Posts Tagged ‘wildly’

House Passes Wildly Unconstitutional “Countering Antisemitism Act” & The Fake Defenders Of Liberty

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/2/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Pharma lobby furious over wildly popular effort to curb drug prices

“This is the biggest defeat Big Pharma has ever suffered—and it won’t be the last. We are going to keep fighting until every single person in America can get the medications they need.” Source

FDA Relied On Wildly Incorrect Booster Estimates

The efficacy of interventions against COVID has been one of the pandemic’s most important considerations. Many government-imposed policies and mandates have unfortunately rested on assumptions and estimates provided in studies, yet with a complete disregard of the extent to how poorly conducted or misleading they may have been. Whether it be applied to masks, vaccine […]

‘Tis The Season For Jews To Complain Charles Dickens’ ‘Christmas Carol’ Is ‘Wildly Anti-Semitic’

(Riverfront Times) Since their own ersatz version of Christmas — “Hanukkah” — is long over, Jews have nothing better to do than scrutinize every Christmas tradition to see how they can put a nefarious “anti-semitic” spin on it — and they haven’t spared Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol because — well — because they can’t […]

Wildly Popular New Hair Salon For Introverts Guarantees No Small Talk From Your Stylist

Wildly Popular New Hair Salon For Introverts Guarantees No Small Talk From Your Stylist U.S.—A wildly popular new chain of hair salons and barbershops for introverts promises that your stylist or barber won’t say a single word to you once you’ve communicated what kind of haircut you want. QuietCuts, LLC was formed earlier this year […]

FBI’s ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Cases Have ‘More Than Doubled’ Since They Wildly Expanded The Definition Of ‘Domestic Terror Threats’

The FBI’s “domestic terrorism caseload has exploded” in the wake of the feds wildly expanding the definition of “domestic terror threats” to include half the country, FBI director Chris Wray revealed Tuesday. Amazing what happens when you expand the definition of “domestic terror threats” to apply to 50% of your population. — Terry Schilling […]

Two Ambassadors to Syria with Wildly Different Analyses

MARCH 30 ,2021 By Rick Sterling Source In the past few months, Grayzone journalist Aaron Mate has interviewed two former ambassadors to Syria: former UK Ambassador Peter Ford and former U.S. Ambassador Robert S. Ford.   The two ambassadors have a common surname but dramatically different perspectives. This article will compare the statements and viewpoints of the […]

The Media’s Wildly Different Take on Unrest in Tunisia and Iran

TUNIS, TUNISIA — As the new year began, social media and corporate-owned news organizations alike were giving the protests in Iran constant coverage, despite the fact that the protests were relatively small in size and motivated primarily by economics — not politics, as many popular news outlets had claimed. Not surprisingly, these same organizations failed […]

Hawaii’s Confirmed ‘False Alarm’ Missile Drill Wildly Successful

21st Century Wire says… Hundreds of thousands of people living in Hawaii were met in the early morning hours Saturday with an emergency alert that read: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” The initial text warning to mobile phones was issued by the Hawaii Civil Defense and later […]

US Intel Agency Funding Research Into Wildly Accurate Mind Reading Technology

July 10, 2017 By Carey Wedler Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University recently made a scientific breakthrough using machine algorithms to accurately guess what people are thinking. In other words, as the university referred to it, they have “harness[ed] ‘mind reading’ technology to decode complex thoughts.” The researchers report that they can “now use brain […]

Gluten intolerance may be wildly over-diagnosed, warns nutritionist

(Natural News) Listen up: You are more likely to experience allergic reactions from eating fruits and vegetables than gluten, according to a paper published in the Clinical & Experimental Allergy. Although many claim that they’re allergic to gluten, the study showed that only one percent of people actually have a reaction to wheat compared to […]

Bad Math: Scott Pruitt Wildly Exaggerated Growth of Coal Jobs by 49000

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show Scott Pruitt’s math was tremendously off on coal jobs during a recent interview NBC’s Meet The Press. Pruitt claimed that as of last month, the coal industry gained “almost 7,000 jobs” and that was based on 50,000 jobs in the fossil fuel sector; […]

Climate change app terrorizes youth with wildly exaggerated sea level projections

(Natural News) Thanks to current technology, you too can experience the so-called “disastrous effects” of climate change wherever you may be. Development studios Strange Flavor and secondverse have collaborated with visual artist Justin Brice Guariglia to create an app, named After Ice, in honor of Earth Day. Utilizing geolocation, augmented reality (AR), and collected NASA predictions, […]

Why A Healthy Lifestyle Should Include Time For Balancing Attention

You probably know by now that a good diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep every night can keep you reasonably healthy. However, not many people are aware of another important element of a healthy lifestyle, which is balanced attention. In this article I will explain why you should take care of your attention and how doing so […]

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