficient if that happens. They have made solid fuel less available, and very expensive too, but electricity, wind and solar will be insufficient if […]

Chronicles of an Unvaccinated Leftist

Being a person with a left-leaning ideology, the subject of prejudice has always intrigued me. Understanding society, how people think, and how people react to social changes and progress is challenging. With that in mind, out of nowhere, without being Black, I begin to advocate for affirmative action for Black individuals in universities. Without being […]

Video Chronicles “Donbass 2022” by journalist Alina Lipp now in English!

The most important video I have ever made. Through my camera you see what is really happening in Donbass and what my work consists of – for which Germany is even persecuting me This is kept from you in the western media. Donbass 2022 from Alina Lipp (Video) (English subtitles) For filming in Donbass in […]

GTR – II Chronicles 30 -36

Genesis To Revelation GTR – II Chronicles 30 -36 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

GTR – II Chronicles 23 – 29

Jezebel: Athaliah: The post GTR – II Chronicles 23 – 29 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

GTR – I Chronicles 16 & 17   The post GTR – I Chronicles 16 & 17 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

GTR – I Chronicles 8 – 15

The post GTR – I Chronicles 8 – 15 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

GTR – I Chronicles 5-7

The post GTR – I Chronicles 5-7 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

GTR – I Chronicles, 1-4

The post GTR – I Chronicles, 1-4 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Revising the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

Previously NEO discussed the most notable recent development around Taiwan – the sensational visit by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives. To the author’s assessment of this event it can be added that it did not introduce anything fundamentally new into Washington’s position on the Taiwan issue. In the US expert community […]

Revising the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

Previously NEO discussed the most notable recent development around Taiwan – the sensational visit by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives. To the author’s assessment of this event it can be added that it did not introduce anything fundamentally new into Washington’s position on the Taiwan issue. In the US expert community […]

Revisiting the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In the series of noteworthy events of the past few weeks, the Taiwan issue has once again been marked by the presence of several of its major players. These are primarily the two major world powers, i.e. the PRC and the US. Among the “secondary players” in the Taiwan issue in particular and in the […]

No End to the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In the new commentary on the most significant developments one way or another related to the Taiwan issue, first of all it is worth re-emphasizing what in the author’s view is the most important thing. Namely, despite the continuing general trend of thickening clouds in the picture reflecting the issue, there are still glimpses of […]

‘The State of Israel vs the Jews’ — important new book chronicles Israel’s spiritual demise

THE STATE OF ISRAEL VS. THE JEWSby Sylvain Cypel360 pp. Other Press. $27.99 In 2014, in the wake of Operation Protective Edge that devastated Gaza and killed 2,000 Palestinians, including more than 500 children, the cognitive dissonance between Jewish moral and religious values and Israeli anti-Palestinian apartheid – and American Jewish support for it all […]

Even More Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

Last time the author left the Taiwan problem with a sense of faint hope for possible glimpses into the general gloom which has been lingering for a long time. But nothing particularly reassuring happened either then or as a result of subsequent contradictory events, which have been flowing around the almost central point of the […]

More Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In another chronicle of current events related to the Taiwan issue, it bears drawing the reader’s attention to those that followed the November 16 US-China video summit. One of the main topics discussed there was the mentioned problem precisely. Judging by the official statement of the more than three-hour conversation, the positions of the sides on […]

Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

The various developments accompanying the Taiwan issue, the most dangerous one on today’s political map of the world, require constant attention and as accurate a description as possible. That is, without distortion, and with the minimum author’s comments. Their simple chronological presentation speaks for itself. It depicts the relations between the two leading world powers, […]

On Contact: Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Part 1

 On the show, the first of a two-part interview, Chris Hedges discusses with Professor David Harvey the reconfiguration of global capitalism, the contradictions of neoliberalism, the financialization of power, the commodification of spectacle, rate versus mass of surplus value, and other issues fundamental to economic theory. David Harvey, distinguished professor of anthropology at the […]

Richard Dolan’s UFO Chronicles YouTube TV Series Announcement

Richard Dolan, presents the most concise and up to date examination of the UFO subject, in a brand new 32 part mini television series ‘Richard Dolan’s UFO Chronicles Ahead of premiere screening, Richard interviewed Steve Mera, the executive producer of the series. Stop in at the Official Richard Dolan Store for autographed items, unique limited […]

CORONAVIRUS CHRONICLES a New Series by Christopher Jon Bjerknes

I have created a new video series I am posting on bitchute. It chronicles the developments of and surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic. You can view it here: The Coronavirus Chronicles with Christopher Jon Bjerknes

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