Posts Tagged ‘expanded’

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” – PART 1 : Dr. Mike Yeadon is battling the virus. — A CONTINUOUSLY EXPANDED ARTICLE.

May 15 2024 Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 20, 2024 : The purpose in sharing this is so that if you find utility in some of my longer posts, you may find some of the better ones here. Credit & thanks to Suavek here for his initiative. I believe the most useful observation here is […]

Intelligence agencies seek congressional approval for expanded surveillance powers

(NaturalNews) Intelligence agencies in the United States are urgently seeking congressional approval for the reauthorization and expansion of their surveillance… Source

In Ukraine, Show Me To The Kiddy Playground Graham Said “We need more people on the line” Urges Expanded Conscription Despite Mounting War Fatigue

Chester the Molester Graham, who has avoided military service like the plague wants more Ukrainians fed into the Russian Meat Grinder “I would hope that those eligible to serve in the Ukrainian military would join. I can’t believe it’s at 27,” he told reporters Monday. “You’re in a fight for your life, so you should […]

Israeli Military Says Gaza Ground Offensive Has Expanded Into Urban Refugee Camps

The opening of a potential new battle zone threatens to bring a new wave of destruction and displacement. Source

Seven Hezbollah Fighters Killed In Syria After Expanded Israeli Airstrikes On ‘Iran Axis’

Lebanon’s Hezbollah has issued a rare announcement Friday, saying that seven of its fighters have been killed, describing that they were “martyred on the road to Jerusalem” – which is code for fighting Israel. But it’s being widely reported that at least some of the slain Hezbollah members were killed inside Syria, after a new […]

Israel expanded an apartheid law last week. No one is talking about it.

Last week, Israel broadened a racist law that allows communities to exclude non-Jews based on “social and cultural cohesion.” Whereas judicial overhaul laws have caused an uproar, this passed with hardly any opposition. Source

Vilnius Summit: “A Stronger and Expanded NATO Makes for a More Dangerous World!”

As I was recently departing Batumi, Georgia, on the Black Sea, the announcement was made, “Please Passengers, the train is about ready to leave the station, so please leave the train”, in English. Of course, something was lost in translation. However, the same could be said about the status of Ukraine in the wake of […]

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Biden Setup for 10 May 2023 (expanded)

A secondary target for the globalists today could be the staged poisoning or shooting of Biden by a “white supremacist” staffer at one of his fundraisers. In case of a poisoning, they may use polonium-210 to connect the assassin to Putin. And the assassination would be done to move an Obama into the vice presidency […]

Speech by the President of Russia at an expanded meeting of the SCO Heads of State Councila Plus Press Conference (ENG Subtitles)

SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, colleagues, fully share the statements made by my colleagues and their positive assessments of the work of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and its growing prestige in international affairs. Indeed, the SCO has become the largest regional organisation in the world. As previous speakers have […]

New and expanded EUA protects maker of monkeypox vaccine, permits use in high-risk children

(Natural News) The mainstream media has reported about the dwindling supply of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos, the vaccine used against monkeypox, as cases continue to mount across the globe. Because of the supposed shortage, the federal government has decided to give recipients just a 20 percent of the normal dose administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. Patients may […]

New and expanded EUA protects maker of monkeypox vaccine, permits use in high-risk children

(Natural News) The mainstream media has reported about the dwindling supply of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos, the vaccine used against monkeypox, as cases continue to mount across the globe. Because of the supposed shortage, the federal government has decided to give recipients just a 20 percent of the normal dose administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. Patients may […]

New and expanded EUA protects maker of monkeypox vaccine, permits use in high-risk children

(Natural News) The mainstream media has reported about the dwindling supply of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos, the vaccine used against monkeypox, as cases continue to mount across the globe. Because of the supposed shortage, the federal government has decided to give recipients just a 20 percent of the normal dose administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. Patients may […]

New and expanded EUA protects maker of monkeypox vaccine, permits use in high-risk children

(Natural News) The mainstream media has reported about the dwindling supply of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos, the vaccine used against monkeypox, as cases continue to mount across the globe. Because of the supposed shortage, the federal government has decided to give recipients just a 20 percent of the normal dose administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. Patients may […]

New and expanded EUA protects maker of monkeypox vaccine, permits use in high-risk children

(Natural News) The mainstream media has reported about the dwindling supply of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos, the vaccine used against monkeypox, as cases continue to mount across the globe. Because of the supposed shortage, the federal government has decided to give recipients just a 20 percent of the normal dose administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. Patients may […]

Turkiye’s economy expanded 7.5% in Q2

Turkiye's economy expanded 7.5 per cent annually in the second quarter of 2022, Reuters reports. According to the report, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's new economic programme pushed the lira to end last year down 44 per cent against the dollar and shed another 27 per cent so far this year. On the other hand, Turkiye's […]

Gov. Glenn Youngkin Requests Local Police Establish ‘Expanded Security Perimeter’ Around SCOTUS Justices’ Homes

Glenn Youngkin requested that local police departments establish a security perimeter around the homes of three U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

FBI’s ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Cases Have ‘More Than Doubled’ Since They Wildly Expanded The Definition Of ‘Domestic Terror Threats’

The FBI’s “domestic terrorism caseload has exploded” in the wake of the feds wildly expanding the definition of “domestic terror threats” to include half the country, FBI director Chris Wray revealed Tuesday. Amazing what happens when you expand the definition of “domestic terror threats” to apply to 50% of your population. — Terry Schilling […]

The Draft Has Been Expanded To Women

Above Photo: Women seeking to join the Marine Corps train at Parris Island, S.C., in 2013. Scott Olson/Getty Images. House And Senate Armed Services Committees Voted On The 1st. Today the House Armed Services Committee joined the Senate Armed Services Committee in voting 35-24 to expand registration for a possible military draft to include young women as well as […]

Google Takes Legal Action Over Germany’s Expanded Hate-Speech Law

BERLIN—Google said on Tuesday that it was taking legal action over an expanded version of Germany’s hate-speech law that recently took effect, saying its provisions violated the right to privacy of its users. The Alphabet unit, which runs video-sharing site YouTube, filed suit at the administrative court in Cologne to challenge a provision that allows […]

Pfizer, BioNTech request expanded emergency use of COVID vaccine in teens

Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech SE said on Friday they have requested the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to expand the emergency use of their COVID-19 vaccine in adolescents aged 12 to 15.In March, the drugmakers said the vaccine was found to be safe, effective and produced robust antibody responses in 12- to […]

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