Posts Tagged ‘fighters’

WOW!!! Israel killing more civilians than Hamas fighters – Washington

READ HERE: Israel’s airstrikes and ground offensive in Gaza have left more Palestinian civilians dead than Hamas fighters, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged.   Source

Hezbollah Fighters Inflict Heavy Losses upon Israeli Occupation Sites near Lebanon Border: Videos

 April 18, 2024  Hezbollah Statements – Lebanon – Live News – News – Top In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes. The […]

Ex-Wagner fighters Join Free Russia Army’s Battle to Liberate Russia from Putin Occupation

Amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, ethnic Russian volunteer forces have declared their determination to continue their campaign on Russian territory, even as they battle on behalf of Ukraine with the goal to liberate Russia from Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship. Led by Denis Kapustin, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) includes former fighters from the […]

Hezbollah Fighters Continue Attacking IOF Sites Near Lebanon Border

 March 20, 2024  Hezbollah Statements – Lebanon – Live News – News – Top In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes. The […]


MARCH 6TH, 2024 Source Jessica Buxbaum Israelis aren’t the only demographic among the IDF’s forces in Gaza. Foreign fighters from as far away as the United States, France, Spain, the Netherlands and even India actively participate in the hostilities. While the exact number of internationals fighting in Gaza isn’t known, what is known is that […]

US Holocaust Yet More Iraqi Freedom Fighters In Iraq, Iraq Demands US Illegal Occupation Forces Get the Hell Out Of Their Country

US used their War OF Terror which started when US helped Israel attack New York on 11 September 2001 ILLEGALLY, IN A WAR CRIME, made up lies about Iraq which US used to ILLEGALLY IN AN INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME, bomb the hell out of Iraq, Holocaust untold numbers of innocent Iraqis, and then ILLEGALLY IN […]

Hezbollah mourns 4 fighters, continues striking Israeli forces, sites

January 1, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Hezbollah announced on Monday that four of its fighters were martyred on the path to al-Quds while carrying out their Resistance duty, the party’s Military Media stated. The Resistance revealed in a statement that the martyrs are: Jihad Moussa Sheet – “Abu Hussein” – Mousa […]

Hezbollah Fighters Inflict More Losses upon IOF near Lebanon Border

December 26, 2023 In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued on Tuesday striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes. The first […]

Hezbollah Fighters Strike More Israeli Occupation Sites on Lebanon Border

December 2, 2023 The Islamic Resistance fighters continued on Saturday attacking the Israeli occupation sites on Lebanon border in support of Gaza people and resistance. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to clarify the details of the attacks on the enemy sites. The first statement mentioned that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted on Saturday, December […]

US Uses AC-130 Gunship To Holocaust Iraqi Freedom Fighters Inside Iraq In New War Crime In Support Of US’s Illegal Occupation

In a new International War Crime the US has now used a AC-130 gunship to holocaust yet more Iraqi Freedom Fighters trying to end US’s Illegal; International War Crime occupation of Iraq. The US illegally in a new war crime used an AC-130 gunship over Iraqi territory in response to fresh attacks by Iraqi Freedom […]

Seven Hezbollah Fighters Killed In Syria After Expanded Israeli Airstrikes On ‘Iran Axis’

Lebanon’s Hezbollah has issued a rare announcement Friday, saying that seven of its fighters have been killed, describing that they were “martyred on the road to Jerusalem” – which is code for fighting Israel. But it’s being widely reported that at least some of the slain Hezbollah members were killed inside Syria, after a new […]

Lebanese Resistance fighters say ready to join arms with Palestinians

1 Nov 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The fighters of the Islamic Resistance fighters in Lebanon send a message of solidarity and support for the Palestinian Resistance in light of the ongoing Israeli terror campaign. The fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon sent Wednesday a letter of support for the people and […]

Hezbollah Fighters Attack New Israeli Border Post with Guided Missiles

 October 23, 2023 Islamic Resistance fighters continued on Monday targeting the Israeli occupation sites on border with  Lebanon. In this regard, Hezbollah military media announced its fighters targeted on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 05:15 PM, Al-Marj site on the opposite side of Markaba town with guided rockets and appropriate weapons. Meanwhile, Hezbollah mourned on […]

There is no proof Palestinian fighters ‘beheaded’ babies. The only source is a radical settler.

U.S. and international media outlets are repeating unsubstantiated claims that Palestinian fighters “beheaded” babies. These unverified assertions aren’t just sloppy journalism — they are being used to justify a massacre. Source

Hundreds of Thousands of Yemeni Fighters Prepared to Engage in Gaza Fight against ‘Israel’: Ansarullah Leader

October 10, 2023 Leader of Ansarullah Movement Sayyed Abdul Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi stressed that Yemen is ready to participate even in waging rocketry and drone attacks if the Americans intervene directly in the Zionist aggression on Gaza. In a televised speech on Tuesday, Sayyed Al-Houthi hailed the Palestinian Resistance fighters, felicitating all the Palestinians on the great […]

Hezbollah strikes 2 Israel military outposts after fighters killed in shelling

Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has launched a barrage of rockets into Israel after three of its members were killed following an Israeli bombardment of south Lebanon. A statement issued by the movement yesterday states: “After the martyrdom of three of our … brothers this afternoon as a result of Israeli attacks on Lebanese towns and […]

Palestinian Fighters Continue Clashing with IOF in Gaza Enclave Settlements despite Aggression on Strip: Videos

October 8, 2023 The Palestinian Resistance fighters continued on Sunday clashing with the Zionist occupation forces in the settlements of Gaza enclave despite the escalated Israeli aggression on the besieged Strip. On the second day of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, published scenes of explosive-laden unmanned […]

Israel Declares War, Bombards Gaza And Battles To Dislodge Hamas Fighters

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza, saying authorities would cut electricity and block the entry of food and fuel. Source

The Palestinians Are Freedom Fighters, the red Russian jews are Invading Terrorist & War Criminals.

For seventy plus years the Non Semitic Terrorist soul-less Zionist Zombie Virus Host red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel Jew Cult members have been raping the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian children, Holocausting the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian children, shooting pregnant Palestinian women through the belly so as to kill the mother and the unborn child murdering and […]

Israeli forces kill 6 Palestinians, assassinate fighters in Jenin camp with ‘suicide drones’

Israel has renewed its deadly onslaught on the armed Palestinian resistance in Jenin and Aqbat Jabr refugees camps, while in Gaza, another Palestinian was martyred during protests at Gaza’s border fence. Source

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