Posts Tagged ‘revolt’

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL My first article on the coming backlash – admittedly wildly optimistic – went to print April 24, 2020. After 6 weeks of lockdown, I confidently predicted a political revolt, a movement against masks, a population-wide revulsion against the elites, a demand to reject “social distancing” and streaming-only life, plus widespread disgust at […]

Interview 1873 – Ben Pile on The Behavioural Sciences and the Populist Revolt

Abi,Yes. Posting a link to a video is “allowed” on the comment boards.It is always important to label and describe any link that a person posts. Stand alone links with no description will get the following note from Corbett…[SNIP – No bare links in the comments, please. Please repost the link with a title and/or […]

Feb 25 – Time for a Tax Revolt?

(Boston Tea Party. Freemasons dress as Indians and dump high tax tea into the harbour. How the Masons have fallen!) Please send links and comments to [email protected] “Stop giving money to an illegitimate government that’s trying to kill you…” The American Revolution began as a tax revolt. “No taxation without representation” was the battle cry. […]

Silent War Ep. 6362: Jews Threaten 9/11 2.0, GAZA Hospital: Rotting Babes, The Revolt Has Begun

  In this episode of The Silent War: BARBARIC: BABIES FOUND ROTTING IN HOSPITAL BEDS The Israeli army forced families & doctors to evacuate Alnaser Children’s Hospital & made them leave their babies behind. They were found decomposed in their ICU beds after suffering & dying alone! Chile Burned To The Ground: “It’s Maui All […]

The unthinkability of slave revolt

Those who say that Israel knew about the plans for October 7 all along are repackaging an old colonial trope which believes that the natives are too docile, too submissive, too cowardly, and too inferior to revolt against their oppressors. Source

Polish Farmers Set To Join European Revolt With Mass Blockade

READ HERE:   Source

Europe Erupts In Widespread Farmer Protests As Revolt Against ‘Green’ Policies Intensifies

Farmers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Romania, and other countries across Europe are protesting radical leftist governments by obstructing major transport networks with tractors. This widespread populist movement is sweeping Europe at a time when over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change agenda threaten the livelihoods of not just farmers but working-class people and […]

German Farmers Revolt Spreads Across Europe

10 jan 2024 HUGE: FARMER UPRISING IN GERMANY! – Politicians Confronted! – Police Deployed! 9 jan 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation […]

DeSantis rocked by Black Republican revolt over slavery comments

The bitter fight between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Byron Donalds over a line about slavery in the state’s revised African American history standards is infuriating several prominent Black conservatives. Several told POLITICO they fear the issue will play into Democrats’ characterization of Republicans as favoring a whitewashing of American history. Most saw it […]

The Revolt of the Pawns

Last week I revealed how the would-be rulers of the world see the grand struggle for geopolitical dominance as a type of chess game and how people around the globe (including the mujahideen in Afghanistan) are treated as mere pawns in that game, to be used, abused and sacrificed in pursuit of the grandmasters’ aims. This […]

Wagner Fighters Neared Russian Nuclear Base During Revolt

(Reuters) – As rebellious Wagner forces drove north toward Moscow on June 24, a contingent of military vehicles diverted east on a highway in the direction of a fortified Russian army base that holds nuclear weapons, according to videos posted online and interviews with local residents. Once the Wagner fighters reach more rural regions, the […]

Too many people are dependent on the system to revolt

They can’t bite the hand that feeds them ROAD TO LIBERATION APR 12, 2023 Intro I’ve wondered what exactly it will take for Americans, and more generally many countries in the world but particularly the US, to finally rise up. To say “that’s enough” and really start to revolt. A revolution against the powers that […]

Sunak’s Brexit deal clears Commons vote despite Tory revolt

The House of Commons voted 515-29 to back a key portion of The Windsor Framework, designed to resolve a trade dispute between the UK and Northern Ireland. Source

Behind the RNC’s anti-Trump revolt

After losing both chambers of Congress during Trump’s presidency and after waging a disappointing campaign to recapture them in 2022, the Republican Party is having a lot of intra-party feuds. This week, the post-election search for new leadership moved to the Republican National Committee. Right now, there’s no agreed-upon leader of the party, so like […]

Wine tasting in Napa and a staff revolt: How a progressive powerhouse went kaput

As the liberal group Democracy for America approached insolvency following the midterm elections, staffers faced a related problem: their CEO, Yvette Simpson, was on vacation at a vineyard in California. Weeks earlier Simpson had told two members of the development team that $320,000 needed to be raised for DFA to make it through the year, […]

The Zanj Rebellion, Revolt Of African Slaves Against The Abbasid Caliphate

Tucked away in an obscure chapter of medieval history, the Zanj rebellion, which raged between 869 to 883 AD, originating in the city of Basra in present-day Iraq, remains relatively unknown to the West. The rebellion pitted African slaves against their Arab masters in a series of events so disruptive it plunged the Abbasid Caliphate […]

The Revolt in China: What It Means by Jon Rappoport

The Revolt in China: What It Means How the chief propagandists are trying to derail the story and kill it by Jon Rappoport November 30, 2022   We’re on the cusp of potentially enormous changes. China, the great superpower, is experiencing a human earthquake at its roots. The revolt in China has huge implications for […]

On this day: 25 November 1905 Theriso revolt ends

The Theriso revolt (Επανάσταση του Θερίσου), from 23 March – 25 November 1905, was an insurrection that broke out in March 1905 against the government of Crete, then an autonomous state under Ottoman suzerainty. Source

Jerusalem’s last decade of revolt

During the past ten years, Jerusalem has reemerged as the spark that sets off Palestinian revolt, culminating in the Unity Intifada of 2021. Source

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee – The Only Successful Revolt Since The Revolutionary War

The Battle of Athens Tennessee is one of the first accounts of American citizens revolting against a corrupt government since the Revolutionary War Source

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