Posts Tagged ‘motion’

Slow Motion of the First Shots Fired into the Stands

This video was posted by John Cullen who did a lot of work on the Las Vegas Shooting. Cullen found video that shows the first two casualties of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. As we see clearly, here, the first shot hit two bystanders and the railing. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post […]

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL My first article on the coming backlash – admittedly wildly optimistic – went to print April 24, 2020. After 6 weeks of lockdown, I confidently predicted a political revolt, a movement against masks, a population-wide revulsion against the elites, a demand to reject “social distancing” and streaming-only life, plus widespread disgust at […]

A slow-motion World War III?

Image Credit: Meysam Azarneshin/Adobe Stock I’ve been describing this world of ours, such as it is, for almost 23 years at TomDispatch. I’ve written my way through three-and-a-half presidencies — god save us, it could be four in November! I’ve viewed from a grave (and I mean that word!) distance America’s endlessly disastrous wars of […]

DEDOLLARIZATION IN MOTION: Egypt moves to decrease reliance on U.S. dollar, seeks trade settlements with BRICS states

(NaturalNews) Egypt is actively pursuing negotiations to decrease reliance on the U.S. dollar for trade settlements with other BRICS states, according to the… Source

Jan 20 – Satanic Suicide in Slow Motion

Please send links and comments to [email protected] By inflicting collective punishment on all residents of Gaza, Israel has given its enemies a moral rationale to slaughter Israelis in the same manner. Israel could have responded quid pro quo to  Oct 7, but clearly Netanyahu has genocide on his brain. The coming world war will pit […]

The slow-motion equivalent of a nuclear war?

A “new Cold War” on an ever-hotter planet Source

Perpetual motion generator

They tell you at school this is impossible.  Yet here it is. Source

“File The F*cking Motion”: McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has McFucking had it with GOP threats to remove him for failing to perform on a laundry list of demands from his party’s Freedom Caucus members. “If you want to file the motion, file the fucking motion,” McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in […]

OpenAI Says Authors’ ChatGPT Copyright Claims ‘Defective’ In Motion to Dismiss

As AI tools become more commonplace, lawsuits centering around the training data used to create machine learning models are piling up.  Now, OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT text-generation tool and underlying models, has moved to dismiss most of the claims against it in lawsuits filed by authors who allege that AI outputs infringe […]

YCP – Warp Speed Covid, + Slow Motion Crash

YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE YCP – Warp Speed Covid, + Slow Motion Crash Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Stories relating to the Covid meltdown. EXTERMINATION: Is the global population already one billion less than it was before Operation Warp Speed? – PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH: Social Engineering […]

War in motion: Will new Western arms tip current balance in Ukraine?

 February 22, 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini  As the war enters its second year, both Russia and the Western-backed Kiev forces are ramping up their efforts to win a war that still looks far from being over. As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, costs continue to accumulate on both the […]

House Passes Motion for Auditor General to Investigate Government’s McKinsey Contracts

A motion tabled by Conservative MP Garnett Genuis to request that the auditor general investigate the Liberal government’s awarding of contracts to multi-national consulting firm McKinsey unanimously passed in the House of Commons on Feb. 7. The motion called for the House to accept a report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO), […]

A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion – Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status

The decline of a currency’s world reserve status is often a long process rife with denials. There are numerous economic “experts” out there that have been dismissing any and all warnings of dollar collapse for years. They just don’t get it, or they don’t want to get it. The idea that the US currency could […]

Nauseous no more: Natural remedies for motion sickness

(Natural News) Research shows that almost everyone has experienced (or will experience) motion sickness at some point in their life. Western medicine attempts to treat motion sickness with drugs like dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), but this antihistamine can cause negative side effects like dizziness, drowsiness and decreased mental alertness, all of which can make a fun trip […]

MY SON HUNTER: WARNING! This motion picture contains: Illicit Sex, Prostitution, Drugs, Cronyism, Money Laundering, a Laptop from Hell, Chinese Spies, Ukrainian Businessmen, the CCP, the Selling Out of America, the Big Guy, Corn Pop and…the Biden Family


Hearing to Be Held Thursday on Trump Motion for Special Master

A hearing is set to be held on Sept. 1 to address former President Donald Trump’s request for a special master to review materials that were seized from his Florida Mar-a-Lago home by federal agents. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, set a hearing for Thursday at a courthouse in West Palm Beach, according […]

China, Russia Again Block U N Motion On North Korea

We advise suppliers, service providers, monetary establishments, and investors, as nicely as help with financing to firms in difficulty. He has a powerful tutorial presence, having printed a number of articles in books and journals, as well as having created and organized a sequence of Conferences on International Taxation in partnership with the postgraduate program […]

‘His own choices’: Select panel says Trump — not his advisers — set Jan. 6 in motion

The Jan. 6 select committee’s Tuesday hearing, ostensibly focused on extremism, drove clearly toward a subtle goal: Stripping away doubt that Donald Trump was anything but a full participant in a plot to subvert the 2020 election. The former president wasn’t duped into disbelieving his own loss by fringe lawyers and advisers, select committee members […]

Australian Anglican bishops veto motion denouncing same-sex ‘marriage’

(The Christian Institute) — Australian bishops have rejected a statement affirming the biblical basis for marriage as the national church’s official position. At the first meeting of the Anglican Church of Australia’s General Synod since same-sex marriage was legalised there in 2017, members voted on whether to affirm that: “The solemnization of a marriage…

Special Counsel John Durham Asks Court to Deny Sussmann’s Motion to Dismiss: ‘Without Merit’

Special Counsel John Durham in his most recent filing on Friday argued against dismissing charges against lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying to the FBI in 2016 when he said he was not representing any client when presenting them with data he claimed showed a relationship between the Trump campaign and Russia — when he was […]

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